"It was because I had a way out that I was going to show up. Because, in a fan's present identity, if I don't show up, I guess you don't believe that I have a way.

Maybe you think it's because of me that a fan is able to perform today. In fact, it's not. Ah fan's real talent is far more terrifying than you think.

I don't know anything about swallowing one. In addition, my memory has disappeared. At most, I can make a fan take fewer detours when he is practicing and breaking through. That's all.

It can be said that if you can take him as an apprentice, you will have the opportunity to achieve the realm of respect in the future. This day will not be too far away.

I think you should also know that the son of destiny is related to the survival of the whole universe. In my opinion, a fan is the son of fate in this era. I think Hongjun also told you about this?

I can understand some things between you through a fan's relationship.

Now, I'm going to tell you a big secret, but only if you make a bloody oath of chaotic soul, so that I can truly trust you.

After all, 300 million years of time, vicissitudes, although I don't think you will have any change to me, but this is related to the future of a fan, I have to defend

Looking at the split sky, the star old man also said in a voice at the moment. Finally, he looked at the split sky with a serious face, and let him make a chaotic soul blood oath.

This is a more powerful oath than the pure blood oath of the soul. It not only acts on the universe, but also can play a role in the future even if we go to chaos.

"Well, I swear to the universe and chaos with my own soul as the body. No matter what news I get next, what situation I know, if there is any difference, or if it is disclosed to anyone, my soul will be permanently destroyed."

Without any hesitation, the sky is also a solemn oath, let the old star look full of joy, and Zhang Fan himself is a sigh of relief.

With the existence of soul blood oath, at least, even if my master knows his secret, he will not have any idea.

"Hehe, it's very good. You didn't let me down. It's not that you don't trust you, but for the sake of safety. I think you must be curious about why ah fan's talent is so powerful, and he can understand and swallow it together.

In those years, I directly exploded the source of stars and let them fall into pieces one by one, and finally, I didn't die completely. Instead, I had a soul force that was lucky to blend into a Star source fragment and fall on the earth.

The earth is the ancestor of a fan.

At that time, a fan was even a relatively strong ordinary person. In the end, what shocked me was that he directly fused a whole piece of Star source fragments, forming a special Star source debris space.

You know, there was no difference between a fan and others at that time, even the most basic skills and martial arts.

After that, I think you know that I got a skill from chaos, called "Xuantian swallowing spirit resolution". In those years, it was not only me, but you and ah Hai that I tried, but they were unable to practice.

But after I passed it on to a fan, it was just like it was made for him. It's very suitable for him to practice. Up to now, a fan's "Xuantian phage Ling Jue" has reached the fourth level, the Nadi stage.

In addition, he got five pieces of Star source debris in the earth and into the universe, and all of them were directly swallowed and integrated into his body.

According to my own inference, if a fan can fuse all the Star source fragments directly, then he will surpass the universe master, and chaos is one of the best super existence.

This matter is very important, so this is also the reason for you to swear, because once you let other people know about the special situation of a fan, you won't think much about it.

With the present strength of a fan, the strong in the early days of his ancestral territory could not threaten him. However, he was not an opponent in the middle and late period of his ancestral territory.

And when a fan can really set foot in the ancestral realm, his own strength is no less than that of the late ancestors.

Because of his own fusion of Star source fragments, the understanding of the road is more complete than all of you, and the strength he can explode is amazing.

If you give him enough time, he is absolutely invincible in the same level. The most powerful blood of the spirit clan is not an opponent. I firmly believe that. "

Seeing the split sky swearing, the star old man also seemed very pleased, and then revealed some information about Zhang Fan to him.

"What? Can a fan devour the fragments of the fusion source? And now it's a fusion of five? How could that be possible? Even with my strength, I need to be careful to absorb the source gas when I understand the Star source fragments, so as not to let my body bear it.

How high is ah fan's strength? How terrible is it? Is the way of swallowing really so terrible? "Cleopatra felt very shocked at the moment.

Because, this is the first time he heard others say that some people can integrate the power of the source, which is too terrible.