Chapter 89: Wind Gods Cleaver

Chapter 89: Wind God's Cleaver

Du Bai approached Tang San. "Little Tang, when can you show us that Wind God's Cleaver again? Everyone is really curious about how you compressed the elemental energy."

"Wind God's Cleaver? What is that?" Tang San was momentarily stunned.

"It's that last wind blade you made yesterday! It was so powerful that everyone started calling it the Wind God's Cleaver. It sounds really hardcore."

Tang San couldn't help but laugh bitterly, saying helplessly, "Yesterday, the eldest senior brother was just going easy on me."

"No, I certainly didn't hold back. It's more likely that you were the lenient one." A hearty laugh sounded from the entrance. Wu Bingji entered, and it seemed that he had overheard Tang San and Du Bai's conversation.

At this moment, his eyes were bright and spirited, and his face was joyful. His entire aura seemed to have significantly improved.

He took the initiative to sit beside Tang San, giving him a thumbs-up. "Your words yesterday opened my eyes. Thanks to that, I had some really good gains during cultivation last night. In fact, I think I may have found a path of my own. The teachers said that if we want to advance to a higher order in the future, we must find our own personal way. Only then can we really reach a higher level. Little Tang, thank you. I owe you one for this. If I can, I'll find you a wind-attributed spiritual herb."

By now, almost all the students were in the cafeteria. Wu Bingji did nothing to keep the conversation private, so they all overheard what he said. The students immediately showed expressions of surprise.

One of them couldn't help but ask, "Eldest senior brother, what were you and Little Tang discussing yesterday?"

Wu Bingji replied with a smile, "About the control of elemental energy. Little Tang gave me a lot of inspiration. He is much better at it than I am."

"You’re too kind, eldest senior brother," Tang San said helplessly. He could feel how the other senior students looked at him had changed.

Wu Bingji winked at him, then tilted his head, pointing toward the door.

Everyone else also took their seats. Meanwhile, Guan Longjiang was writing something on a board embedded in the wall.

"Teacher Guan, everyone has arrived," Wu Bingji reported.

"Mhm, let's start the class," Guan Longjiang said, turning around. His gaze swept over the students, pausing noticeably on Tang San.

“Today, we will review the hierarchical bloodline classification of the demon race. We have covered this in a previous class, but Tang San is new and unfamiliar. And you all have probably forgotten most of it. So, I'll spend some time going over it again today."

The hierarchical bloodline classification of the demon race? Tang San was immediately overjoyed. This was one of the topics he was most eager to learn about. He knew next to nothing about the upper echelons of the demon race. The teachings of Wang Yanfeng were good as basics, but they didn’t go any further than that because the teacher himself did not understand the higher levels of the demon race very well.

Guan Longjiang explained, "Generally speaking, the demon race classifies bloodline levels into five major tiers. The situation is much the same with the nymph race. The different tiers of bloodlines determine the various classes within the demon and nymph races. In both races, the bloodline is of utmost importance. A strong bloodline represents great strength and potential.

“As human vassals, we do not belong to these five tiers. They are specific to the demons and nymphs. Even if a vassal's bloodline level is high, they are just a vassal. Only when our bloodline and strength are strong can we have a slightly higher status, and even then, we are still nothing but servants.

"The fifth tier of the demon race comprises those relatively weak and incapable of fighting. It also includes some vassal species of the demon race, like pig demons. In principle, there are no smaller categories within each clan. For example, pig demons are just pig demons; they aren't divided into black pig demons and white pig demons or anything like that. Because they are weak, they just have a general name.

"Porcupines are actually related to them, but since they do have some combat ability, they don't belong to this category; they are classified separately. Anyway, even those among them that can fight to some extent are not all that strong, and generally, they are not born above the third order. Their potential for future growth is also very limited, so they are the absolute bottom within the demon race.

"The fourth tier is where the real demons start. Almost all of them are adept at combat, and they are born at least at the second order but generally not above the fifth order. Actually, at birth, most demons of the fourth tier are not much different from those at the third tier, but their growth potential is very different. This tier also has the largest number of demons, and most of the mid-level clans of the demon race fall into this category. Unlike fifth-tier demons, they are able to cultivate all the way to the ninth order, although they are in principle unable to reach the tenth."

So a fourth-tier bloodline can go as far as the ninth order? Hearing this, Tang San felt his understanding being refreshed.

"And then comes the third tier, a different world altogether. The demons of the third tier are born with at least third-order strength and up to the eighth order. This tier can be considered the backbone of the demon race. Some powerful clans, like the major branches of lions, tigers, leopards, bears, wolves, and dragons, belong to this tier. As for the weaker branches of these clans, they fall under the fourth tier. For example, the Wind Wolves are included in the fourth tier, while the main bloodline of the wolf demon clan is that of the Golden Wolf King.

"At the third tier, cultivating to the tenth order—what we call the god level—and even breaking through to the eleventh order is a possibility. As for cultivating to the twelfth order, that is beyond difficult even for third-tier bloodlines."