v3 Chapter 189: Two major camps of aid to the United States in South America

On November 30, 1864, the new Secretary of the Interior, Elihugh B. Washburn, who had just been nominated by Lincoln and passed in Parliament on the 10th of the previous month, together with Attorney General James Speed, drafted the Emancipation Proclamation, and proposed to Congress.

President of the Commonwealth of America, Lincoln, announced to everyone on Capitol Hill that following the Homestead Act that was implemented last year, this time his administration has promulgated a new bill to implement the Emancipation Proclamation within the United States and liberate the United States. All black nu in the territory.

This is also worth it. The Confederate States of Millikin in the south directly shouted to Lincoln that if the bill was not repealed, the south would launch a powerful attack on the north.

In this regard, European countries are silent.

Although Europe has already promulgated various laws prohibiting the sale of slaves more than 20 years ago, it is also very disgusted with the trade of black slaves on plantations in the south of the United States. But it can be blamed for doing bad things with others, but that does not affect their own interests. Although the black slaves in the southern plantations are helping the southern plantations, in fact, many of the food crops they grow want to be paid to the United Kingdom and other countries. It is sold at a low price, which means that the results of these black slaves have actually benefited many countries in Europe.

Lincoln's promulgation of the Emancipation Proclamation this time round, although all countries made an appearance of admiration for the resentment of the people at home, in fact, they all complained that Lincoln was doing things all the time.

Therefore, countries on the surface agreed with Lincoln of the North, but in private, with dissatisfaction with revenge, they directly sold all kinds of guns and cannons to the President of the Confederate States, Jefferson Hamilton Davis.

As far as William IV's data is concerned, the United Kingdom has privately promised to transfer more than 200,000 active guns and 1,000 war horses to the Confederate States of Millicia, which is a softer industrial south.

France also supplied 1,000 cannons to the south.

Even Spain appears to have supplied it with more than 50,000 firearms.

Called a military order.

The Union of Millicians in the north was not in urgent need of guns because of its strong industrial strength, but it was quite lacking in military tactical skills.

So they asked the Russian Empire, the Royal Palace of Prussia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands to send army and navy professionals to support their troops for training, and even to France.

Since the beginning of the original American civil war, it was divided into the United States of America in the north and the Confederate States of America in the south, and began to be recognized by various countries. .

However, the appearance of this manifesto has caused the South to lose its roots. How could the South be able to hold back and not go mad.

"Since the civil war in the United States, we have only insisted on fighting on the basis of 'constitutional principles', only to achieve the unity of the federation, and not to abolish slavery.

In addition, after more than 2 years of war, although both sides have their own victories and defeats, in general, the South has won more.

At the beginning, our approach won the hearts of the people, and it was more conducive to stabilizing the time-lapsed slave states that were still in the federation, and coaxing them not to defect.

So, from the beginning, I focused on the overall situation and didn’t involve the abolition of slavery, so the people could still understand it.

But after more than a year of fighting, the slave owners in the south not only have no intention of reconciliation, but are also arrogant. Faced with this situation, the people have begun to disagree with the policies of our cabinet government.

Moreover, the people's enthusiasm for joining the army was originally out of righteous indignation, not only to restore national unity, but also to destroy the slave owners who exterminated humanity.

Great Britain and France wanted to meddle in our civil war, and continued to say they wanted to stand on the side of the Confederacy,

If we cannot defeat the South quickly, the situation will be more serious once Britain, France and other countries intervene

You have also seen that since the war broke out, people from all over the world have been marching, giving opportunities, and delivering petitions in the recent period, asking us to focus on the overall situation, not to avoid the abolition of slavery, but also to govern decisively and make new achievements. .

They even suggested that in addition to liberating black slaves, they should also be allowed to join the army, give land to the peasants, give land to the people, and severely punish the gangsters who harmed them in the rear. Replacing the incompetent, etc.

Expect to see it, and my cabinet government has done it.

On May 20, 1863, we followed public opinion and resolutely promulgated the Homestead Act, announcing that any adult loyal to the United States of America could claim 160 acres of land in the west for only $10 from the godfather.

After 5 years of cultivating the land, the land becomes its own.

Its promulgation was warmly welcomed by the people.

Our popularity skyrocketed.

But the people also realized that if the South was not defeated and the Union agreed, then the Homestead Act would be difficult to implement, because the western territories were not occupied by the north and the south, and they belonged to the whole of Millikin.

So many people signed up to join the army and their enthusiasm was high.

This led to a wave of upsurge in the northern army.

After that, our cabinet government promulgated the "Confiscation Act" two months later, stipulating that anyone who is found to be a betrayal of the Federation will have all his family property confiscated and will be liberated with all his efforts.

The president has the right to recruit slaves to fight rebellion, a law welcomed by the people.

This was the beginning of another wave of popular enthusiasm for joining the army.

And on November 30, 1864, we issued a teaser-style "Emancipation Proclamation", which announced that from January 1, 1865, slaves in the rebellious southern states would be freed, and all black slaves would become free men and could participate in the Millikin Soldiers of the Federal Navy. "

Lincoln is optimistic about all the members sitting in Congress, his eyes are exceptionally bright, his tone is sincere and at the same time bursting with heat, "It is December 2, 1864, less than a month before it takes effect, Mr. Guys, you have to hurry back to your constituency, mobilize your supporters, and ask them to complete the deployment of slavery as soon as possible this month, this time, I will let the South completely drain the bottom line."

Emotions were mixed around the world as the content of Lincoln's speech to the Congress of the Commonwealth of Michigan was passed on.

South America is naturally inexplicably excited With the United States joining the team, then on this continent, only the United States of America is left to adhere to this backward system.

What makes these South American countries even more gratifying is that a powerful U.S. makes them terrified, especially when Monroe issued the Monroe Americas Policy to resist the invasion of European countries, which made them happy and grateful. In the end, it became the Monroe Doctrine. After taking South America as his sphere of influence, South America's resistance and dissatisfaction with the United States.

This makes their relationship with the United States not harmonious.

So if you say that the UK is the country that likes the division of the United States the most, no one objects, but in the subsequent rankings, South America is definitely at the top.

Because of the division of the U.S. country, their pressure has been reduced. Such a U.S. country in a civil war is the only one they dare to approach.

Therefore, South American countries are also divided into two factions, led by Argentina and two factions led by Brazil, respectively, support the northern United States of America and the United States of America.

In an instant, two camps appeared in South America, and where the whole America was going, this caught the attention of Europe.