It's on the shelves tomorrow!

Pea is a new comer. He doesn't know any writers or friends. He is groping for everything. From Xiaobai to Laobai, from signing to putting on the shelves, you can't do without your support!

First of all, I would like to thank the editor for his great help from signing the contract to putting it on the shelves. Of course, I must also thank every reader for your reading, collection, recommendation and reward. Finally, I will thank you again.

It has been almost two months since the publication of the book on August 3. Counting today's free chapters of 177 chapters, it is nearly 390000 words.

Actually, I didn't think I could hold on.

As a reader of online literature, pea has probably read online novels for more than ten years, saying that every reader has a writer's dream in his heart. But to be honest, pea has never thought of becoming a writer for so many years.

Until June this year, at that time, I suddenly wanted to write the story in my heart. Then, without thinking about it, I would like to plunge into this place and have myself. But in fact, pea would like you to subscribe to support the author Jun!

Finally, go on sale tomorrow! On the shelves tomorrow! On the shelves tomorrow!

For a wave of first order!!!

Thank you very much!

In addition, I wish you all a happy holiday! Happy National Day!

PS: sincere thanks

the author can't do without the readers. Every collection, every reading and every recommendation ticket are indispensable for the author to be put on the shelves. In fact, before the peas were put on the shelves, they would like to thank everyone at the back of the article, but when the peas were put on the shelves, they still wanted to express their sincere thanks to the readers who collected, read and recommended them.

Without your recommendation, collection, reading and reward, there would be no time for this book to be put on the shelves.

He may disappear in the dust, just like previous books.

Really, thank you. Welcome to your seat. You know I'm talking about you!

Thank you for your support in the future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!