Chapter 58: Report of the 2nd Army of the Netherlands

"The United States is now in the middle of the Civil War. I guess that the civil war will not end in a short time under normal circumstances, because the differences between the two parties are too great. Customers are British.

The north is an industrial country. In contrast to the south, the most developed industrialized country is the United Kingdom. Therefore, the Northern Industrial Alliance is to strengthen the export business of industrial products with the United Kingdom. Not only that, the northerners are also competing with the British for the industrial product market of the southern United States. Therefore, this is the most fundamental contradiction between the two places.”

Speaking of this, even William IV had to sigh. No wonder the British supported the South and opposed the North. They were economic complementarities with the South and competitors with the North.

"Also, William IV said: "Who said that the civil war in the United States would be resolved? "

Seeing the questions sent by many people, William IV tried his best to speak to the foreign minister, Speight Feng.

The latter understood and said: "Your Majesty's meaning is also when the Dutch diplomacy is tracking, over the European diplomatic circle, the European Union composed of the United States, chaired by the British Foreign Secretary John Russell, began to contact various countries to prepare Opposition to unite the South by the North Industries Alliance.

And I want to use this to check and balance the fast-growing Northern Alliance, because they are afraid of the rapid development of the United States and harm the interests of Europeans. Now, many European countries have responded.

And His Majesty means that the Netherlands can use this to develop relations with the United States and safeguard our interests in North America, especially in Canada. "

"Your Majesty" Minister of War Pedre de Jongde suddenly asked:

"The industrial system of the United States has developed, but the industrial system is much worse than that of European countries. If professionals will be specialized, our military has also communicated with the Americans. Their current military level requires I said that the level of combat is low, especially the level of war.

Obviously the southern army is just like a group of bandits, there is no order at all, but the north was beaten back and forth at the beginning, and then a Grant was born. A professional course that has been transformed into a professional course, such a person has become President Lincoln's life-saving straw. It really does not show where the fighting strength of the US military is? "

"Yes, let me say, if we, the Netherlands, were fighting both of them, we would have already won half of the United States. Look at Linden's progress in the Pacific Ocean. The tonnage of the United States' navy is similar to that of our homeland, but its combat power , it's really not a compliment."

Chief of General Staff Mark Lu De suddenly turned a serious face when he heard the words, and said, "You will brag about your own strengths, typical self-promotion and boasting, so wouldn't you be more modest?"

After instructing the two of them, Mark Lü De looked at William IV with a bright face, "Your Majesty, alas, what they said is not bad, the American army is really rubbish, we only need 10,000 people, we can make 100,000 of them retreated"

"Are you sure?" William IV looked at him with a half-smile, except for those in the military who dared not look at him, the other members of the Privy Council showed smiles on their faces.

As the top military officer, Mark Lude was seen as hairy and wanted to hesitate, but the temperament and character of a soldier forced him to nod his head stubbornly.

"Yes, I think we can"

"That's very good. After London agrees, then Canada's defense will be based on 10,000 people. I will double it for you to defend the Canadian standing army of 20,000 people. I ask you, can you defend Canada?"

As soon as William IV's words fell, Mark Rudd was dumbfounded.

"Yes," replied firmly.

Although 20,000 people are not many, they are quite a lot, especially when the U.S. military strength is really uncomplimentable.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more at ease.

However, in order to get a more cautious plan, he still waited until after the meeting was dismissed and an internal military meeting was held before he could make more specific arrangements.

After nodding, William IV asked Mark Rudd, "Since the military is mentioned, let's talk about the report of the Dutch army now."

"The Netherlands currently has an army of 150,000 people, all of which belong to the standing regular army, divided into 15 divisions, 30,000 as an army, and a total of 5 regular armies.

The conscripts also reached 60,000, divided into two armies. From the previous 1-year compulsory military service to the 2-year compulsory military service starting this year.

Every part of our army in the Netherlands now, as suggested by His Majesty when he was still Crown Prince, has undergone extensive reforms since 1858 and is now divided into infantry, mountain infantry, cavalry, artillery, sappers and signals ( Telegraph) Sanitary Soldiers (Medics) and Transport Soldiers, etc. "

William IV nodded. This is the moment he just passed through. The Dutch army weaving is absolutely too common. He has seen it from later generations, especially from World War I and World War II. He learned from the German Empire and used it all in the Netherlands. On his body, he used everything that could be used, except for the types of arms that had not yet appeared with tools such as armored soldiers.

"The Netherlands now has an army of 150,000 people, and the mainland has deployed 120,000 regular troops, divided into four legions, and a compulsory legion composed of 30,000 conscripts.

They are the Central Corps deployed in Utrecht, the capital of Utrecht Province, which guards Amsterdam, also known as the First Corps. The First Corps also needs to guard the safety of the first southern city of Rotterdam with the Southern Corps at any time. .

The second army was the Army of the South, the city of Tilburg in the northern province of Labant, which was used to guard against southern France and southeastern Rhine province Prussia. The Southern Corps also included the defense of the Limburg province.

The Third Army is deployed in Assen, the capital of Glenn Province. This legion not only protects the province, but also needs to go north at any time to protect Grunningen, the largest province in the north. The main defenses were the Kingdom of Hanover and the Rhine Province of Prussia.

In addition to this, there is also a National Volunteer Corps placed in the city of Appaldoron in Gelderland Province. This legion is mainly to support the three major legions, and it is also doing logistical work, which is the composition of the local army.

As for the Fourth Corps, it was deployed in East India, and the Second Volunteer Corps has now been transferred to New Guinea with the full takeover of New Guinea Island.

Suriname (Guyana) in the Caribbean deploys 1,000 people, and the above is the formation of the army. "

"In terms of weapons, 50% of the regular army in the Netherlands has now switched to the new weapon, the Mauser. Although the Delessi rifle, which was developed and used by the German Confederation in 1835, is still in use, it has gradually been transferred to the internal use of the Volunteer Corps.

Cannons have now been replaced with spiral rifled guns in various armies. It has to be said that the Sardinian Cavalli improved it in 1846. After the development of the spiral rifled guns, the flight was more stable and the power of the artillery was improved. Said, the shooting accuracy is also accurate, the most important thing is to increase the range. Now all of us in the Netherlands have replaced this kind of artillery, and this is basically what countries in Europe are using. UU reading However, pursuit guns are also used by the military. "

"The navy is convenient, the local navy is now 90,000 tons. There are 3 first-class sail battleships, each 3,500 tons, equipped with 110 spiral rifled guns. Each ship has 900 personnel, 10,500 tons, a total of 2,700 people...

ps: Chapter 2 is here. The following is not included in the text.

Originally, I was writing about the Far East John Empire today, but as I wrote it, I came to the next chapter. The following is the introduction to the next chapter:

"Chapter 59 The Far East Upheaval that Shocked the World".

Emperor John Ai Yining worked hard to rule for 10 years, and finally built a navy that did not belong to the British Empire except for its tonnage. On the night of February 19, 1862, he even raided the British and French Far East Fleet in the South John Sea, losing battleships More than 20 ships, shocked the world, and even the European royal marriage conference to be held in 1862 was directly interrupted and returned to various countries.

And at the same time in the northwest and north of the John Empire, the Tsarist Russian Empire was systematically attacked, and soon retreated back to the West Siberia Plain, and the northern Tsarist Empire army of the John Empire was even more ready to defend.

In short, the whole world turned its attention to the Far East.

If you like this plot, you can vote for it.

The structure of the Far East was planned for a few days. With the development of the situation in the Eastern Hemisphere, it is impossible for the Netherlands to develop only in the Southern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere. .

Establishing a big country, Britain and France dominate the maritime situation, and thus are threatened by the Far East, and the rest of the countries have the opportunity to develop, right?

Follow-up plot development, please continue to pay attention to Ha, vote and collect thanks!