It's the weekend again.

Blue has never been a person to the hospital, flying snow had to go in person.

"Miss Fei, here you are." As soon as fenuoxue appeared at the door, the bartender immediately began to make a phone call. Thirty seconds later, the manager appeared in front of her.

As if everything was ready.

"You are in a coma all night. Why don't you go to see him?" Feinuo snow is a little angry. These people are supported by yebailin anyway.

"Recently, the shop is very busy. You can see it. I can't leave." The manager lied that he didn't need to draft. Feinuo Xue looked at the store, but there was no one.

"Busy?" She couldn't help repeating a sentence.

"Of course, this is not the right time. It's going to be very, very busy in the evening It's ten o'clock in the morning, of course not.

"Can you go to see him now?" Of course, the bar is busy at night, but for 24 hours a day, fenuoxue thinks that these employees are too heartless. She couldn't help worrying about yebolin.

"Our time point is everyone's rest time. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to go back to work during the rest time. " The manager spoke without a trace of apology, as if everything was taken for granted.

This makes fenuoxue a little angry.

"You told me before you were in a coma that I was allowed to handle the affairs of the company. If you don't take care of him, I have the right to expel you all! " Feinuo snow did not know the specific operation of blue, but as the boss, it should have the right to fire employees.

"Well, Miss Fei, it doesn't seem appropriate." The manager is not as confident as before, but he still wants to fight on.

"I'll leave it here. If you don't go, you'll be responsible for the consequences." Feinuo Snow said and left the blue.

She has to pick up Xiao Junyi in the afternoon. If these people don't go, they will die.

Seeing that Feinuo left in a huff, the manager had to send someone to the hospital.

In fact, he had already gone to the hospital in person when he received Bai Lingjing's words.

But when he saw that Feinuo snow was taking care of yebolin attentively, he gave the death order to the staff, and no one was allowed to visit the hospital.

Because as soon as they go, it is very likely that Feinuo snow will not go.

When ye Bolin wakes up, he will definitely trouble them.

But now, we have to do it according to the requirements of fenuoxue.

As soon as Xiao Junyi comes out of the school gate, he sees Mommy. He excitedly reaches out his little hand and pours into mommy's arms.

"Have you been good this week?" This week, under the language of Liu Le, Fei Nuo Xue has a sublimated understanding of marriage.

Especially for the children, Liu Le's child is only three years old, but when he arrived at the hospital, he was helping mummy do what he could. In words and expressions, it's all about support for Mommy.

Liu Le carefully looked at the child's movements, never interfered with him, but his eyes never left him.

That, the thick of love, let fly snow moved.

She once asked Liu Le, "child, what is it for you?"

"He is the continuation of my husband's life and the important witness of our marriage. We should take good care of his growth and make him our happy future. " Liu Le's words are always in the brain of Fei Nuo Xue.

For a long time, she seemed to be in a trance about Xiao Junyi.

So, today she would ask him if he was OK.

Xiao Junyi saw the tears in Mommy's eyes and quickly brushed them away with his little hand. "Mommy, what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Feinuo snow felt that what she had done was a little too much. "Mommy, I just haven't seen Yi'er for a long time. I miss you so much."

"I miss Mommy, too, but don't worry, Mommy. Isn't Yi'er already with you now?" Xiao Junyi pulls Mommy up and they walk to the car together.

"Is daddy still on business?" After Xiao Junyi got on the bus, he began to ask his father questions.

"Yes." Xiao Yujun is on a business trip again.

At a certain moment, Feinuo snow even thought that she suddenly understood why Liu Le had a sense of satisfaction. Because Liu Le's husband used to be away from home when he was busy. Liu Le always felt that he didn't seem to be married.

Now, although he can't talk to himself often, he is just by his side.

You can touch it when you reach out, and you can see it when you open your eyes.

But what about yourself? How long has it been since I saw Xiao Yujun?

Of course, if you want to see him, it's easy. All the news in the media are crazy about his new gossip.

The description is different from the real.

But Feinuo snow is now too lazy to manage and ask.

"Mommy, where's daddy on business?" Xiao Junyi saw the loneliness of Mommy's eyes."I don't know." Feinuo snow drove slowly to her home.

Her eyes were fixed on the front, thinking about how to play with Xiao Junyi these two days.

Xiao Junyi is sending text messages with Feinuo Snow's mobile phone.

Feinuo snow of course did not expect that he would use a mobile phone.

"Daddy, where are you?" Xiao Junyi sent out a short message.

"I'm in Hong Kong." Xiao Yujun quickly replied to the message, he just had a break this afternoon, and now he is staying at the seaside to taste tea.

"How many days are you going to stay there?" Xiao Junyi asked.

"It should be two or three days. What's the matter, Yi'er? What's the matter? " Xiao Yujun didn't expect that his son would also send text messages. He couldn't help laughing at his mobile phone. His face was full of proud smile, which made the women who passed by stupefied.

"I'll take mommy to you." Xiao Junyi slowly knock out these words, slowly looking at home to the front.

"We're home, daddy. You don't have to go back." Xiao Junyi quickly deleted the text message just now, and then put mummy's phone back.

"Yi'er, where are you going to play these two days?" Feinuo snow thought for a long time, also don't know where to take Yier to play.

"I want to go to Disney." At present, only Hong Kong has Disney in China.

Closer, Japan. But Xiao Junyi is sure that mommy will let her go to Hong Kong.

"OK, Mommy will book the tickets right away." Feinuo snow really did not have a trace of hesitation, she now just want to be with the children.

The next morning, Fei Nuo Xue and Xiao Junyi set foot on the plane to Hong Kong.

At ten in the morning, the plane landed on time.

Xiao Junyi and Fei Nuo Xue wear parent-child clothes. As soon as they come out of the airport, they are surrounded by friendly onlookers.

"It's beautiful."

"This mother and son are perfect."

"Xuexue, Yier!" Two people, who were totally indifferent to other people's comments, suddenly heard a familiar cry.

"Daddy Xiao Junyi didn't expect to meet Xiao Yujun at the airport.

"Are you here to meet us?" Xiao Junyi almost jumped up with joy.

Feinuo snow also felt incredible.

"I happened to be here on business. I was supposed to meet an important foreign guest. But since you are here, it is more important than foreign guests. Let's go. " Smart as Xiao Yujun, of course, see Xiao Junyi blinking small eyes. He won't expose him.

"Daddy, how do you know we'll make this plane?" Xiao Junyi still can't help biting his ears at Xiao Yujun.

"I know exactly what your mother and son are doing." Xiao Yujun said with a proud smile.

In fact, he just called Aunt Li.

"Yi'er, you arranged this." No matter how simple Feinuo snow is, I think it's a bit wrong.

"How do I arrange it? You ask daddy, "I didn't know he was in Hong Kong." Xiao Junyi certainly did not admit it.

"I'm here today, too. How could I know you were coming?" Xiao Yujun fully cooperated.

Fei Nuo Xue couldn't help laughing at the father and son.

She soon forgot the reason for her visit. She happened to be in the hospital these days. Xiao Yujun's figure is always in her mind. She even worries that if he really goes bankrupt one day, how will he deal with it?

"Is the company doing well recently?" Feinuo snow seldom asks about Xiao Yujun's company. If she didn't see Liu Le's husband, she would never have thought that Xiao Yujun's company would have problems.

"Everything's fine, you don't have to worry." Although surprised by the sudden concern of Feinuo snow, Xiao Yujun happily answered his question.

"What would you do if the company really had problems?" Today's Feinuo snow seems strange. After hearing this question, Xiao Yujun couldn't help looking at her more.

"I started from scratch, so I'll start all over again." With that, he looked at Feinuo snow with profound meaning, "as my wife, you have the obligation to pull me up when I fall. So, from now on, you should save money seriously and be ready to save me from suffering. " Then he took Xiao Junyi and laughed.

Xiao Yujun works steadily and never rashly.

So basically, the company will not go bankrupt.

Unless there's trouble inside.

When he saw the strange expression of Feinuo snow, he couldn't stand it and laughed again.

Feinuo snow did not have any expression of being fooled, but seriously thought about this problem.

Yes, if he goes bankrupt, as his wife, how can he help him make a comeback?

It's just that fenuoxue soon put aside such a groundless idea, because she arrived at Disney.

Although she is not the first time to come, she is still curious about the stories in the fairy castle.

"Yi'er, let's go and see your little lover." In front of Snow White's castle, Fei Nuo Xue can't help laughing at Xiao Junyi."Oh?" Seeing the blushing Xiao Junyi, Xiao Yujun can't help feeling that this topic is very interesting.

"You don't know, the last time he came here, he took Snow White's hand and said nothing." Feinuo snow just ignore Xiao Junyi's blush, she continues to make fun of him.

"Well, I really want to see it." Xiao Yujun then took Feinuo Snow's hand and walked to the castle.

Xiao Junyi was very happy to see his parents together, so he went up with them.

"Is that it?" Xiao Yujun takes Xiao Junyi and asks him with a smile.

"It's not this. That's much better looking than her." Xiao Junyi looks at snow white in the distance, thinking, how did you like her? Today's face is full of powder and wrinkles.

"How many snow white do you have?" After listening to Xiao Junyi's answer, Fei Nuo Xue goes up and asks the waiter.

"Only one." The waiter explained politely.

"Was she snow white a year ago?" Fei Nuo Xue winks at Xiao Junyi, and then continues to ask.

"Well, Snow White has always been her." The waiter replied.

Then, Xiao Junyi ran out of the castle.

Fei Nuo Xue and Xiao Yujun are left behind him laughing.

Morning sunshine, lazy shine on three people, like a beautiful picture.