Chapter 92: Time To See Mei Gongzi!

Chapter 92: Time To See Mei Gongzi!

"You can go for a walk, but not alone. How about this: let Bingji accompany you. Both of you are elemental types, so it's good to understand each other. Go early and return early. Also, you might be disappointed if you ask Gui Gui too much about Wang Yanfeng, she doesn’t know much either. We'll check how things are and get back to you. Actually, something big happened recently that triggered a major battle between the Wind Wolf and Flash Leopard clans. They just fought yesterday."

"Ah?" Tang San looked at him in surprise.

"Don't worry. It didn't involve you or Wang Yanfeng. The Wind Wolf Ancestral House initiated it. We don't know the exact outcome yet, but it should be clear by tomorrow. We will inform you then. Remember, you are now a part of the Redemption Society and you must always ensure your safety. Although Kali City is relatively safe, you must be as careful as possible, understand? You are very talented, and we all have high hopes for you."

"Thank you, Teacher."

I might as well visit Auntie Gui while I’m at it. That’s a great pretext, now that I think of it. But the first thing on the list is Mei Gongzi!

Guan Longjiang's agreement relieved Tang San. If he had disagreed, Tang San would have had to find a way to sneak out. He felt that he could do that at night, but what if the tea shop was closed?

Today's entire class schedule was with Guan Longjiang. The morning was theory lessons, and the afternoon was practical training. The training included guidance on bloodline circulation, sharing insights, and understanding and stimulating one's bloodline.

Tang San didn't need much in this area, as his cultivation method vastly differed from the others. However, that didn’t mean he found everything useless. There were some things to learn about stimulating bloodline power better, prolonging its activation, and unleashing greater power.

These insights somewhat benefited Tang San's use of the Mysterious Heaven Technique’s power to stimulate his Demonic God imprints, but he needed to explore independently. The experiences of others were only of referential value to him.

Of course, in this afternoon's class, Tang San didn't listen very carefully because his mind was elsewhere.

Wu Bingji naturally had no objections to Tang San's suggestion. The insights from yesterday had opened a new path for him, and benefited him immensely.

Then, with a flick of his wrist, Tang San threw the whirlwind out. It flew about five or six meters before exploding, scattering a dozen sharp wind blades that sliced through the air with piercing whistling sounds.

"Wow..." Wu Bingji was stunned.

Tang San said, "Because the wind element is very active anyway, this method doesn't really do much. Well, it’s also because I’m just not strong enough to make it work better. But for your ice element, this method is much more suitable. You said yesterday that the ice element is strong in both offense and defense and you don’t know how to choose, right?

"Well, in my opinion, there's no need to choose. Attack or defense is just a matter of how you see things. A shield of ice can be used for defense, but what if you throw that shield at someone and make it explode in their face? Is it still defense, then? Oh, and what if, when it explodes, it blasts out a bunch of ice blades or spikes? I think that’d be way, way stronger. So I think you really shouldn’t focus that much on offense or defense. You should focus on your affinity with the ice element and controlling it well, and then you can do whatever you want with it."

With his mind on Mei Gongzi's tea shop, Tang San was preoccupied with thoughts of that stunningly beautiful face and didn't worry whether it was too much information for Wu Bingji to process in one go, so he just kept blabbering.

Hearing Tang San's words, Wu Bingji was momentarily stunned, and he didn’t even see the path in front of him as he walked alongside Tang San. If yesterday Tang San had opened a door for him, then today it was as if the walls around him were blown apart. The ice elements seemed to have shed their outer layer in his mind, revealing their true essence.

Explosion, offense, and defense in unity, explosion, offense, and defense in unity.

Walking down the mountain, Wu Bingji didn't say anything else. He would have liked to return immediately to study if he had the choice. However, his task was to accompany Tang San and ensure his safety, so naturally, he couldn't just go back. He followed Tang San closely, lost in thought about controlling the ice element, utilizing them, and introducing unstable elemental energy into the stable cluster so he could detonate them at will. How should I handle it? How to introduce that unstable energy? How much to add?

These chaotic thoughts occupied his mind so much that he had no time to think about anything else.

Tang San was happy with this arrangement, and both of them kept walking lost in their thoughts. His mind was actually filled with many more chaotic thoughts than Wu Bingji's. Scenes from his past life, longing in this life, the joy of finding what he was looking for, and the nervousness of seeing it again soon.

Once they descended the mountain, they found themselves once more at the center of Kali City. Tang San had studied the map of Kali City numerous times, especially the route from the academy to the city center. Despite being unfamiliar with the area, he had a plan in mind and he didn't take any detours as he headed to his destination.