G3 came to an end in a frenzy. Although the game was not good, the Lakers still firmly held the victory in their hands. After conquering the north shore garden, it was only one step away from the top of the team.

On the day of the season's finale, the league is also undercurrent, hiding in the hot center of the finals, may be the great changes affecting the next decade.

Ji Feng, Kobe, James, bosh, Wade, Xiaosi, Anthony, Duncan, Nash, curry, harden, Wes Names constitute a picture of the future. I'd like to take a time machine to see how the alliance will be ten years later.

But now, the finals are the crater, the Lakers are the team sitting on the crater, and fans all over the world are looking forward to the day when the volcano officially erupts.

When the arrogant Celtics lowered their unruly heads, the 3-0 lead of the Lakers seemed to have come early to open the champagne.

Although numerous green fans still believe that they have the chance to complete the unprecedented 0-3 reversal in history

But more Laker fans have already got champagne, beer and cigars in their hands.

"G4! The final battle! We're going to sweep! "

Outside staples, Los Angeles, a fan in his sixties held up such a banner, which represents the faith of all the Laker fans and represents the decades long waiting of all basketball fans.

In the history of NBA, there has never been a team that has ever won the championship with an unbeaten record. The nearest one is the legendary team of that year, OK Laker, who won 69 wins in the regular season. They should have swept the West in the playoffs. O'Neal is the only one, and Kobe is getting more mature. They let the powerful spurs and kings lose their eggs in disgrace, At that time, the East was weak and the West was strong. No matter which team in the East was considered to be unable to cause any trouble to the Lakers, and the unbeaten title was just around the corner.

However, Iverson was born, and "answer" gave his own answer at that moment. Away game, lone hero, extreme play, in exchange for the strongest playoffs in history, 16-1, brought is still the championship regret.

"We could not have failed." When it comes to O'Neal, Kobe, or Fisher, they will say this with regret. Although they recognize Iverson's strength, they are all gnashing their teeth at the failure. They could have been the first.

For the next ten years, there will be champions every year, but none of them has the dominance of the original Laker. Even the last time the Spurs swept the championship in the finals in 2007, it took a lot of effort to break through the Western Conference.

In a flash of ten years, this time, the opportunity is again in front of the Lakers. Not only that, they have also achieved more luxurious record than they did in those years. Up to now, they have won 15 consecutive playoffs, only one game short. They will make history and become a legend.

And this time, their opponent is more meaningful to every Laker because it's the green shirt, their undisputed number one enemy.

The Lakers have never swept the Celtics in the finals. On the contrary, in the first meeting between the two teams, Celtics easily won the championship with a 4-0 sweep, which opened up a seven game winning streak against the Lakers in the finals. Maybe it's the morale reason or the style of the game. Since that sweep, the Lakers have been unable to escape the fate of being defeated by the green shirt army, especially when When the Celtics ushered in their heyday, the Lakers were trampled by their horse's hooves again and again, until the magic era, it ended the losing streak.

That's 25 years later.

It has been 50 years since the first time the Lakers were swept by the Celtics in 1959. There have been too many stories in these 50 years. The two teams have also become the two giants in the history of NBA, but what remains unchanged is the heart of the championship and the heart of revenge!

Yes, the Lakers are eager to sweep the Celtics in the finals to complete a redemption that spans half a century!


On June 11, the last night before the G4 game, at 10:00 p.m., the local basketball stadium rented by the local Lakers in Boston. After six hours of training and preparation, the team has left, and the stadium has fallen into darkness, which seems to blend into the whole night.

However, if you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound coming from the dark. It is the clear sound after the basketball landing, which is particularly ethereal in the quiet night.

It's Jifeng!

Only two hours after he left the stadium, he returned here. Of course, he did not love basketball. His spirit was so exuberant that he could not fall asleep after returning to the hotel. He chose to come here again to vent a wave of extra energy with the basketball, which was also to make his brain settle down again.

Yes, even if Ji Feng is as calm as Ji Feng, on the eve of this important competition, it is hard to avoid falling into a confused and complicated mind. Words such as winning the championship, Dynasty, revenge and so on are constantly circling in the mind, which makes people unable to calm down.

So Ji Feng will make himself more tired, so that he can have a good sleep, not as weak legs after playing tomorrow night.

However, he is not the only one who can't sleepA basketball precise bag, brush blue sound can not hide the door from the harsh sound.

"Hello, Hello, Hello, I said why there is no one in your room, so I came here to practice. I said that you have become more and more abnormal in the past two years. Let's talk about how much practice you have done behind our back." Kobe's signature voice sounded in the dark. By moonlight, Ji Feng watched a Kobe with his left hand holding a basketball and his right hand holding something he didn't know appeared in the stadium.

"Boss, you can't sleep. It's just right. Come on, fight the bullfight." Ji Feng walked there with a smile. It's no surprise to Kobe's arrival. To be honest, before Ji Feng came to the team, he came to the stadium in the middle of the night, which has always been a patent of Kobe, and Ji Feng obviously did not meet Kobe in the stadium for the first time.

But this time, Kobe is not here to fight Jifeng.

"Go, go, go. Brother is old and his fingers are still injured. If you play tomorrow, you'd better rest." Kobe refused the bullfight invitation, put down his right hand and slowly walked on the court with the ball.

Ji Feng realized that it was a bottle of expensive champagne.

"No sir, isn't it too early to open the champagne now?" Ji Feng went over and picked it up for a while. This is a bottle of boerl kroff Brut, which costs about $3000 each. It's a real luxury in the champagne. It's also the favorite one for Jifeng and Kobe when they get together.

However, although they are 3-0 ahead, they have not won the championship after all. It is too early to enjoy it now.

"Of course not. This is the celebration wine I prepared in advance for the victory. What do you think, boy? You think I don't watch football. I don't want to see it on the basketball court, especially when the opponent is them." Kobe said, sitting on the sidelines.

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