As a matter of fact, at this time, Zhang Fan also directly folded up his own field, and immediately after his figure moved, he began to entangle with the remaining bronze bimont by using his own speed.

From the beginning to the present, there are less than 800 bronze bimounts left. In addition to its huge size, it is relatively easy for Zhang Fan to shuttle among the bronze bimounts by making use of its relatively small size, just like an ape.

Even Zhang Fan has a look at his ranking from time to time.

At the moment, because it is already in the fourth level, Zhang Fan's ranking has finally reached 406, that is to say, before him, there are 405 talents who have entered the fourth level, which makes Zhang Fan a little surprised.

No wonder this session is called the most powerful one in tens of millions of years. Many of them are less talented than Zhang Fan. They may be enough to win the first place in the previous universe talent selection competition.

After looking at Hades's points, Zhang Fan also finds that Hades now has 101100000 points, that is to say, Hades has killed 900 bronze bimonths. It will not be long before Hades is enough to enter the fifth floor.

After Hades, Mia came second and Arthur came third.

As for Hong lie, he is now in the top 100, and his integral is more than double that of him.

This makes the sail feel a lot of pressure.

"It seems that I have to hold on. It can't be slower than the others. "

Zhang Fan also thought about it in his heart at the moment.

In addition to the ability of martial arts, the spiritual master has certain advantages in dealing with a large number of bronze bimounts. This is why haydis entered the fourth floor as quickly as possible, and Mia and Arthur were both about to catch up with him.

For the first time, Zhang Fan also put away the spear in the sky, and then the figure moved, which directly opened up the distance from the numerous bronze bimounds.


then, Zhang Fan took a deep breath, and his mind moved. The powerful spiritual teacher burst out directly, as if it were a huge sea wave, completely enveloping the bronze bimounts coming.


For the first time, Zhang Fan divided his spiritual and mental strength into a stream, which directly impacted on the deep sea of knowledge of these bronze bimounds.

Then, under the control of Zhang Fan, the scattered spiritual power directly formed a big clock with strong golden light in the sea of knowledge of bronze bimont.


At the same time, the golden bells formed by these great spiritual powers seemed to ring suddenly as if someone was hitting half of it.

This is a powerful means of spiritual attack mastered by Zhang Fan - Soul bell.

Once the explosion, enough to make the other party's soul body to be shaken, the feeling is no less than someone with a hammer on their head, very painful.



The invisible special force directly stopped the huge bodies of many bronze bimouns running at full speed, covering their heads one by one and howling in pain.

Although Zhang Fan's scattered mental strength is much weaker than that of bronze than Meng's soul, Zhang Fan didn't intend to kill all the bronze bimouns at first. What he had to do was to make these bronze bimouns unable to threaten them for the time being, so as to carry out the next attack.


Then, from the body of the sails, the pagoda floated out again, and finally it was directly suspended in the sky of many bronze bimounds.

Under the control of Zhang Fan, the futu pagoda is thousands of meters high, and the golden light appears all over the body. One by one, the virtual shadow of Buddha also flickers, and there are mysterious runes in the whole body, emitting mysterious light.

Then, a series of giant Buddhist seals nearly 10 meters in size fell from the sky and bombarded the bronze bimounts below.

These Buddhist seals are not only very powerful in attack, but also have the Sanskrit sound which belongs to Buddhism alone. They have a certain degree of ability and can make people feel submissive in an instant.