Chapter 1295: Inner ghost identity placement

With such a generous and special chip, the first reaction of the person associated with the Hydra is not happy, but fear.

He was so upset that he didn't care about the benefits represented by this chip, but he said very eagerly to the Hydra.

"Listen, this is not a matter of money and money. You found me and let me sell the information to you. I have already done it. And when we said it, after we finished this vote, we would never There will be a second contact. You are not only going to go back, but you still want to use this transaction to coerce me, how could this be the case!"

"That's because from the beginning, our transaction was not completed. Hagtel is still alive, this is the symbol of the transaction is not completed. And what we are doing now is to complete the unfinished transaction again." For this reason, we have paid a higher price and a bargaining chip. Is there any dissatisfaction with this?"

The reason for the Hydra seems to be very good, but for those who do the transaction, this is just a strong word. If he can, he really wants to reject the Hydra's request, but it is like the Hydra threatened. Once he refuses, the Hydra will not hesitate to announce the identity of his ghost. With the current tension of the Indian government, once he is known as a ghost, then waiting for him is absolutely Only the capital punishment.

In the end, this is actually a matter of no choice, but for this person who has become a ghost, he really does not want to do this again, so he can only plead, hope These Hydras are able to open the net to him.

"You have killed enough people, it is already making things big enough. For you, is your purpose already achieved? This country is inevitably confused, even if there is only one black When Gertel is alive, he can't stop the turmoil in this country. Everything is only temporary, and when the politicians who are temporarily depressed by him start to rebound, he can't do anything at all. So why do you have to It’s against him. Isn’t it good to let him go?”

"No, we can't afford the possibility of what you said. So there is no room for negotiation in this matter." The Hydra refused bluntly and reminded him in good faith. "I think you should pay attention to the time. Just like I told you before, you have wasted about ten minutes now. If you want more benefits, then I think you should give me a reply as soon as possible." !"

"Let me think about it, let me think about it." The other end of the phone has no sound for the time being, but the Hydra is not worried at all, and he will disappear without a trace. After all, that's five times that of 70 million, and nearly four hundred million in rounds are enough for him to enjoy the most extravagant life anywhere in the world.

No one is indifferent to such a number. Especially for the inner ghost at the moment. Because there are only two ways in front of him. Or if you take the money and go high, you will spend the rest of your life safely; or you will be exposed to your identity and end your life. Such a choice, as long as it is a normal person, I am afraid that I will know how to choose.

And just as they thought, very quickly, the opposite side came with a positive answer from the ghost.

"I have chosen it. I will tell you where he is. But is the money problem?"

"400 million, has been transferred. You can check it out! But you have to know, if you dare to deceive us in this news, what kind of end you will end."

Nodded and made a gesture to one of his subordinates. A huge amount of money is transferred to their designated overseas account through an anonymous account. Soon, the corresponding information was received, because they heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

This means that their chips are definitely touching the ghost. In fact, it is indeed like this. When you see the money you have received, the ghosts will leave all the scruples behind them. He didn't hesitate any more, but quickly, he said what he wanted to know.

“Old Delhi is located on the riverside of a temple dedicated to Shiva. The temple was hollowed out by the government as a refuge. Heigel is now there, and I can tell you so much. As for the others, How many guards are there, and his daily activities. I don't know now, he won't tell me this. So the rest will only depend on you!"

"This news is enough!" Hanging up the phone directly, the little head of the Hydra immediately yelled at his companions. "You also heard it, and the goal is there. Now that they have not had time to build sufficient defense measures, we must launch a raid on it. Here, I want to explain it to you. This time is different from the previous one. The other party must be precautionary. Therefore, each of you must be prepared to sacrifice. In addition, don't take care of the lives of the anti-government monkeys. Let them take the lead and give us mines. They only have such a role!"

"Understand!" A neat response followed by a busy preparation. Everyone knows that this is a hard battle, so they can't just walk to the battlefield casually. Preparation is inevitable, and just as they prepare for it, on the other side, there are also people who are rushing to prepare.

Salman Khan. The first assistant to the Office of the Prime Minister of India, his other identity is the illegitimate son of Prime Minister Heigel. Because he is an illegitimate child, he does not qualify for his father's wealth. As the prime minister of Heigel, his huge political capital can only be left to his descendants. Although it is said that the big brother of Salman is an incompetent waste, this kind of thing is definitely not on his head. All this will be attributed to his clever scorpion, the young man who is destined to inherit all of Hegtel.

For such a situation, Salman naturally complained. But it’s just a complaint. Because for him, he is not without hope. Although he was an illegitimate child, he was favored by his father. Under his care, he stepped up in the government department step by step until he was 40 years old and finally climbed to the position of the current prime minister's office.

This is definitely a great thing for people of his age. It is conceivable that as long as he can continue to maintain such momentum, even if Heitel is stepping down in the future, he can also play a pivotal role in the entire Indian federal government with his political capital accumulated over the years.

This is a very perfect result for him. Being an illegitimate child who can't be seen by people can climb to such a position, it can be said that it is the favor of heaven. He had thought that his life would be so smooth and smooth. But until that happened, it completely cut off the possibility of his future development.

Because of personal reasons, he blocked the order of Hagtel, and he almost lost all the points in Heigel. Although Heigel did not say it, he already guessed the thoughts in Heigel. He has already planned to break his career fate. Because in his eyes, he has become a guy who is not enough to make a mistake. The original Heigtel cultivated him just to find a helper for his scorpion in the future. Now that he is so useless, he naturally kicks him away mercilessly.

Although this is only a speculation by Salman, in the case of changes in the work of the Prime Minister’s office and his increasingly marginalization, he naturally became more and more affirmed by this speculation. And such a result is obviously not what he can accept.

Cut off his career, his future can only be a businessman. Even if he becomes a businessman, he can only be the kind of businessman who serves his family. I don’t want to say anything about it. Almost all the money I earn must be given to his brothers and the nephew who must go to politics in the future. Not only is it really small that it really falls into his hands, but he is also subject to the fall of those who do not work. This is definitely not the result he wants, and just under such circumstances, he encountered the turning point of his own destiny, the communicator who sent the emergency information.

Originally, Salman, who wanted to secretly get rid of him and prevent himself from taking responsibility, did not think that the communicator would actually be a Hydra. What he didn't even think about was that he actually took out a lot of interests and started a deal with himself. With tens of millions of dollars, it is a number he absolutely can't imagine. You only need to sell some intelligence to get such a large amount of unexpected wealth. This is a turning point in life for him who has lost all of it.

He seized the turn and sought another way out for himself. What he didn't think was that he had not waited for him to manage his own retreat. The Hydras had already used his intelligence to launch a devastating blow to the core of the entire federal government.

They have almost succeeded, but they have also pushed him to the limit. Knowing that he had made a big mistake, he thought that things could end like this, but he didn't think of it. Because of the existence of a substitute that he didn't even know, everything was once again a wave.

The Hydra's man once again found himself and offered a higher price to buy his father's life. For the sake of this money, for his own future, Thurman took his own conscience and made a choice that he thought he could not do at all. He chose the road to self-destruction in this country. So he must escape from here as soon as possible.

To escape this country, then nature is a vast sky. But how can things be so simple.