Chapter 142 - Living Nightmare

I groan in pain as I slowly start waking up. "Master... are you okay? Please don't leave Bun..." Little Bun sobs next to my ear as his little body curls up against me. I lift a heavy hand and pet him while croaking out "I'm not dead yet." 

Little Bun jumps up and places his little paws on the side of my face as his little pink tongue licks my cheek in happiness. When my brain finally comes back online, I quickly sit up and gag. I roll over and start dry heaving as I try to throw up that bastard's nasty blood!

But no matter how hard I try, nothing comes up. My stomach is completely empty! I fall back over on my side and place an arm over my eyes as my entire body hurts. "How long have I been out?" I ask Bun as I try to stop my head from spinning.

What the hell was wrong with me?? "You've been out for two days Bunny." a familiar voice says making me freeze. I lift my arm and look over to find a blurry image of Guozhi chained to the wall. "Guozhi? Wha... what the hell?" I say pushing myself up into a sitting position. 

Guozhi gives me a bitter smile as he says "The crazy bastard's men were attacking a town next to our base and even though I'm not the nicest bastard, I can't ignore women and children being killed and taken. My men and I attacked the crazy bastard's men but they were entirely too powerful... I think I've lost all my men..."  

Pain and regret lace his last words making my heart hurt for him. I know all too well how much he thinks of his men as family. I try to shake off the dizzy spell as I frown with confusion. "But why are you HERE? Not that I'm complaining, but why didn't they kill you?" 

The chains holding Guozhi clank against the stone wall as he scrunches up his face saying "Honestly, I don't know. They said something about being a play toy for the King's new woman." My face darkens as I look at him. I hope to hell they aren't referring to me but... 

I look around and quickly realize that we're in a cell of some kind and it's completely empty. They're probably referring to me... Little Bun curls up in my lap as his little body shivers in fear, instantly breaking my heart. I reach down and cuddle him close while saying "We're gonna get out of here, okay?" 

Little Bun nods his head but doesn't say anything as Guozhi sighs. I struggle to stand and stumble a bit as everything around me continues to spin. I squeeze my eyes shut before slowly walking over to Guozhi. Guozhi watches me with worry as he says "You don't look too good Bunny. What's wrong? Have you been hurt? Where is Bai Lei?" 

I look to him and say "I don't even know where I am, how would I know where he is?" I come to his side and look at the chains holding him with a frown. I grab the metal cuffs on his wrist and pull. Guozhi watches me with a small smile and says "I don't think that's gonna work Bunny. Are you this crazy bastard's "new woman"?" 

I snort and say "Over my dead body! I'd rather hang myself with my own underwear..." Guozhi freezes before throwing his head back in laughter. I pull at the other cuff and look for the lock on it as Guozhi's laughter comes to an end.

He watches me with twinkling eyes as he says "You know, being your play toy doesn't sound so bad. I don't mind being chained up down here if it's with you. It has to be fate Bunny, think about it." I look up at him in and give him a weak smile as I say "Out of all the people they bring back... hah... it's really something else." 

Suddenly, my eyes go to his chest and the necklace still hanging from it. My chuckle starts out soft and low before I bend over in laughter. "It's truly fate! Hahaha!!" Guozhi's smile slightly fades as he watches me laugh until tears.

"Are you okay Bunny? Did they hit you in the head?" Guozhi asks with concern but I shake my head and wipe my eyes as I reach up and snap the necklace off. Guozhi watches me with large eyes as he asks "What are you doing?" 

I reach up and pet Little Bun as I say "I need you to hold onto me as tightly as you can, okay?" Little Bun nods and grabs the side of my neck as I turn to Guozhi and say "We're getting the hell out of here." Guozhi's face crumbles as he says "As much as I admire your enthusiasm, we are currently locked up in the strongest Realm this world has ever seen."

"Just hold on tight," I say lifting the vial. Guozhi's face darkens as he says "I can't hold anything!" He shakes the chains holding him to the wall to make his point but I ignore him as I snap the vial and quickly step to him, wrapping my arms around him. 

A bright light flashes before feeling a strong pull. We tumble onto the ground in a painful heap as I look up at a slow-moving ceiling fan. Guozhi groans on top of me as I struggle to push him off. "Wait wait wait," Guozhi says crawling off me but when he looks up at me, he freezes.

"Wha..." He says looking at the small computer room but I ignore him as I wake up the sleeping computers. I shake my head and squint my eyes as I look at the screen. It was currently three fifteen in the morning so that would explain why everything's dark. I use the computer to send alerts to the guys and wait as I start setting up the cube. Why am I so dizzy?

Guozhi slowly comes to his feet looking at everything in wonder as he softly says "You... you weren't playing. You're really from another world..." I continue to ignore him as I walk over to the cabinet holding all the vials. Little Bun holds on tight as he looks around everything with wide eyes.

I grab a total of three vials before turning back to the cube. I punch in the correct codes as Guozhi silently watches me. The door burst open causing Guozhi to jump in front of me in a protective manner. Ted runs in with pink bunny slippers and bed head as he says "What happened!? Are you okay!?" 

I turn to him and say "I need to go back. Now." Ted looks at Guozhi before saying "You know it takes a few days." I shove Guozhi to the side and say "I don't care Ted. I need to go back, Now! No matter what!" Ted watches me with worry as he says "We don't know what will happen if you force it... the machine can break and you'd be stuck there or you could be sent to another world..."

Guozhi frowns at the man wearing colorful dead rabbits for shoes and turns to Nova with a look of concern. He doesn't really know what they're talking about but he feels that Nova's doing something dangerous. 

I glare at Ted and say "I'm going back, with or without your help."