Chapter 82: Praises

Chapter 82: Praises

Cheng Zicheng stuck out her tongue. "Who knew he was at the fifth order? I'm not familiar with him."

Mu Enqing's face became stern. "Oh, so because you’re not familiar with him, you just jumped at him? Are you five? It’s the exact opposite. When you don’t know the enemy, you should use your strengths to probe the enemy first. Where was your probing? You were only thinking of beating your opponent quickly so you could show off. In actual combat, mindset is the most important, and that’s a losing mindset. You need to use your strengths against the enemy's weaknesses. With the wrong mindset, no matter how strong you are, you might still fail.

"See, Tang San did exactly what you should have done: he used his strength to prevent you from using yours. His first thought was to restrict your flight, so he used his wind blades to block all your aerial routes. At that moment, he had already won. Of course, his combat skills are also much better than yours. And more importantly, from beginning to end, he kept his calm. How about you? For Tang San, there's nothing much for me to assess in this battle; he did very well."

Cheng Zicheng turned her head and glared at Tang San, who responded with a slight smile and an apologetic look.

Du Bai nudged Tang San from the side. "Little Tang, I didn't expect you to be this powerful. Do you want to be my guardian? I heard that every powerful Celestial Fox in the tribe has a guardian. Guardians protect the Celestial Foxes, it’s a very important task."

Tang San glanced at him sideways. "Thanks, but you’d waste such a good opportunity on someone unskilled like me. I’d say you should leave that task to someone else."

Du Bai rolled his eyes, "Do you realize what you're missing? You're missing the chance to guard the great Celestial Fox Vision!"

Tang San shrugged his shoulders but said nothing.

Mu Enqing's commentary continued, naturally moving on to the battle between Gu Li and Zhang Zebin.

His gaze first fell on Gu Li. "You were still impatient in the battle. Just like your junior sister, you failed to utilize your greatest advantage fully. You knew your opponent was depleting your bloodline power by leveraging his cultivation advantage, and yet you didn't change your strategy. Your loss was well-deserved."

Gu Li lowered his head, saying, "Teacher, my attack power is too weak to break through his defense. What can I do if he decides to drain my energy? It's too disadvantageous for me. If I want to be effective, I need a partner with strong offensive abilities."

Mu Enqing nodded, "You are right in that regard. Your offensive capabilities are weaker compared to your defense and control. However, each ability has its strengths and weaknesses, and flaws are normal. In such situations, even if you can't defeat your opponent, you should try to control your bloodline power consumption better, so you can prolong the fight while finding ways to deplete your opponent's bloodline power. For example, choose the moments when your opponent intensifies their bloodline power to disrupt them and make them consume more. Even a fourth-order against a fifth-order doesn't necessarily mean there's no chance."

Si Ru's eyes twinkled, and suddenly, Tang San felt as if the air in the room became viscous, and his body seemed to become transparent, sending a shock through his heart.

This is...

Almost subconsciously, he connected with his Wind Wolf imprint. His eyes flickered with a green light as the energy of his Mysterious Heaven Technique instantly transformed into the Wind Wolf Transformation's power. However, the surrounding wind elemental energy was utterly isolated, rendering it unusable.

"How strange! There's a significant difference, but the origin seems to still be of the Wind Wolf lineage. What's going on here?" Si Ru pondered aloud.

At that moment, Tang San was equally shocked, if not even more so.

The sensation just now, although not overwhelming, made one thing sure to him: the entity probing him was not merely a spiritual force but divine consciousness!

Although this divine consciousness probing him was nothing compared to his own when he was a God King, it was still divine consciousness—the power of an actual god-level presence.

Tang San never expected that the first god-level powerhouse he would encounter would be a human, a being he perceived as frail.

In the Redemption Society, the strongest was not the mayor but Si Ru, the teacher before him.

He recalled the mayor mentioning that besides himself as a Green-class Redeemer, there were also people at a higher level here—specifically, two Blue-class Redeemers. Surely, Si Ru had to be one of the two. And he was at the god level!

Of course, with Si Ru's divine consciousness, detecting the sliver of divine consciousness in Tang San's mind was impossible. There is a vast difference between levels of divine consciousness. Even if Tang San's sliver of divine consciousness was weak, it was still at the level of a God King, far surpassing Si Ru's.

"What's happening?" Guan Longjiang asked Si Ru.