"Jifeng! Jifeng ~ you see, how about this dress for me

Since knowing that Jifeng is going to take her to the Laker's championship bus, the hot bar has been in a state of excitement. Although she was very tired last night, she is still eager to change clothes for Ji Feng.

"It's all good. You can look good with anything. After all, the completion of fashion is face." Jifeng is so sitting on the sofa, watching the hot bar, running back and forth happily.

However, Jifeng will not be a disappointment. It is the nature of every girl to love all the beautiful things. Moreover, Jifeng is also a feast for the eyes. I don't know how many people can't change this kind of job.

What's more, Ji Feng finally knows what goddess is. Light make-up, tall figure, simple white shirt, jeans, canvas shoes are enough.

Looking at the hot bar, Ji Feng simply drove the hot bar to Beverly Hills for a shopping spree. He said that Jifeng also bought a new house here this year. Although it is not big, it is definitely a luxury house.

Originally, Jifeng was ready to go home and didn't plan to stay here, but after a long time of shopping, the hot bar broke out. In addition to its amazing potential, it was worthy of being a woman with waistcoat line. Moreover, Ji Feng finally understood where the hot bar ate every day. This physical strength was really amazing. Imitating Buddha kept pressing e's Yasuo, it was really happy

The next day, Ji Feng's team expanded again. Originally, Kobe called Ji Feng to discuss whether they should go fishing together. However, Ji Feng, who was waiting for the hot bar in Chanel's flagship store, directly sent out an invitation: "go to sea and wait. It's better to come directly to happy villa, call sister-in-law and have fun together!"

"Shit, boy, I think I might as well sweat on the training ground now. To be honest, my calf is starting to hurt."

Three hours later, Kobe and Ji Feng sat on the bench together. Looking at the two girls in front of him who were chatting happily while trying to install crazily, he felt that he was trapped by Ji Feng.

"Hey, boss, to be honest, I think shopping is more tiring than training. Maybe we should suggest to Zen master that shopping should be added to the training program!"

Jifeng is satisfied, finally someone accompany him, even the air suddenly become fresh up

But in the evening, they returned to normal life. The celebration of the rest of the Laker was almost over. Except for two old drivers, Farmar and Morrison, who were still reluctant to leave the nightclub, most of them had gone home to adjust.

So Jifeng directly invited all the Laker teammates and their families to a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

It's the first time for many people to eat Chinese food with chopsticks. Naturally, there are many jokes. For example, Farmar's shrimp caught with chopsticks flew to the bald head of the old fish The old fish almost drowned Farmar in the fish tank at the door, but in addition to these small accidents, the guests and the host enjoyed it.

On the 19th, Ji Feng's dream of going to sea was finally completed. James came to ask for credit early in the morning, because the yacht he rented was in place!

"Wow, Riva! You can, James." After arriving at the wharf, Ji Feng looked at the luxury yacht on the sea and said, no wonder he came to ask for credit early in the morning.

"Not bad. When my sister is rich, I'll get another one." Avril took off her sunglasses and said.

"Well, I went up first." Young Olson can't wait.

Since 1842, Riva yacht has a history of 170 years. It is one of the oldest, most legendary and most expensive brands in the world yacht industry, and is recognized as "Rolls Royce" in yachts all over the world.

It has always been the favorite of the global royal family and many European and American movie stars. There are many celebrities in Riva yachts, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Roland, King Hussein of Jordan, crown prince of Italy, king of Spain, Prince Nicolas Cage of Monaco, George Clooney and so on. Even Hong Kong's rich Li Jiacheng is also a loyal customer of Riva.

Jifeng has a certain understanding of yachts, but his love is not so much. So he sighs. According to his financial resources, it is more than enough to buy a yacht, but he doesn't think it is necessary. After all, at this time of the year, he will choose to go out to sea to play. However, it seems that private planes should be put on the agenda, and private planes are needed to travel to and from various countries.

"Whoa! Nice! "But Farmar can't let go of the yacht. It's worth tens of millions of things. It's hard to make money in his life. But he doesn't worry. After all, he has a big brother!

The hot bar is also the first time to board a yacht, so today's play is completely young and cheerful. Wearing Avril's sunglasses, we take a group photo together on the cruise ship. The background is the boundless sea. Ji Feng, as a mascot, often appears in the camera.

"You are really crazy." In addition to swimming, Ji Feng spent most of his time sunbathing on the deck, and the girls were even more crazy, taking selfies, changing clothes, swimming and fishing on the sea. They were really strong.

"This is youth! You are the second youngest of us Kobe said, holding the fishing rod.

The crazy days are still going on, but they are back on time because on the 20th, the fans' last big party of the season is coming!Victory parade!

Annual champion's reserved project!

Last year's championship parade is still fresh in my mind, but in a flash of time, the champion still belongs here!

At 5 a.m. Los Angeles time, sleepless fans poured into the streets and began to wait along the route announced by the parade.

and a long distance of mainland China's night owls are waiting for the championship celebration.

After a few days of waves, the Lakers will gather again. They will take a brand-new Championship bus to start the 1.5-hour tour, which is nearly twice as long as last year!

At 7 o'clock, the champion float appeared at Staples gate. The car became a favorite of fans. I have to say, the double deck open top bus is really beautiful. The overall appearance is purple gold. On the left is the championship trophy and the huge logo of the Los Angeles team. There are big Arabic numerals 16 on the left, representing the 16 Championships the Lakers have won, and the 12 on the right The bust of the players on the list, Ji Feng is in the middle, and he still holds the fmvp trophy!

At 7:30, the Laker players who had changed their winning T-shirts got on the bus in turn. Kobe was the first one with the championship trophy. When Ji Feng appeared with his left hand holding hot bar and his right hand holding the fmvp trophy, it directly detonated the scene!

"Left hand love, right hand career. The biggest winner of Ji Feng's life

"Champion Couple Dress, can't do, can't eat dog food enough!"

Fans were shocked by this wave of operation.

After that, Ji Feng issued a familiar Championship declaration in a familiar place. The Lakers didn't win enough!

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