Ji Feng has hit 7 middle pitches today, and the Mavericks have hit a rain of mid shots at home!

"Seven for seven, Ji Feng's hand is not ordinary today." Yang Yi boasted in the live broadcast room, but he didn't say much. After all, Ji Feng used to shoot 15-15 and hit more than 80% of the game. Ji Feng's hit rate has always been very exaggerated. 65% of the field average hit rate is also unique among outside players, so 7-7 is good, but for Jifeng, it is a routine operation.

So the ball we all focus on the season peak open hanging general fast break choice.

On the sidelines of the commentary, sour said, why the Laker's coaching team did not stop Jifeng this way of shooting, after all, in the eyes of everyone, fast break shot big two points is the most unworthy way.

After all, the risk is high, but the income is average. It's OK to enter. If you don't make it, it's not only a waste of fast break opportunities. If you don't bounce back from the penalty kick, you can make the opponent seize the opportunity to fight back.

For example, Popovich, if someone plays like this in the Spurs, a scolding is inevitable. Even if it is a goal, Popovich will become crazy on the sidelines in an instant, and maybe change this person immediately.

However, looking at the appearance of the Laker coach, he didn't care about Ji Feng's playing like this. Jackson clapped his hands to show Ji Feng played well, which blinded all the commentators.

"Zen master seems to trust Ji Feng too much." ESPN said after seeing the teacher and apprentice's friendly interaction.

Of course, Zen master knows what others will say, but he is not prepared to tell the truth, and he is not stupid. Ji Feng's vote is approved by him. Although it is completely different from what is written in the basketball textbook, the hit rate can't be fake. Moreover, it has a feeling of doing the opposite. No one can think of it, and it can achieve unexpected results!

What's more, basketball has a standard. As long as you can score goals and win the championship, it's the most suitable thing. This is Zen master's basketball philosophy!

The announcer here has not finished. The Mavericks' attack has finally been scored by Dampier, who has just played. This guy has finally got serious. Although there is no difference in feeling, he has also got a point.

However, the Lakers continued to organize the attack quickly, and Walton pushed forward quickly, passing the ball to Ji Feng near half-time!

Jifeng in the face of Howard a worship Buddha shake open body, blink of an eye into the interior line, in addition to defense in place before throwing again!


Eight out of eight!

"Today's feel is really good, looks like I can continue to throw like this!" No matter what the outside world is saying, Ji Feng is still concerned about the game. His hand feeling today has been fully activated in the first quarter against the old driver. Now he feels that the basket in front of him is like a vast ocean, and he can shoot all the balls!

"Oh, we can't keep the percentage of hits." Barkley said, but he thought it was unlikely.

NBA is a guy who has shot 10 times in a single game and still keeps 100% shooting rate, but it's too hard. To be honest, in Buckley's mind, it's much more difficult than getting 50 points in triple doubles.

Because this test in addition to strength, the most important thing is luck, the league has only a few people in decades.

However, Buckley thinks that even if Ji Feng can't make 100% shooting rate, the winning rate of the Laker will increase greatly today. According to statistics, when the shooting rate reaches more than 70%, the Lakers will win.

But Ji Feng's performance is not over yet!

In the last two minutes of the second quarter, Ji Feng ran without the ball first and then took the ball. While helping Kobe to fill in an auxiliary attack, he also hit 9 out of 9!

Jifeng fans have no time to cheer, the last ten seconds, Jifeng again, Josh Howard was suppressed for a long time, finally launched the attack, but Jifeng impolitely snatched the fast break!

A wonderful split button!


Ji Feng scored 22 points in half time!

The Lakers are 58-47 at halftime, 11 points ahead!

"Ji Feng's shooting rate in the first half was 100%, 10 shots for 10, two free throws for 2, and got 22 points, 5 assists and 5 rebounds. If he can keep such a hot feeling, Jifeng will have a chance to set a record of 100% shooting rate in a single game." Yang Yi said in the studio.

He hopes Jifeng can do it. If Jifeng can be maintained, he will be the second player in China to do so. Yao once scored 26 points and 10 rebounds in 12-out-of-12 games in the home game against heat a few years ago!

"It's amazing. We Chinese players should learn from Ji Feng and see how other people's middle shots are practiced. How can they be so accurate?" Zhang said that he had seen Shen Yang's interview video of Ji Feng's training, and he hit 1000 middle shots without hesitation, which is one of Ji Feng's daily training projects. How could this kind of training attitude fail!

The commentary also made Chinese fans around the world raise their fingers before the start of the second half of the game. They all want to see if Ji Feng can reach this record!

"It's better to stop shooting in the second half of Jifeng's game, and that's the record.""Sb upstairs, how can Ji Feng be like you? Besides, such a record has a chicken feather meaning."

"Ji Feng is a fierce force. I heard that the NBA has completed less than 10 people. Ji Feng is really a natural record breaker."


And many fans are also very nervous, originally this ball played smoothly, but as soon as the record is in front of them, they are all sweating for Ji Feng. Originally, they were afraid that they could not win, but now they have evolved to be afraid of every ball.

Hot bar holding hands to help Jifeng pray, has been 10 in 10, do not come to 12-11 this kind of exasperating things ah, if it is really like this, do not say Jifeng, he will be depressed to death.

And the Mavericks of course also know Ji Feng's performance in the first half, Johnson is very depressed, did not expect to play to push Ji Feng's hand out, this can be completely beyond his expectation.

"You can foul at the right time. You have to be more tough and kick the rookie's ass!" Johnson called to Josh in the dressing room.

"I understand!" Josh nodded, he had a worry in his mind, he can't let Ji Feng take everything on his head, get 100% shooting rate, then he's the so-called defensive fierce general is still confused!

In the third quarter, the two sides rotated as usual, and almost at the same time changed all the main players in about 8 minutes. At this time, the Lakers were still 64-54, 10 points ahead!

And as soon as the second half came up, Ji Feng was given special care, and he was sandwiched by two people at the moment of breakthrough with the ball!

Jifeng is feeling that Josh's action is much bigger, but Jifeng is still drilling through the two people's seams, tearing open the space, and throwing the ball horizontally!

"Hoo ~" the hot bar breathed a sigh of relief, and again raised a finger, scared to death, this ball is too breathtaking.

11 in 11!

"Come on, guard against me!" Jifeng to pass the message to Kobe, JK team up, defensive side of a report also a report, pinch against yosh, yosh's pass to the old fish, the old fish with the ball in the front field points!

Jifeng cross step again!


12 in 12!

Buckley bulls have not called out, Jifeng opened his hand to steal Devon Harris's baseline pass, easy to play under the basket!

13 out of 13!

Jifeng has surpassed Dayao again!

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