Night Bailin's return, brought Feinuo snow great shock, then gradually fade out of her sight.

The conversation with the count also gradually decreased.

She suddenly wanted to do something of her own, such as writing a novel of her own.

So recently, she has been looking for Simon snow to recommend new works to him.

"Xuexue, are you going to try to write works recently?" The count suddenly jumped out of the computer and chatted with her.

"Yes." It seems that the count has a good relationship with Simon snow.

As soon as he had finished speaking to him, the count knew.

"Write your own story, right?" The count's words came from afar.

I do not know why, this sentence of his own story, let fly snow hair heart soft up.

This man once told himself his story.

"Yes." Feinuo snow is willing to show his heart in front of him.

"In your memory, have you ever had an unforgettable love?" The count's words were like a sharp blade. He wanted to put her heart away and point to her deep feelings.

Is there such an unforgettable love? Feinuo snow rarely asked this topic.

Because she didn't want to face the answer.

The little brother, who started from his childhood memory, later became a criminal who ruined his happiness.

That once let oneself love of infinite deep man, finally killed his parents alive.

What is more memorable than this?

What kind of hate is more amazing than this?

"I can feel that you don't love your husband at all." The count took out a second knife, which was to open the life of Feinuo snow.

"Who are you?" Fenuoxue remembered what he said he would appear in front of her.

"Don't you mean to appear in front of me?" Fenuoxue vaguely felt that the count should have known himself.

But who is it?

You don't seem to have strangers in front of you?

Just a vague figure flashed in my mind, but she immediately denied it.

Definitely not him!

"You answer my question first." The count bit to death.

"What's the problem?" Feinuo snow pretends not to understand.

"Have you ever had a hard and unforgettable love?" When the count's words came again, fenuoxue's heart was deeply shocked.

"Yes." Yes, of course. Without unforgettable, how can we be so indifferent now?

Love is always like this.

Too much heat is not likely to lead to good results.

And those who flow, the total let a person seldom spend the thought to cherish.

Yebolin's love, for her, is a blazing love, unforgettable. Love is deep, hate is deeper.

And Xiao Yujun's love is like a long stream. Slowly has penetrated into her bone marrow, let her feel these are taken for granted. And then you get tired.

In fact, it's not that I don't love you anymore.

But love too long, even forget yourself.

But now, she doesn't have so much thought about herself and Xiao Yujun.

If she had figured it out earlier, maybe not so much would have happened.

"That man is not your present husband, is he?" It seemed that the count had thought for a long time before he carefully uttered these words.

It seems that they are afraid of getting the answer, and they are looking forward to the result.

"What does that have to do with you?" Feinuo snow quietly counterattacks.

"I need to understand the inner fluctuations of writers." The count resumed his original speech.

"I'm sleepy. I'll go to bed first." Feinuoshe refused to answer the question.

"Can I take it that your answer, yes or no?" The count quickly typed these words.

Feinuoshue stares at the screen and is silent for a long time.

Then he turned off the computer.

That feeling, though unforgettable, has disappeared in the memory.

I won't pick it up again.


Xiao Junyi started to go to school again recently.

"Why have you been so good lately?" Feinuo snow also strange son's performance.

"Because we have snow white in our class!" Yi'er's answer is straightforward and forceful, and even reveals his embarrassment in his proud tone.

No, it's a little premature.

Or too many genes?

"What's the matter?" Feinuo snow asked a little puzzling.

But fortunately, Xiao Junyi already understood.

"She can appreciate my paintings!" It is not blind for Xiao Junyi to express his love.

"Oh?" Will the little girl appreciate his paintings?

"I showed her my family of three and she told me that she understood me." Looking at Xiao Junyi's serious appearance, Fei Nuo Xue can't help rubbing his hair."Then go on." Feinuo Snow said let a Qiang send him to school.

Even the children have a bosom friend.

Anyway, it's always good that he wants to go to school.

Feinuo Snow said and went back to the room.


if you don't surf the Internet, you don't seem to have much to do.

Shopping for clothes and bags, she can't take up too much interest.

She likes to spend some time in her novels recently.

Under Simon Snow's Professor, she understood that writing a novel requires an outline. And Simon Snow suggested that she had better make an outline on paper, rather than typing it out on the computer.

Because it's more convenient to modify.

Thinking of this, Fei Nuo Xue lowered her head and decided to make an outline first.

Should there be yebailin in this outline?

I don't know why, the first question I thought of was him.

In her hesitation, she suddenly saw a strange figure in the room.

His tall figure, in the fierce sunlight behind, appears more straight and upright.

A Qiang went out to see Xiao Junyi off. Aunt Li and a Jie were busy in the room, so they didn't see the man come in.

See him natural and unrestrained sitting on the sofa, graceful cocked up a leg.

Put aside the dazzling sunshine, Feinuo snow finally saw his appearance clearly.

"Ye Bailin!" Feinuo snow called his name in his heart.

She had thought for countless times under what circumstances she would meet him again.

He even thought about how to appear, what words to say and what actions to do when he faced him again.

She often can't help thinking of those past years.

Although it is not good to guide him so clearly, so clearly feel the pain he brings.

But still in some night, or instant, involuntarily think of him.

Is it because I've been in love too long?

Or because the hate is not strong enough?

She is always constantly remorse, and constantly think of. Until today, when facing him, the real feeling immediately covered her whole body.

Originally oneself, to him, only hate.

Now there is no other feeling!

So many times Miss may be caused by habit.

"Xuexue, are you ok?" Yebolin was looking at Feinuo snow coming out of the room step by step. His eyes were full of pain and remorse.

"Do you know how I lived these years?" Night Bailin deep his hands, want to embrace the snow.

His eyes are still full of deep love, but his hands have unspeakable timidity.

He was afraid of rejection.

Because he knew how much damage he had done to fenuoxue.

"Xuexue, I didn't expect things to develop to that point." Looking at Fei Nuo Xue, she never spoke, but looked at herself with hatred. Night Bailin can only explain pale.

"Get out of here!" Feinuo snow seems to have exhausted all her strength to say such a word.

"Xuexue, please listen to my explanation." Yebolin did not escape from Feinuo Snow's anger.

But took her hand, "snow, so many days, I think day and night, the dream is full of you. I also tried to escape, I ran to the United States, eyes or your figure. After all these years, I thought I had forgotten you, but I couldn't do it anyway. Xuexue, I still love you. Can you forgive me? " Night Bailin's words are like a thorn, deep thorn in the softest heart of Feinuo snow.

If I forgive you, who will repay your parents?

If I forgive you, who will bear the pain I have suffered for so many years?

"Your anger is because of your love for me, isn't it? You still have mine in your heart, right? Xuexue, look straight into your heart, just like me. Don't cheat yourself any more. " Night Bailin's affectionate gaze at Feinuo snow, a look to see through her mind.

After calming down her inner anger, fenuoxue clearly understood that her anger only came from hatred.

Nothing else.

Since he thinks anger has something to do with him, I might as well let him die completely.

Soon, fenuoxue's anger turned into a polite smile.

What has nothing to do with the rising of the corners of her mouth is the indifference and coldness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. night. I think you may have misunderstood me. I don't love you for a long time Feinuo snow deliberately slowed down his speaking speed, word by word of this sentence.

This caught yebolin by surprise.

The figure that often appears in the dream, the figure that I miss so much, the softness that once made me fantasize so much, today, I finally summon up the courage to come to her side.

I was going to accept her beating and abuse.

I thought that after all these beating and scolding, holding her tightly in my arms, I could dispel those years of sorrow and sorrow.Because the love between them is better than everything, isn't it?

But now, her affectionate, but so far away from themselves.

Her smile, looks so strange.

Is she going to shut herself out?

I know that I hurt her so deeply, but I didn't think it would be so serious. And those results are really not what I want to see.

Night Bailin's heart slowly collapses with Feinuo Snow's indifference.

But his face is rippling with a smile, but this smile, also a little less temperature.

It's like making up your mind, or even showing your attitude.

He stood in a ceremonial posture, tried to use his most charming posture and the most magnetic voice, and said something that surprised fenuoxue.

"Never mind. I'll wait for you."

With that, he went away.

Does this person really think that those painful past events will drift away with time?

Who gave him the courage to say such indifferent words?

Feinuo Snow's heart is very painful, she fell into a deep remorse.

If it wasn't for her leading the wolf into the house, she blindly believed yebolin. Then things won't look like this.

If there is regret medicine, she is willing to exchange her life for one.

As long as you can call back your parents' lives.

The haze in her heart moved up slowly and directly broke through her defense line.

She was tired on the sofa and couldn't move for a long time.

Life, what kind of joke are you going to make with me?