"We've been through crazy yelling, and now we face it all with a smile." Tiger flutter online, a sun die loyal for many years left such a language, which also reflects the mood of today's sun fans.

Yes, although the sun is still at its peak, anyone can see that the sun is likely to be the last dance in the era of running and roaring. Nash is no longer young, and Xiaosi is likely to leave. Even Barbosa is no longer a lightning bolt, and everything here will eventually change.

Like Nash's words that made countless people cry after the game, he, and they, probably won't have a championship again.

This is perhaps the biggest regret of this team and players who have created half an era.

But then what? At least the names sun and Nash have left their own words in the long history, which is enough.

You just work hard and leave the rest to fate. Maybe this is the best that everyone can do.

After the season peak competition, I also sent sincere blessing to the sun: "when I was a child, I saw the sun's game from the TV. The extreme attack and explosive scene have always affected me. It's hard to imagine my mood now, and send the best wishes to you."


After the 4-0 sweep of the Suns, the team didn't stay long in Phoenix. Although the Eastern Conference game was not over, the Lakers returned to Los Angeles overnight after a simple celebration due to the 3-0 score.

After all, it's on the road, and it's not easy to celebrate, so the award ceremony of the Western championship is just a very simple one. The Phoenix obviously didn't want the Lakers to stay too long. The cup was finished as soon as the trophy was served, and the rest was completed in the press conference hall.

Half an hour later, the Lakers flew back to Los Angeles by charter.

It's already 3:00 a.m. to fly back to Los Angeles, but in Los Angeles, Buss made Kupchak prepare a celebration party early. Anyway, winning the western conference championship for three consecutive years is a great achievement. The last time the Lakers did it, it will be 10 years ahead.

So you can imagine the happiness of the Laker fans. Is there anything happier than this?

It's true, like when the treble comes back, but that doesn't stop the celebration of the Laker fans.

A large number of fans have gathered outside the Los Angeles Airport for a long time. When the Laker bus drove out of the airport channel, they were welcomed by a mountain of applause and cheers.


"champion! champion! Champion Fans outside shout, Farmar roared in the car, a look is excited just came up.

"Dry, you boy, keep your voice down. When you just lifted the Western championship trophy, I didn't see you so excited!" Gasol waved in disgust.

"Hey, hey, man, look at you. Do you really have a position to talk about him?" Make complaints about the Tucao Road, Gasol is holding the trophy of the Western champion in his arms.

"Hey, brother, you say, how much prize money can we get when we finish the finals?"

Over there, Artest, who has a straight heart and a negative score in mathematics, has begun to ask about the bonus after winning the championship. After all, Kupchak's remarks at the airport are still too tempting.

"In view of your 12-0 sweep to the finals, so the management has increased the bonus to 5 million dollars! If you win the championship, old Mr. bass promises to double the prize money

It has to be said that the Laker uniform is still very essential. The total bonus of $10 million is absolutely super large, which is equivalent to giving a shot of adrenaline to the excited Laker players. The effect is not good.

This directly led to a celebration breakfast for the Lakers, which ended at 11:00 noon. Kupchak directly put the celebration place in the cafeteria near staples, and a group of strong men had a special breakfast in the restaurant which was originally only open at noon and evening.

They didn't leave until lunch was almost over. A buffet breakfast could go crazy for 7 or 8 hours. The Laker set a record. At least Jackson took it. He felt that he couldn't keep up with this crazy era.

Of course, today's training must be canceled. The Lakers who are seriously short of rest will return home to rest. In fact, this was what Jackson intended. To win the western conference championship, it took at least one day off, so the training was set on the morning of the 28th.

To be reasonable, if the green army defeated magic on the 27th, it might have some impact on the finals. After all, according to the official urine, the interval between the finals and the regional finals is about three days at most. Stern won't let the gap be too long.

However, the green army is not competitive, holding a 3-0 lead and making their own home court, occupying the best time and place, but they just want to play snake.

On that night, Ji Feng took all kinds of snacks necessary for watching the ball in the hot bar, and the super vegetable salad that only he could eat. After a long time, Ji Feng took his lovely girlfriend, who was soft and glutinous, and nestled on the huge sofa in the living room to enjoy a wave of NBA.The so-called sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight is a great enjoyment of life.

Now Jifeng is finally able to simply enjoy a wave of competition. After all, nine out of ten opponents in the finals are the green shirts, and the rest of the dongjue is more like a passing match. I believe that the information on Zen master's table about this season's magic has been swept to the cabinet, and the green army's information should have occupied all positions.

"The magic still played the finals with you last season. Why not this season?" The hot bar lying in the bosom of Ji Feng asked curiously.

"Ha ha, you have to ask the magic management. If they have a good mind, they may be thinking about it now." Ji Feng shrugged his shoulders and replied, "magic is no surprise to him. If we want to make the league's most mentally retarded and best at playing good cards, magic will definitely be on the list and stay at the top.

From Shaquille O'Neal to McGrady and then to Howard, the magic is good at helping other teams deliver high-quality stars.

However, despite this, the magic still won, and they even pulled back one in the north bank garden.

This game, Warcraft Howard can't give a great power, 19 shot 13, in only 14 out of 14 in the case of 6 to get 32 points, 16 rebounds and 4 blocks, led the magic to withstand the green army's turbulent attack, away 99-90 won, the big score to 1-3.

Two days later, it may be that the green army felt that they were just giving you a game because of the broken dream. So they let pierce and Garnett play less than 35 minutes away. They were defeated again by magic 113-94, and the score came to 2-3. The suspense seemed to come back all of a sudden!

All of a sudden, Ji Feng is ready to call to encourage a wave of Warcraft, let them work hard, come on, strive for three to four.

But it didn't work. The old green team came back home and finally showed its real strength. 96-84, Howard scored a single digit. The green army successfully won the match point and returned to the finals with a total score of 4-2!

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