The distance from downstairs to upstairs is very close. Yebolin felt that he had been walking for a long time.

How long have you been waiting for this day?

It was so hard to leave her.

Now I've come back so painstakingly.

It's only seven or eight years, but yebolin seems to have been walking for a century.

Days are like years.

Xuexue, I'm back.

You can't escape any more.

There are tears in Yelin's eyes.

You are still wearing my favorite clothes. You know I like black best, don't you?

I still remember your favorite gadgets that even Xiao Yujun didn't touch, right?

You've only been with him for seven years. What do you think you look like?

Why not accept me?


This night, Bailin came back and met the owner of the blue bar who wanted to transfer it, because the location was good and there were many customers.

Yebolin spent a lot of money, and didn't get the store until he moved Feinuo snow out.

Over the years, although he did not appear in front of fenuoxue, he knew everything she had experienced.

Seven years, I've suffered enough.

Seven years, isn't that time can dilute everything?

Xuexue, you should also forget the past.

But you can't forget.

Today's signing meeting is yebolin's last fight.

He hopes that his memories of the past can shock Feinuo snow. If you can see a trace of warmth in her eyes, then he will slowly wait for her to accept himself.

But no.

Not at all.

He even saw the hatred hidden in her eyes.

That deep hatred.

It made him shudder.

But I'm really not willing to do such a thing, and I've accepted the punishment, haven't I?

Seven years is not nearly female, seven years of emotional torture, is enough, snow.

Therefore, I can only let you accept me in my own way today.

Yebolin pushes away the room prepared for Feinuo snow. This room is all decorated with pink of fenuoxue DAAI, and all the furniture is milky white.

"Xuexue, your ideal home is here." Yebolin gently put her on the bed.

Then gently take off her clothes.

"I haven't seen you for years. Your skin is still so smooth." Yebolin has stroked Feinuo Snow's body for countless times in his dream. When he really faced it, he could not help but burst into tears.

"I love you. I really love you." Then as if crazy will fly snow the rest of the clothes torn off.

He peeled off his clothes and lay on her.

Nibble her lips, one, two, three, four, enjoying the sweetness in her mouth.

After walking so long, I have seen so many beautiful women, but none of them can move my heart.

My lips, always miss your taste.

Night Bailin crazy with tears kissing the coma in the snow. He said that he would possess her in his own way.

Take all of her.

"Snow, wake up, wake up." The body's reaction is more and more obvious, but yebolin suddenly feels that he can't possess her like this. If you really want to impress her, let her see it with her own eyes.

Thinking of this, ye Bolin decided to move his hands slowly.

In half an hour, she will wake up automatically.

Yebolin decided to paint for her.

When Feinuo Xue was young, he liked painting best. He was quiet, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, his eyelashes were light, and every angle was perfect.

So today, he wants to make her wake up and see herself in the way she likes.

Picking up the drawing board, ye Bolin began to depict the people in front of him.

The light sprinkled slightly on her body, concave and convex, skin like cream. The look of sleeping is intoxicating.

Twenty minutes later, the painting in Yelin's hands finally stopped. Then they quietly lie on the body of snow, waiting for her sober.

"Hum." Feinuo snow made a weak sound.

Yebolin had goose bumps all over his body, which was a kind of infatuated reaction.

"Xuexue, are you awake?" Night Bailin's ambiguous eyes came from above Feinuo snow.

She opened her eyes and saw the naked night. Bailin was lying on her body!

"Let go of me, you bastard!" Feinuo snow yelled, "help, help." Feinuo snow suddenly remembered that she was blue, and then fainted after drinking a glass of wine.

She cried desperately, but there was no response.

"You drugged me?" Feinuo snow although the mind has been clear, but the whole body is still unable to move."Just sleeping pills, Xuexue. Or do you prefer me to give you some aphrodisiac? " Yebolin looks at Feinuo snow and laughs.

"Go away!" Feinuoshue yelled at him angrily.

"Of course I won't go away. I've been waiting for this day for seven years. How can I let you escape easily? How can I leave by myself? "

"I want you, baby."

Yebolin didn't stop moving until she was so tired that she fell on her body.

He lowered his head for a long time, then raised his head and looked at Feinuo snow.

"Xuexue, I've been waiting for a long time. I really love you. Will you accept me?" Yebolin seems to have shed the most tears in his life today.

Every drop is for her.

But it's obvious that fenoshue is ungrateful.

"You're coming down from me right now." Feinuo snow moves her limbs slowly. She can move.

"Right now!" Finochet finally warned him.

Yebolin saw the pain in her eyes, which hurt his heart deeply. Let him shake and fall from her body.

"Xuexue, look at this room." Yebolin turns to smile at the angry Feinuo snow.

Feinuo snow did not look up.

She closed her eyes and waited for her body to recover.

"Look at this room. We painted it together when we were children. You said you would like a pink room with all the furniture in it in milky white. Pooh is going to sleep with you in bed. You see, these are all carefully arranged by me for you. " The voice of Bailin in the night was trembling.

Feinuo Snow's body finally returned to normal, she did not look at the room layout.

It's about looking for your own clothes.

But he found that his clothes had been torn to pieces by him.

"There are my clothes for you, all of which are your favorite!" Ye Bailin pointed to the cartoon wardrobe beside him and said.

Feinuo snow didn't want to pay attention to him, but she thought that she couldn't go back like this.

Just got in front of the wardrobe.

It's really the wardrobe in the painting when she was a child.

"When I grow up, I must make such a wardrobe." The details of the painting were no longer clear, but she knew that it was.

He took it seriously again if he happened to.

But what about that.

If there is any remaining favor, it will disappear today.

Yebolin, you and I will have nothing to do with each other from today on.

Feinuo Snow's face covered with cold, she gently pushed away his hand. He expressed his anger in silence.

Go to the wardrobe and open it. The clothes inside are all her favorite styles, and even the matching of shoes is perfect.

If you put on these clothes, wherever you go, she is an evil that men can't resist.

Yebolin is really the one who knows himself best.

But what?

Feinuo snow picked a dress and put it on herself.

Everything just fits. He even remembers his own size.

Feinuo Xue, who wanted to dress casually, suddenly remembered that it was too late. If he went home, he might meet Xiao Yujun.

Or wear it carefully.

Feinuo snow then seriously put on clothes to the wardrobe.

"I knew you'd like it." Yebolin thought she was serious because she liked it.

Two lines of clear tears ran through the corners of her eyes.

Maybe it was her last tears for him.

Feinuo snow secretly warned himself, and then dressed, then turned away.

"Xuexue, why can't you give me a chance?" Night Bailin went to block, but was pushed away by Feinuo snow.

She seems to have been taken away from the soul, slowly moved out of the bar.

Left the lost night Bailin.

She is still the same as before.