In the garden of Feijia villa, Feinuo Xue is standing in front of the pavilion, wearing red silk pajamas and human shaped slippers. Her hair is pulled up high. A hairpin is pinned to the end of her hair, and her ear is silver pendant. It is shining and swaying with the master's hand touching the blooming flowers.

Aunt Li walked out of a villa where Xiao Su was still elegant. She looked at Fei Nuo Xue, who was rarely quiet. Then she slowly moved to her side and respectfully reminded her, "Miss, today is the ribbon cutting ceremony of Mr. Xiao's new company. You should clean up quickly. He will come to pick you up later."

Looking back with a faint smile on her face, Fei Nuo Xue closed her eyes and focused for a while. Then she went back to the house with Aunt Li, changed into a new dress, took care of her curly hair like a dense stream, and waited for Xiao Yujun's arrival.

Outside the door came the sound of a car horn. Aunt Li opened the door of the villa with understanding. Soon, she saw Xiao Yujun's figure in a suit and shoes appeared outside the door.

"Good morning, Aunt Li. Where's Xuexue?" Xiao Yujun's face was smiling. He asked, and then he found that Feinuo Xue, who came out in response, was fascinated by her at the first sight. After a long time, he was stunned and asked: "Xuexue, are you ready? Then let's go! "

Xiao said goodbye to Aunt Li and opened the door for the beautiful woman. Then he went around to the driver's seat and drove away from the villa.

More than ten minutes' journey, Xiao Yujun looked at Feinuo snow from the rearview mirror and looked askew at the outside of the car. He was not afraid of destroying the quiet atmosphere. His words of appreciation suddenly escaped from his mouth: "Xuexue, you are so beautiful! Thank you, for the ribbon cutting activities of our company, you dressed up carefully, thank you

In the back seat, Feinuo Snow's eyes are full of brilliant colors. She gently raised her lips and said: "women love beauty. It's inevitable to dress up for activities. I just do a little thing. You are busy thanking me. This kind of feeling is very strange!"

Xiao Yujun wanted to say something else, but the new company was just ahead of him. In order to park the car safely, he simply gave up talking, just whispered, "here we are."

The reporters outside looked at Xiao Yujun's car and immediately held up the microphone and camera, aiming at the door of the car.

After a while, the well-dressed Xiao Yujun got out of the car and went straight to the back seat, where she helped a woman who revealed all kinds of amorous feelings. Her thick golden Wavy long hair was draped over her shoulders at will. Her face was just set off by her long black eyelashes, charming eyes and sexy lips.

A pink and purple Joe & Jules short jacket with bubble sleeves outlines her first-class figure. It's charming with a beige Chanel velvet knee length skirt and a pair of Black Pink & rose high boots.

"Mr. Xiao, on the occasion of opening today, do you want to disclose your feelings and good news besides announcing your new company?" Journalists with a keen sense of smell will certainly not miss such a big news point at this moment. They hold the microphone to Xiao Yujun's mouth, hoping that he can give a reasonable and satisfactory answer to this question.

Ren flashlight around himself, Xiao Yujun calmly said: "I'm sorry, dear reporter friends, today's focus is still on my new company, and the purpose of your coming here today is to help me build momentum and publicity, so I hope you don't forget your responsibilities. As for my emotional and private affairs, of course, if there is definite good news, I'll give you a hand I will not hide or say anything. I will try my best to meet the needs of our work. "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yujun let Feinuo snow walk towards the company with her arm bent.

The name of the new company is very commemorative. It's called "Junxue group". On the day of its opening, everyone who came to the party could see that Xiao Yujun was very affectionate to the women around him. Naturally, he thought that the woman who was loved by all kinds of people was the woman behind President Xiao.

In order to celebrate the smooth opening of the company, Xiao Yujun invited everyone to the singing and dancing hall.

In the evening of singing and dancing, Xiao Yujun sits in the gorgeous and elegant sofa of the dance hall, watching the graceful dance steps of snow flying on the dance floor, and the gorgeous gauze.

After a dance, fireworks bloom, all the spectators are standing in the center of the open observation platform, enjoying the dazzling light flying all over the sky.

Feinuo snow looks at the man-made "meteor shower" falling all over the sky and silently wishes that Junxue group will operate smoothly and gradually gain some fame in a city.

When Feinuo snow made a wish to the fireworks, Xiao Yujun's cheerful voice came from the square outside the dance hall, "today is the opening ceremony of our Junxue group. Thank you for coming to join us! In order to live up to your honor, now I will give a gift to my beloved woman, asking you to be our witnesses! "

Feinuo Xue opens her eyes wide and is surprised at Xiao Yujun's high profile. Just when she doesn't know how to deal with the rising scene, she sees Chen Zijie coming to Xiao Yujun with a bunch of bright red roses.

Xiao Yujun took the flower from his brother and naturally gave it to Feinuo Xue. At the same time, he knelt down, took out the exquisite packing box in his pocket and said tenderly, "Xuexue, will you marry me? Now there is no reporter, I don't need to build momentum, just want you to see my heart, I love youAlthough this sweet and romantic scene is the dream of many women, and although Fei Nuo Xue is surprised by Xiao Yujun's romance and appreciates what she has done for herself, she knows that her heart has been destroyed by hatred. At this moment, her hesitating heart doesn't know whether to accept his proposal or not.

However, with more and more cheers and noises from people around, Feinuo Xue made a bold decision. She didn't accept the ring, but she was full of sweetness and was willing to hug and kiss Xiao Yujun.

Nestled in Xiao Yujun's warm arms, feeling his heart beating with excitement, Feinuo Xue reached out and stroked his chest, but gently said: "although I'm very moved by your heart, I haven't sorted out my mind to accept this ring, at least for the time being, I can't make this decision. Today is the happy day for the company to join the WTO, and there are many visitors I don't want to make you lose face, and I don't want us to be ridiculed, so I'll pretend to accept it later, so that everyone can have a step back. "

After listening to Feinuo Snow's whispers, Xiao Yujun is very disappointed, but he doesn't show his loneliness. Instead, he accepts her proposal, embraces her strong arm, and kisses her on the forehead.

And the people around the happy couple thought that it would come naturally, they all applauded sincerely.

The failure of marriage proposal makes Xiao Yujun feel frustrated, but he won't force Fei Nuo Xue. He knows that he is sincere. As long as he doesn't give up, he will hold the beauty one day.

After the rise of Junxue group, Xiao Yujun's life is no longer immersed in love with his children all day long, and there is no depression and loneliness of dissatisfaction in love, but more and more passion and fullness in his work.

In his journey of life, he felt that a new century was coming. He wanted to forget the past and the past time he had been recalling. He also hoped that Feinuo snow would slowly let go of his guard and embrace the world with his heart.

One morning, the sky was still drizzling.

Aunt Li sees Fei Nuo Xue sitting alone in the living room, holding a cigarette between her two slender fingers and slowly putting it into her lips. She doesn't disturb her, but stands nearby and looks at her.

The tip of Feinuo Snow's tongue, first unconsciously against the cigarette end, immediately retracted, a wisp of light smoke, seems to be attracted by her sweet tip of the tongue, then, she pursed her upper lip, let the dry smoke roll over every crack of her mouth.

At the same time, the body fluid flowing between the teeth is like the mountain haze between the valleys in the early morning, which immediately moistens every trace of smoke with moisture. Finally, the semi dry and semi wet smoke blows out.

Feinuo Snow's action is slow and slow. Aunt Li understands that the master is thinking about something and doesn't dare to disturb her. She has to stand still and wait for the unexpected orders from the young lady.

Slowly, Fei Nuo Xue stood up from her seat and walked to the door. After smoking the cigarette in her hand, she flicked the cigarette end which was about to be covered with sipping liquid. The red light of the cigarette end drew a beautiful arc in the drizzle and disappeared in the darkness of the rain.

For a long time, Feinuo snow did not return to the house. Aunt Li knew that the little master had something on her mind, but she did not know where she was going, so she took an umbrella and anxiously went out to look for someone.

Aunt Li knew that Feinuo snow was still around the villa, because if the young lady went out, she would hear a huge sound coming from the closed iron gate. Besides, it was drizzling outside, so she was sure that the little master had not gone far.

At this time, Xiao Yujun's car stopped at the gate. Aunt Li saw him as if she had found a savior, and anxiously told him that Feinuo snow was missing.

At first hearing the news, Xiao Yujun and Aunt Li searched around the villa. After a while, he finally saw Feinuo snow in the back garden, enjoying the exotic flowers and plants.

At the moment, Feinuo snow has a real cold beauty, which has the fragrance of flowers, stinging pain, and sweet romantic and illusory temperament.

Xiao Yujun is watching her silently behind Feinuo snow. He understands that although Feinuo snow has accepted herself and has been moved by her love, there is still an iceberg in her heart. Otherwise, she will not refuse her proposal and worry about hurting herself. In a word, her inexplicable love is like cold metal temperament from inside to outside Approaching and hesitating.

However, he also understands that Feinuo Snow's heart has not been completely opened to himself. He is waiting patiently, patiently influencing her feelings with his blazing love. He thinks: Xuexue, one day, I will get you completely, not only your people, but also your heart.

Feinuo snow felt the hot eyes behind her, turned around and saw Xiao Yujun not far away. She gave him a sweet smile.

Xiao Yujun's heart moved. He walked forward, opened his umbrella and covered them. He took a look at the colorful garden, and then his eyes fell on Fei Nuo Xue's face. He said in a soft voice: "you don't want to keep it in your heart. It's easier and faster to speak out."

"Well!" He opened his lips slightly, and Feinuo snow answered in a soft voice. Then he didn't talk much. He didn't tell his heart completely, and he didn't show his guilty heart to Xiao Yujun. He just enjoyed and listened to the bleak sound of spring breeze and rain.Although women's flowers are blooming everywhere in the world, and there are many beautiful women with beautiful looks and good temperament, love can not be generalized in a single word, just like Xiao Yujun's love for Feinuo snow.

But it's a pity that "men chase women, and they are separated by mountains". Even though Xiao Yujun falls in love with Fei Nuo Xue in the vast sea of people, ye Bailin has no choice but to get to know her first, and preconceived ideas occupy Fei Nuo Xue's heart. Therefore, Xiao Yujun's true feelings are always less than her resentment of Ye Bailin from love to hate.