With the leader of the gangster's murderous spirit boiling, the yesha Gang gnashed their teeth. In an instant, the two gangs fought together, and they were equal at first.

"Di Wu, di Wu..." The sound of the police car from far to near, that kind of frightening death ring immediately let the two big gangs who killed blood thirsty for silence.

"Come on, break up!" At night, Bailin shouts, and then a large group of people scramble to get on the truck. With the sound of the whistle, the two heavy cars still run away at top speed.

At the same time, the Dragon gang was not idle, but washed the blood all over the floor with water pipes. The injured people were arranged to the backyard, and the skillful minions did not spend much time to clean up the front of the house and make it as peaceful as before.

Xiao Yujun looks at the original scene in front of the gang dens with satisfaction. His face is rippled. After that, he turns around gracefully, full of the feeling that heaven forbids him.

"Hey, stop!" Behind him came some unreasonable male voice. Xiao Yujun frowned. Looking back, he saw that they were two patrolling policemen in police uniforms and walkie talkies.

"What can I do for you, officer?" Taking back his stride forward, Xiao Yujun ran to the police, handed out cigarettes and complimented.

"We, no, need this!" Ignoring the sweet vanilla smell of Chinese cigarettes, the police refused word by word, but Xiao Yujun could still see how tortured their hearts were from their rolling Adam's apple.

Hidden evil smile in his eyes, Xiao Yujun forced his cigarette into the hands of the police, for "Sir, this packet of cigarettes is opened because of you. If you refuse to accept it, and I don't like it, the final result will be outrageous. Even if it's not a very good cigarette, it's a pity to throw it away."

Feeling a little moved by the police, Xiao Yujun continued to persuade them with the spirit of patience: "you are the police of the people, and you are the ones who lead by example according to the famous motto of grandfather Mao's diligence and frugality. I believe you will not have the heart to see this packet of cigarettes pitifully thrown into the garbage can, will you? So please take them with you, won't you? "

"Oh, come on, let's just take it to save this gentleman's breath." Under the siege of Xiao Yujun's words, the police were really in a dilemma. They looked at each other and the policeman who was close to Xiao Yujun picked up the cigarette and put it into his pocket.

"By the way, listen to the reaction of the people nearby. There was a riot in your area just now, which was so dignified that their personal safety was seriously affected. Is there such a thing?" Although I have accepted the cigarette, I still have to do my work. Otherwise, I can't get back to the police station. So the policeman who accepted the cigarette still asked as usual.

"Oh, the police officer is here. Do you have a look for yourself? Is there a riot like Shenma?" Xiao Yujun slowly released his heavy heart, and suddenly his mind changed. He asked in a relaxed tone instead of answering.

The police looked around. It looked as if the locust tree was standing tall and straight. The flowers were flowers, and the grass was still grass. They just observed carefully. It seemed that there were bullet marks and knife marks in the inconspicuous part of the branches.

Even though he realized that the man in front of him was hiding something from him, and the sight in his eyes was not as calm as it seemed, the so-called short handed policeman said to the colleague behind him: "everything looks normal, the public reaction is not true, let's withdraw!"

"Sir, please take your time!" Seeing the police car set off again, Xiao Yujun sighed. At this time, a competent man came to him with a heavy face and said sadly: "boss, it seems that my grandfather can't do it. Go and see him off for the last time!"

"What This news is like thunder exploding in Xiao Yujun's heart. Even though he realizes that there will always be such a day, when he hears this, he still has a heartache. That kind of pain is only when people lose their loved ones.

Since the adoptive father was found to have liver cancer, his heart has been very uneasy, and Guan Ye's treatment has not been very stable, the result seems to confirm Xiao Yujun's worry.

Guan ye, who knew that he had little time, didn't want to spend his last life in the hospital, so he let his adopted son take him home. In order to ensure his adoptive father's integrity, Xiao Yujun hired a full-time family doctor to take care of Guan Ye's body at any time.

At this moment, Xiao Yujun suddenly pushes away his men and runs back to the hospital. His eyes are on his adoptive father's family doctor. What Xiao Yujun knows is that he can't return to heaven.

A kind of unprecedented fear and panic seized Xiao Yujun's heart, knelt down in front of guanye's hospital bed, grasped his adoptive father's dry palm, and stared at his unhealthy bloated face. His forced spirit was like a withered evergreen leaf.

"Child I can't! I heard that You just With brothers and I had a fight with the people of yesha gang Keke, the interests of the gang are important But you have to Make sure you Don't be considerate Don't act rashly... "

Guan Ye's nose is also inserted with an oxygen tube, and his words are intermittent and ambiguous. He needs people to listen to him. Looking at the bruise in the corner of Xiao Yujun's eye, he pulls his adopted son's finger tied to the palm of his hand painfully, and says what he doesn't pay attention to."Remember, kid, I can't stand it, just Dissolve Break up the gang! I will not It's your fault. Besides, you have to remember to wait I After death, to find Find your own Biological parents. "

Listening carefully to Guan Ye's last instructions, Xiao Yujun buried his head deep in his adoptive father's pillow. He still choked: "adoptive father, I don't have any biological parents. You are the closest person to me."

"If you hadn't adopted me with the heart of a Bodhisattva in those years, I'm afraid I would have died in a stinky ditch for a long time now, so you are my parents. I beg you, don't let me find any more parents. They are selfish, black hearted and black lung people. I don't want to meet them. I only recognize you in my mind."

For Xiao Yujun, the memory of his childhood is a thorn that can never be removed from his heart. Although he grew up with the care and care of his adoptive father, his resentment against his biological parents can not be dispelled in a single word.

Guan Ye patted his adopted son's back, which was convulsed because he was sad. He sighed: "don't Hate them, kids, maybe, when they Abandon You too It's an unintentional loss. You have to remember, "your body is skin deep, your parents are suffering." if it's not They, you will not come to this world, will not be I adopted, cough Child, to With the heart Feeling Thank you... "

"Guan ye, let's go! If you have something to say, just say it In the room full of the color of injury, the doctor's urgent warning suddenly rang out. He raised his eyes with dim tears. Xiao Yujun sucked his "buzzing" nose and watched his adoptive father tell him to die after the last sentence. The heartbreaking command was: "after I die, my ashes will be buried in my hometown."

The last words are the most complete and smooth one that Guan ye said tonight, which indirectly reflects his deep expectation for his soul.

The next day, when the dawn, which originally meant the beginning of a better life, rose, a white curtain was hung in front of the sharp dragon Gang to mourn the dead.

The front yard, the corridor and even the back room are filled with solemn and stirring Memorial songs. On the central wall of the main room is a white background plain photo of Guan Ye's Zhongshan suit. Just below is his old man's coffin. Along the edge of the coffin are white and yellow daisies. Even in the early morning, the inner hall is already lined with wreaths from different guests.

On the right side of the coffin is Xiao Yujun, who is kneeling for his adoptive father. He is wearing a long jacket cut from white cloth and a thick hemp rope woven from straw. His expressionless face reveals a sense of apathy and silence. He is accompanied by a group of brothers of the sharp dragon gang who are also kneeling to express their thoughts of Guan Ye.

In addition to the three or four Taoists who are active in the Lingtang, the rest are the guests who come to pay homage.

Soon after, a group of people in black suits and dark glasses stood in an inverted pyramid formation, led by yebolin.

With the high pitched voice of the priest who presided over the funeral ceremony, ye Bolin walked slowly to the spirit, took off his glasses and handed them to his subordinates. Then he took the incense from the priest's hands with both hands forward, bowed respectfully, and after a big ceremony, he handed the incense to his subordinates on the left, indicating that he would insert it into the censer.

"After the ceremony, the guests salute the host!" With another guidance, ye Bailin bowed patiently to Xiao Yujun and said in a sad voice, "master Xiao, I'm sorry for your change!"

It seems that yebolin's behavior seems to be in line with human feelings, but as long as you carefully observe him, it is not difficult to find that there is a trace of happiness in his eyes. What is hidden behind him is incompatible with the mourning atmosphere in the mourning hall.

"When the ceremony is over, the host will reply!" Aware of the anger of the people around him, Xiao Yujun quickly reaches out his hand to stop him. Then, according to the usual way, he gives a salute to yebolin and calmly says, "you have a heart!"

"In the past, the sharp dragon gang had a support point for Guan Lao, which made it prosperous. Now that he died, I really want to see if the gang without him is as fierce and sharp as Jiaolong, and we are all in the same way, so I really don't want the sharp dragon Gang to break its roots with you." Yebolin's words are full of schadenfreude.

"What the night leader is looking forward to, Xiao must have let you down!" Looking directly at the peach blossom eyes of Bailin at night, Xiao Yujun is not willing to be outdone.

This is not only a battle between the two gang leaders, but also a marathon competition between two rival gangs.

After the memorial ceremony, Xiao Yujun got on the auxiliary car of the gang and waved goodbye to his brothers in front of the door. Then he took the post of driving away from the city with the car and headed for guanye's hometown.

I don't know if it's because of the sadness. When Xiao Yujun embarked on the journey to the destination with his adoptive father's ashes, he felt that the spring breeze showed his existence to the world with all kinds of whistling, cold and sad.

Before the car arrived at guanye's hometown, Xiao Yujun saw a group of people waiting at the entrance of the village. When the car stopped, he realized that these people were fellow villagers who had received the favor of his adoptive father.

After a few pleasantries, the village head takes Xiao Yujun and Guan ye to a quiet place called Huaishang cemetery.Speaking with a strong local accent, the village head told Xiao Yujun that the cemetery was also funded by Guan Ye. The reason why he had this idea at first was that he wanted a permanent residence for his dead blind date, and that he still wanted to return to his roots after his own death.