Chapter 1664: War communication question reason

After thinking that the wolf guy had uncovered the layer of skin, it was a small suckling pig. This unexpected situation made Peter inevitably become paralyzed.

Yes, he is embarrassed. Because his suspicions are not only an offense to Bob, but also a distrust of Stark and Stark. This kind of mistrust is in the heart and there is nothing, but it is on the bright side, that is a more troublesome problem.

Doubt is always the root of the alliance's split, although there is never an unbreakable alliance in the world, but in any case, doubts on such things will shake the foundation of their cooperation.

Fortunately, the Master of the Ancients saw this situation after all, so she also showed a comfortable means to cope with this situation.

"As a check for spies, it is a very necessary move, but Mr. Parker, don't you think your actions are too much?"

Peter can of course hear the cover in the old saying and her warning. This made him sigh and then resumed his original appearance, while patting Bob's shoulder and talking to him.

"Sorry, man. I am doing too much."

Bob is still ignorant of all this. He only understands roughly that he has passed a test of identity. This test is not new to him. In fact, he has already experienced several similar procedures when he entered the White House. In contrast, Peter’s actions are simply not offensive. So of course, he chose to forgive.

"It's nothing, Mr. Parker. I know this is a prerequisite for our cooperation. In fact, I don't care about you doing this kind of test for me. I believe that I can stand the test, please believe me. I am definitely not doing anything that is not good for you."

The assurance from the fans, really, Peter is a bit scornful. After experiencing a brutal war and seeing the darkness of human nature, he did not believe that this kind of establishment was based on the illusion of illusion.

He believes that his comrades who fight alongside themselves believe in the brothers, fathers and mothers who have come forward to protect their families. But he doesn't believe in politicians. He doesn't believe in those stars who will only make a show. Naturally, he will not even believe those fans who just don't know who they are because they are fascinated.

In his opinion, the worship of idols by fans is entirely due to the fact that there is nothing to do with a full meal. Once their lives or personal interests are compromised, they will not continue to choose to support their idols. It is definitely a question worth discussing.

Is there a fan who is stupid enough to pay for everything for the so-called idol? Amount, this seems to be really there. So is this little fat man in front of me such a stupid guy? Thinking about the words he had said before, Peter suddenly and desperately discovered that this does not seem to be an impossible thing.

Stark, you really sent a great person to play with me.

Shake his head and wipe the mess in his head. Peter also began to set his own mentality and entered the topic. The current situation can not allow him to waste time on these details, so immediately, he said to Bob.

"You are here, Mr. Liaison. I have a very important thing that needs you to tell President Stark. You have the means to contact him in the shortest possible time, right?"

"Yes, sir. I can always get in touch with the President."

Although he did not think that he would be acting so soon, Bob gave a definite answer with due diligence. In this regard, Peter nodded with satisfaction, then said to him solemnly.

"In this case, please tell President Stark that the plan has changed. We have no time to continue doing this kind of delay. The evil spirit knight will launch an attack on **** in the next few days. As a partner, I I need the support of the Stark government. On the frontal battlefield, I need him to attract the attention of **** for us and create opportunities for us to break into hell!"

When this sentence is said, it is not just that Bob is in a state of arrogance. Even the guy who has kept the world's high-ranking people in the ancient one is inevitably showing a shocked look.

Bob said that as a guy who had just touched all these secrets, he obviously thought that this was just a planned action and a planned thing. But the ancient one can be different. As a third-party with the same status, she is very clear about the person who is in the middle of this. The original plan is not like this at all.

What they want is a gradual plan, step by step, and build a war advantage against **** little by little. Rather than being like this, no matter what, no matter what, screaming and rushing into the enemy's nest. What is the difference between this and self-destruction? Anyway, she absolutely can't allow things to develop to such a bad situation.

So immediately, she has already sent a very serious question to Peter.

"Mr. Parker, do you know what you are saying? Don't you understand the serious consequences that you may have caused by doing this? You are putting the efforts of all of us to the fore, you are I am joking about the future of the whole human being. If you can't give me a suitable reason, I will never allow you to do this. You know, I have this ability and I have this qualification!"

Peter wants to make such a big move, and the ancient Master is indeed a hurdle that cannot be avoided. Because of her collaborator status, and because she does have the ability to stop them from acting. Therefore, he is bound to convince the ancient Master, and at this point, he is already ready.

"Listen, Gu Yi. I certainly understand the consequences of my doing this. But since I will choose to do this, then I naturally have my reasons."

"I listen to your reasons. And this reason can not satisfy me, this should be judged by me!"

On this issue, even if the attitude has always been mild, the good-speaking Guru Master has come up with a tough enough attitude. Obviously, she is not so convincing. In this regard, Peter just frowned, it is already This made her speech to her.

"I understand your concern, Gu Yi. But please also believe me. If there is a possibility of one in ten, I will never make such a decision. The situation is very critical, we have no time and more. Choose the room."

It still seems to be a concern, and Peter did not fully explain what he knew. But his mouth kept saying that he had been insisting on his own point of view.

This made Gu Brow wrinkle deeper. At the same time, she also inevitably asked such words.

"Do you know about Carter Shire? Is there any opinion on these actions for you?"

Impulsive, reckless, this is a common problem for young people. And if you want to become a big event, the impulse of one time alone is absolutely impossible. At this time, if there is an experienced person with a deep experience, it will often increase the success rate. This is why the ancients brought Carter Shire to Peter. She needed the old Carter to constrain Peter's actions so that he would not make any irreparable mistakes because of impulsive impulses.

Old Carter has experienced a hundred battles and knows the bottom line of hell. If even he agrees with Peter's approach, then the ancient one can only believe that things really have no room for change. Only then will she accept Peter's approach. But now, everything is still undecided.

It’s not surprising that Gu Yi moved out of old Carter. But it is precisely because of her questioning that it evokes the pain in Peter's heart. The death of the old Carter can not let Peter feel relieved, so when she asked this question, his face immediately fell cold.

The evil fire burned in his heart, but he was not sensible, but he could not scatter these evil fires on the head of the ancient one. Therefore, he can only hold his own different mood, and then bite his teeth and say to the ancient one.

"Old Carter has already sacrificed, and it is because of his sacrifice that prompted me to make such a decision."

"What do you say, what is this all about?"

Peter’s words finally made Gu Yi aware of the seriousness of the problem, and she quickly began to ask questions. In this regard, Peter looked at Bob's direction and revealed a silent appearance.

Obviously, he does not think that Bob's identity is qualified to know the inside story. Even if he is a very key liaison, it is no exception.

For his concerns, although Gu Yi was dissatisfied, he did not defend Bob. At this time, she just waved her hand and pulled Peter into a special environment in a special way, then pointed to Peter like Bob, who said it was fixed.

"I have pre-determined his perception of time. For him, our current conversation does not exist. So, what is the problem, you can now make it clear!"

"Rande Kiel. It is this guy who killed the old Carter!"

In a simple sentence, it was that the ancient body tightened its body and instantly refuted it.

"This is impossible. Randil is bound by the contract, he can't break free from hell."

"Impossible, what is impossible. In this kind of thing, do you dare to say that he is absolutely impossible?"

This may not be possible from the perspective of the ancient one, but from Peter's point of view, this is already an established fact, and what she calls can't be just a joke.

Things have already happened, and Gu Yi also understands that Peter will not say anything big on such things. So she can only frown and say in a calm tone.

"Unless he is willing to pay a huge price, he will never be able to break the bond. This is the contract I signed with Hell. I am very clear about this!"