Subconsciously, Fei Nuo Xue doesn't like Xu Xiaojiao. In addition to her childhood memories, she also doesn't like Xu Xiaojiao's suffocating atmosphere. There is also the indifference and rationality of the professional women.

Women should be attached to sensibility, not callousness.

So when watching houheixue, Feinuo Xue has begun to hate those people who play mind tricks.

But to her surprise, one day, she will also learn these mind reading skills, and then fight with the men around her.

With the light of hatred and careful layout and arrangement, Houhei school is frequently staged in reality.

Although that's the way she hates it, it's also the best way to get revenge, isn't it?

But after only later, today's Feinuo snow, but in a better life, killing the genial wind, and warm sunshine.

And delicious blueberry cheese.

Recently, she prefers to make desserts. She has never liked to surf the Internet before, but now she often searches for desserts on the Internet.

"Aunt Li, do you know how cream is made?" In the early morning, a beautiful young woman was busy with her apron like a bird. She bumped the eggs gently, separated the clear egg white from the brilliant yolk, and put the egg white into a container.

Then, after the rapid separation of the egg beater, the snow-white cream began to appear in the egg beater.

"Yes, miss. Yes." Aunt Li was surprised to see that the white cream came out like this.

"Ma'am, you are a real chef now." Holding Yi'er, ah Jie does not forget to praise Fei Nuo Xue.

Even Yi'er's eyes are wide open, as if surprised by mommy's technology.

"Baby, it's your first time to taste the cream made by mommy." Then I saw that Feinuo snow was carrying a spoon full of cream and was about to send it to Yi'er's mouth.

Yi son very cooperate, obediently open big mouth, ha La son all want to flow out.

"No, miss." Ajie holding snow to fly back, but she did not dare to stop. Aunt Li looked at Feinuo snow, smiling at Yi'er, and quickly grabbed her, "cream baby can't eat."

"Just a little. It doesn't matter, Aunt Li." Feinuo snow still insists, and Yi'er over there is also anxious to rub against mummy.

"Ah Jie." Aunt Li winked at ah Jie, "what if the baby eats cream? Even a little? "

"It affects IQ." Ah Jie quickly understood the spirit and answered immediately.

Successfully stopped the action of fenuoxue.

Because Feinuo snow thought of the situation on the day of catching Zhou.

All kinds of things carefully placed in the small Yi son side, he did not hesitate, he grabbed the calculator.

Feinuo snow looked at his poor cloth head in the cold.

Xiao Yujun see her unhappy, quickly comfort to, "snow, you say to a man, how is happiness?"

"Find a wife who loves him." Although Chen Zijie and Bai Lingjing were both there at that time, Feinuo Xue was proud to answer this question.

"Are you happy, my dear?" Feinuo snow is not greasy enough.

"Of course." Xiao Yujun sees that Feinuo snow has successfully entered the set, and is very happy to reply.

"How can he make his wife happy?" Xiao Yujun is good at persuasion.

"Money." Feinuo snow thinks that for women, the greatest happiness is shopping!

"So if my son grabs the calculator, it means that he will become an elite in business in the future!" Xiao Yujun announced the fact that he was satisfied with it. You know, in order to succeed, he made great efforts.

"Yes, honey." Feinuo snow seems to see the future son in the business world, it seems not bad.

Next to Chen Zijie, he looks at Fei Nuo Xue with a little sympathy.

Of all the items, only the calculator depicts a lot of cartoon characters with bright colors, which are most popular with children. Other things are either too old in color or too far away from Yier. In particular, Feinuo snow placed the greatest desire of the rag head, is really gray rag head, quietly stay in the corner. Yi Er has to turn around to get it.

The question is, whose 100 day child will turn around?

Seeing that Feinuo snow was completely brainwashed by herself, Xiao Yujun began to deepen her impression, "do you know, Xuexue? There is a basis for grasping the week. It is a very reasonable truth, which has been confirmed by numerous facts. As the saying goes, three years old to see the old, our son so smart, three months to see the old. Now that he has caught the calculator, we might as well follow the guidance of fate and train him to be a business man. How about that? " Xiao Yujun this long and reasonable words, hear fly snow in a trance.

"Good, good." All of a sudden, she also felt that it was really good to be the president with the same prestige as his father.

So, ah Jie's words stopped her in time today.

She absolutely does not allow, three months when the performance is different from ordinary people's Yi Er, by her a mouthful of cream, affect the IQ.But looking at Yi'er's open mouth, she couldn't help kissing his little face.

Then he turned and sipped the cream into his mouth. "Honey, this can't be eaten." Then he looks at Xiao Junyi full of regret and anger.

"Mommy's lying!" This is the first four words that Yi'er, who is more than one year old, learned.

Feinuo snow, who is preparing to go shopping outside, is very happy after hearing this sentence.

"Yi'er can say four words." With that, he picked him up and made several circles in the sky.

"Mommy cheats, Mommy cheats, Mommy cheats." Seeing that mommy was so happy, Yi'er began to repeat these words.

Xiao Yujun, who is in a meeting, suddenly hears the phone call.

He quickly got up and turned his serious expression into Heyue, "Xuexue, what's the matter?"

I didn't expect that there was no sound of snow. On the contrary, Yi'er's tender voice came, "Mommy is cheating!"

Tears suddenly surged into Xiao Yujun's eyes. It turned out that every step of his son's growth would bring him such thorough joy.

"Yi Er, be good." Xiao Yujun's soft voice is very different from the severity just now.

"Do you hear me? Husband, Yi'er can say four words! " Feinuo snow has not calmed down from the excitement, she roared happily to the phone.

"What did you cheat him about?" After being moved, Xiao Yujun knows that Feinuo snow must have cheated Yier again. Otherwise, he would not blurt out this sentence.

"I want to go shopping, then lie down by his ear and say, Mommy will be back in a minute." Feinuo Snow said with a small mouth.

Yi'er, who had stopped talking, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Mommy is cheating."

This makes Fei Nuo Xue very embarrassed, but Xiao Yujun smiles on the phone.

"Well, how long is your usual little time?" Xiao Yujun doesn't know that Feinuo snow can still go shopping now, so today he can make a good cross examination.

"Three or four hours." Feinuo Snow's voice began to lower down, of course, this has to go out to eat time, and do beauty time.

"I don't think so." Xiao Yujun teases Fei Nuo Xue about her guilty heart.

"Sometimes I come back later." After giving birth to the baby, fenuoxue has greatly reduced the frequency of shopping. Today, she usually goes out once a half month. Unexpectedly, Yi'er still remembers what happened half a month ago.

"Don't cheat Yi'er. It's not a good example." Xiao Yujun knows that it's not easy to fly snow. Recently, she must have gone out less.

"Then I can't tell him that mommy will come back in the evening?" Feinuo snow is also distressed, know cheat baby is wrong, but tell him to wait too long, he will not be happy?

"You try." Yi'er has shown his unusual talent since he was a child. Maybe he can understand it.

"Good." Feinuo Snow said and hung up the phone.

He went to Yi'er, took his little hand and said, "Yi'er, Mommy will go out for five hours; no, Mommy will come back in the afternoon; no, Mommy will come back when you have dinner again, OK?" For the concept of afternoon and five hours, Yi Er is not clear at all. So feinuoshe tried to find a language he could understand.

"Good." Yi'er is a little reluctant, but he agrees.

Didn't you say mommy was cheating this time?

Feinuo snow happily walked on high heels, "Mommy will miss you." Don't forget to say goodbye to Yi'er before you leave.

Yi Er didn't speak.

Feinuo snow, who is shopping outside happily, suddenly receives a call from ah Jie three hours later.

"When will you be back, madam?" Now Aunt Li is going to buy vegetables, otherwise ah Jie won't ask about Feinuo snow.

"In two hours. What's the matter, Ajie? " Ah Jie wants to do things in a proper way. She seldom asks when Fei Nuo Xue will go home.

"The young master refused to eat. I coaxed him for a long time and didn't agree. Just keep saying, "Mommy is cheating." Generally speaking, Yi'er is good at eating. But today is different. When it's time to eat, I don't want to open my mouth. Instead, I cry and shout "Mommy is cheating.".

"Ah Feinuo snow suddenly remembered his appointment with his son, but he was only one year old. How good is his memory?

"Yi'er, Mommy will go home soon!" Then, the mall appeared a running beauty.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Everywhere she went, there was a way out.

Who can refuse a beautiful woman's plea?

When I got home, Yi'er had already cried.

She quickly held him in her arms, "Mommy is wrong, Yi'er, don't cry, eat right away?" Feinuo snow looked at her son crying, tears can not help but flow down.

"Mommy's cheating." Yi son stares at big eyes, tears in the eye socket keep turning, see of fly Nuo snow heart all broken.

"I know it's wrong. Mommy swears that she will never cheat Yi'er, OK?" Feinuo snow at the moment just know, Yi'er although small, but also have their own thinking space. Also have their own ideas, perhaps in the past, is his too as a child."Hook." Hook is a game that Fei Nuo Xue often plays with Xiao Yujun. Unexpectedly, Yi'er has learned how to use it correctly.

"All right, hook." Wipe away the tears on the face, mother and son both smile.

Ah Jie brings the meal up again, and Yi'er opens his mouth to eat without any resistance.

Lips issued a sound of satisfaction, "young master is hungry." Ah Jie said softly, she didn't dare to blame his wife. But after such a long time together, she has had feelings for Yi'er. Her emotions are determined by Yi'er's joys and sorrows.

"Yes." Feinuo snow nodded guilt.

But did not expect Yi son unexpectedly turned round to give her a bright smile, "not hungry."

Feinuo Snow's heart has become soft, this one year old child, is comforting me?

Does he know that I regret it? This smart guy.

She suddenly hugs Yi'er, who is eating, into her arms. "Yi'er, you are really mommy's baby."

Then she took the spoon from Ajie's hand and fed the handsome boy in front of her.

In Yi'er's look, there is Xiao Yujun's shadow, and their father and son are carved in the same mold.

These two men, let fly snow never tire of seeing.

So her sight has never left Yi'er.

Some place in the heart suddenly becomes full.

Yi'er, are you a gift from heaven?