"This competition, to put it simply, is to collect tokens, but in fact, it is to put in the most powerful and excellent disciples in their respective holy places, and compete with each other and even kill each other.

After you go in, if you meet the disciples of the Holy Land in China, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke you, you don't have to do anything. Once they do, it doesn't matter if you teach them some lessons.

However, if you make a move, you must hit and kill, otherwise, after they come out, it will be a big trouble for you.

Every one of the disciples who can come here is a great genius. It can be said that behind each of them are many powerful elders, especially Leng Changqing and Chu Tianya. Once something happens to them, it is that they will offend the warring gate and the sword Pavilion completely. It is likely that they will let the forces of both sides fight each other.

This time, if possible, Liu Hong, Chu Tianya, Leng Changqing, including Liu Ruyan. If they don't provoke you, you should do your own thing and try to avoid conflicts with them.

Of course, if they are too much, then you are not to blame. This time, your main target is the guardian alliance and the disciples of the temple of light. When you meet them, don't hesitate, just grab them directly, because they will not hesitate to meet you. Even I hope you can kill them all. Of course, it is unrealistic. "

"This time, in the light temple and the guardian alliance, you should pay special attention to two people. One is the first God son of the temple of light, Athos. It is said that he has been inherited by the angel of light. His personal strength is very terrible, and his combat power level has reached the supreme level.

The most important difference between him and Hong lie is that although he does not have any strong blood, his body has already been greatly transformed after receiving the inheritance of the angel of light. Naturally, he also has the blood of the angel of light, and has been activated for a long time.

A few years ago, he was able to step into the realm of martial spirit. Just for this challenge, he has been suppressing his own breakthrough.

The other person you should pay attention to is the little girl of the guardian alliance, named Sawyer. She is a powerful spiritual thinker like you, and the daughter of the guardian alliance witch.

Moreover, her own strength has reached the peak in the middle stage of martial spirit state. In addition, she has been taught by witches for so many years. It can be said that she is absolutely weird and powerful in spiritual thinking, especially good at spiritual attack.

She is also a disciple who has to be put in the first dangerous position in various holy places. It can be said that many disciples have no resistance to her this time.

As for whether there are more powerful students hidden in the temple of light and other disciples of the guardian alliance, we don't know. "

At this time, Gu he also looked at Zhang Fan, and his face was serious.

"The successor of the angel of light? The witch's daughter? As expected, they should not be underestimated. "

After hearing Gu he said, Zhang Fan's look is dignified. If any of these two people want to deal with, they need to spend a lot of effort. Even if they are not careful, they are likely to capsize in the gutter. After all, he does not know much about the specific situation of others, and his own martial arts strength, members of other holy places are basically all Very clear.

Of course, they don't know Zhang Fan's identity as a spiritual teacher. Before the critical moment, Zhang Fan doesn't plan to attack others by relying on his ability. Otherwise, if he can't succeed, his identity will be revealed, especially in the African continent, but the location of Hades will definitely increase his own danger More.