Chapter 103: Teaming Up!

Chapter 103: Teaming Up!

He was being cleansed by the river of time that washed everything away.

As the sensations of distortion and sluggishness gradually faded, Tang San suddenly felt as if his body had become much lighter.

Indeed, it was a feeling of lightness. Even his previously somewhat emaciated physique seemed to have filled out a bit. His spirit, energy, and soul felt completely transformed.

His cultivation level had not increased, nor had the strength of his body. Yet, the feeling was unmistakably different.

After quietly contemplating his condition for a while, Tang San's gaze revealed a hint of unusual surprise. He now understood what had happened to him.

As he merged with the Chrono Croc Transformation imprint, the gentle cleansing of the river of time had cleansed him of the aura of his past life.

Due to that bit of his divine consciousness, he had kept his memories after reincarnating on this plane. Yet, it was this precise method that led to the plane rejecting him as an outsider. Now, thanks to the level of his divine consciousness, the river of time had not erased his memories, but it had changed his aura. As a result, this plane automatically acknowledged his existence.

His body felt lighter because the suppression of this plane had almost disappeared. The plane no longer wanted to expel him.

It wasn’t that the plane no longer rejected outsiders or that he was no longer an outsider. Rather, the Chrono Croc Transformation, in a sense, had concealed him from this plane. It made the plane unable to sense that he was different from the other beings here.

The effectiveness of this concealment would gradually diminish as his cultivation level increased. However, as long as the Chrono Croc Transformation could keep up with his progression, it would continue to conceal him.

Now that he was freed from the suppression of the plane, the most significant benefit for Tang San was that he could better absorb the spiritual energy of this world for his use, allowing him to cultivate and improve himself more efficiently.

Undoubtedly, the benefits are immense, Tang San thought. Just as he had anticipated, the fusion of the Chrono Croc Transformation had brought about a qualitative change in him.

If one were to ask which of the five major Demonic God Transformation imprints within him would remain untouched in the future, it would be the Chrono Croc Transformation. He naturally wouldn’t swap it with something else, and it also couldn't be merged with other bloodline powers to produce mutations. A mutation could improve the imprint’s effects, but it could also cause whatever was masking his aura from the plane to disappear, and he could not take that chance.

A smile formed at the corner of his mouth. Yes, this was definitely the right choice, he mused.

He exhaled a long breath. Then he returned to a meditative state, absorbing the increasingly rich spiritual energy from the air, continuing his cultivation of the Mysterious Heaven Technique.

Mu Enqing's efficiency was commendable. The following day, he called Tang San and Wu Bingji to his office, informing them that the academy had approved their proposal. They were allowed to form a group for real combat. The specifics of the arrangement were left to them, with instructions to keep it confidential from other students. They did not know that a teacher would secretly follow and protect them during the mission.

As they left Mu Enqing's office, Wu Bingji's gaze toward Tang San changed once more.

This kid is too damn capable, he thought. He managed to make the academy make an exception overnight.

"Are we choosing that one?" Wu Bingji asked Tang San in a low voice.

"Yeah, let's go with that one. It's good; high risk, high reward," Tang San nodded without hesitation.

"Alright! I'm in!"

"Okay. We'll notify you when we leave."

Then, Tang San went to find Cheng Zicheng.

"Sister Zicheng, big brother Bingji and I are preparing for a hunting mission. He hopes you can join us but he’s too shy to ask. So, I'm asking on his behalf...will you join us?"

"I'm in!" Cheng Zicheng's eyes sparkled.

Finally, Tang San approached Gu Li.

"Brother Gu Li, I have something to discuss with you."

Gu Li looked at Tang San with a puzzled expression. He noticed something different about his junior brother, as if the latter was suddenly more pleasing to the eye. "What is it? We have a class soon. Make it quick."

He was still a bit down from his defeat to Tang San yesterday.

Tang San said, "Here!"

He extended his hand toward Gu Li, showing an aetherhorn coin in his palm.

"What’s this?" Gu Li didn't accept it, looking at him in confusion.

Tang San explained, "Brother Gu, eldest senior brother and I are planning a hunting mission. We'd like to invite you."

"Is this payment?" Gu Li asked, puzzled. An aetherhorn coin wasn't that precious, but it was still not something people would just randomly hand out.

Tang San shook his head, "It's not a payment, but a deposit. If you agree to join us on this mission, I'll teach you how to defeat brother Zhang Zebin when we return. If my method fails, you can take this aetherhorn coin as compensation; if it works, you can give it back to me. Obviously, you'll have a share in the mission's rewards."

"You can teach me how to beat Zhang Zebin? How is that possible?" Gu Li said incredulously. Zhang Zebin was tough and resilient. Although Gu Li could gain the upper hand in the early stages of a fight, he found it impossible to maintain that advantage. Aside from Wu Bingji, Zhang Zebin was his most challenging opponent. As long as Gu Li was unable to break through his defense, all efforts were futile!

Tang San shrugged and replied, "The day I first came here, did you think I could fight eldest senior brother to a draw? Also, I put my money where my mouth is, no? I’m giving you a deposit."

"Alright! Let's give it a try."

Gu Li finally accepted the aetherhorn coin.

With this, the five-person team was, theoretically, ready to set off.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om