v3 Chapter 252: South American head of state meeting in Suriname

On June 6, 1866, the Germanic nation-states Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Prussia, and Austria held a press conference in Stockholm.

Officially announced the establishment of the annual meeting of members of the Germanic nation, which will be held every summer from this year, and the venue will be held in various countries.

The Six Nations also announced that a Germanic National Foundation will be established to search for ancient Germanic historical resources and carry forward the ancient heritage of the Six Nations.

The six countries also announced that they will jointly maintain shipping security in the Nordic and North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea, and in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, it is necessary to carry out close cooperation to resolve disputes.

Britain, Prussia, and Austria officially announced that they applied to William IV to join the Dutch-led International Court of Justice in The Hague on the same day.

After the news came out, it immediately triggered a huge effect.

Because with the accession of these countries, the status of the International Court of Justice in The Hague has become more and more consolidated.

At this time, the Far East Kingdom of Siam announced its application to join the court in the Far East, which attracted the world's attention at once.

After all, the Far East, a country that is not valued, should join an institution that the major European powers are hesitating to do.

As a result, many countries began to become interested in the Kingdom of Siam. It was okay if they didn’t understand it, but they were shocked when they understood it.

The Kingdom of Siam, facing the United Kingdom, almost outflanked the south and the west, with France in the east and Qing in the north. Surrounded by such three great powers, they survived intact?

This has attracted more attention from countries in Europe and the United States.

As the reason was pulled out, the King of Siam actually befriended Queen Victoria, wrote letters to Napoleon III, and met with King William IV of the Netherlands in Jakarta, the largest city in the Dutch East Indies, to purchase Dutch arms and industrial products for maintenance For his own safety, 8 million Siamese support his rule, which makes Britain and France scruples, and the Netherlands maintains many interests of the Kingdom of Siam.

With more information "leaked", Siam actually appeared in the newspapers of many countries in Europe and America. It has attracted the attention of many Europeans and Americans.

Just when everyone in the world was paying attention to the Germanic National Conference and the possible addition of new members to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, they did not find that other things were evolving, and it was not even necessary for the Germanic countries to form a group.

At the same time, at the Governor's Palace in Paramaribo, the central capital of Suriname, the Dutch overseas province of South America, Prime Minister Tolbeck of the Netherlands is meeting with important guests, including Argentine President Mitre, Ecuadorian President Moreno, and Venezuelan President Herrera. and Colombian President Moscela.

Venezuelan President Herrera was born in Acarigua, Venezuela in 1879. In 1810, he participated in the war of independence against Spanish rule. In 1817, he joined the patriotic army of Venezuelan Simon Glassval, the South American anti-Spanish leader. Participated in the Battle of Carabobo in 1821, after which he received the rank of major general and was appointed the highest official in the Venezuelan region. Venezuela was proclaimed in 1822 and became its first president.

and became the second president in 1839. However, in 1849, because he was persecuted by his opponents, he fled overseas, and finally moved to the East Indies of the Netherlands. After being known by William IV, he began to support him, and finally returned in 1859 and was re-elected President of Venezuela in 1861. .

The trajectories of Colombian President Mosquera and Ecuadorian President Moreno are also not much different. Both were caused by the domestic opposition to step down many times, and eventually fled overseas. They were found and supported by the Netherlands International Intelligence Agency and regained power. An unusually close relationship with the Netherlands was established.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that the Netherlands has organized several countries together. Before the countries did not know that each other had such a close relationship with the Netherlands, it was embarrassing when they first met.

Among them, Tolbek has the most prestigious status, because looking at the oval table of the Speaker, Tolbek sat in the middle opposite, with Argentine President Miret on the right and Venezuelan President Herrera on the left. Second from the right is Colombian President Mosquera. Second from the left is Ecuadorian President Moreno.

The West respects the right, so the status of the presidents in South America can be seen from the seats.

Tolbek looked at these South American presidents and sighed in his heart. If the world was exposed, these presidents were actually secretly friends with the Netherlands for many years, and even many of them came to power with the help of the Netherlands. It must have shocked many people in the world. Even Tolbek felt like he was in a dream until now, and it was still incredible.

However, speaking of which, the most "innocent" person is Argentine President Mitre.

Yes, Mitre, the powerful figure of the Argentine President, is also here today. He is here at the invitation of Tolbek, the powerful Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Of course, this is the case if William IV is not counted.

The reason why everyone gathers here this time is also because the Netherlands is here to "distribute sugar", that is, the Netherlands is prepared to lure most of them with "benefits". In any case, after years of development, these countries are now the Netherlands' close partner.

Seeing that the presidents of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and other countries were waiting for Tolbek's speech, Mitre envied Tolbek, although the other party was only a subordinate of William IV, and he was still the prime minister with only more than three years left. Compared with himself, he was suppressed by the powerful William IV, and he, even for his own long-term rule, could revise the Argentine constitution and protect himself.

Although he has been sitting in this position for a longer time, the international status and weight of the other party is not something he can compare with.

"Everyone, being able to come here today. This shows that everyone has a common goal, and I believe that everyone knows that their positions are similar. Here, thank you very much for coming to our overseas province of the Netherlands, Suriname, Mitte. President Lei, please speak first."

Mitre stood up and gave everyone a European gentleman's salute thank you, and finally took a seat, Mitre said, "Thank you very much for the warm hospitality of Prime Minister Tolbek, the food here is good, of course The Netherlands' full efforts to develop the economy here has also put pressure on our South American countries. Over the years, Suriname has become the most developed place in our South America in less than ten years, with a population of more than 500,000 people. Shopping paradise and living holy place. I didn’t believe it before, but after coming here this time, it’s a bit lingering.”

Several other presidents also showed the taste of thinking.

Mitre entered the topic seriously and said: "South America does not need war, this is the idea of ​​our Argentine nationals, and it is also the foreign policy formulated by our government, so we are now facing the turf war between Brazil and Paraguay in Uruguay, It feels very dangerous, for fear of a terrible war in South America, look at the Balkans in Europe now, and then look at the Pudan war and the Austro-Prussian war, all of which are devastating. The war has displaced people and impoverished families. Straight up.

Therefore, I implore my Weiwei colleagues to support Argentina's next position and maintain the peace and order in South America."