Chapter 1236: Crazy resistance to extinction

How sweet death is still dead. As long as it is death, no one can be as calm as a warm gift. Aleksia is no exception.

For death, she must be very resistant. And this kind of resistance made her make a corresponding move when the catastrophe clearly showed her own killing intention.

This move is resistance. In fact, when she walked into the heart of Noah's Ark and chose to unlock the full potential of this bio-hull, she had no choice. There are actually two roads left in front of her. One is through the resistance, the possibility of a desperate turnaround. The other is to tragically go to death in rebellion.

The result will be which one, it is necessary to see the efforts of Alexia to judge. And for his own life, Alexia naturally made the best effort. This is manifested outside, that is, the entire Noah's Ark breeds its own flesh and blood like a madness, and flocks to the place of the catastrophe in a way that is fearless and painless.

Numerous flesh and blood rushed to the layer of gravity shield on the body of the catastrophe, and then instantly twisted into indistinct dust by infinite gravity. They simply cannot break through this barrier, and all efforts are nothing but futile initiatives. However, this is the case, and Alexia does not stop at all.

Through the core heart of Noah's Ark, she almost supplied all of her energy to this unrestricted proliferation. Because it is based on energy to achieve the sudden growth of the organism, so as long as her energy supply does not break, then all this will not stop. And her thoughts are very simple, that is, in this special way, fight a catastrophe with the catastrophe.

She believes that to maintain such a strong shield, the Holocaust must have a huge supply of energy as a basis. Every time he maintains this shield, he will overdraw some of the energy inside his body. So small body, the energy contained in it must be limited. And as long as he can exhaust the energy of his body through the war of attrition. Then the victory of this confrontation is naturally in her hands.

This is a very ideal idea. Strictly speaking, even Alexia’s own heart is not fully grasped. Even she said that she didn't dare to think about how successful it was in doing so. She did this by simply pressing on her own for the sake of such a trace.

Crazy, absolutely absolutely crazy. This is not just to say that her reason is already at the level of collapse in the face of this dangerous situation, so that she chooses to choose the way that ordinary people cannot understand. This is even more about the consequences of her current behavior, which is simply what a madman can do.

With the infinitely proliferating flesh and blood to fight against the havoc's gravity shield, it is simply to take your body to the meat grinder, and want to use your own flesh and blood to stop the constantly running machinery. The meat grinder does not necessarily suffer much damage in this crazy move, but your body must be devastated.

Although this is not Alexia's own flesh and blood, it is only that she manipulates the entire biological mothership and uses its body instead of this crazy action. However, her mind is already linked to the entire mothership after all, so this pain is absolutely real, completely mapped on her body, so that she feels the same.

It is said that it is consuming the power of catastrophe, let him be dragged by himself little by little, but in essence, this is endless self-torture.

This self-natural torture was good at the beginning, and she was able to hold on. However, as time went on, the stalemate intensified, and Alexia finally couldn’t resist the torture of this spiritual feedback, and once again painfully mourned.

This mourning has no meaning at all. Or to put it another way, even if it is already crying like a fierce female ghost. But Alexia still has no intention of giving up. The pain caused by her pain only made her even more intensive. It was just like a madman. She manipulated more and more flesh and blood, and desperately filled them into the bottomless abyss that was completely filled with dissatisfaction.

This is not without effect. Under her madness, the layers of flesh and blood are like a pile of fleshy mountains, and the holocaust and the gravity shield around him are completely wrapped up little by little. Although, they can't break through that thin layer of barrier. But every space outside the barrier is already filled with them.

At first glance, it is like the endless proliferation of flesh and blood that has swallowed the catastrophe into the whole place. But Alexia is able to feel clear, this is just an illusion. She has not made any substantial progress since the beginning.

After paying a huge price, I actually got only one such result. Of course, Alexia will not be reconciled. Under such circumstances, she has hated from the heart, and the evil has stepped on the boundaries that should not be touched.

She increased her synchronization with Noah's Ark and made herself no longer an operator to operate Noah's Ark. Instead, the protection of himself was released, and the core organization of Noah's Ark was penetrated into his own body. Through the spirit and even the link, he changed himself from an operator to a fusion.

Yes, she has begun to gradually integrate into the heart of Noah's Ark. From the spirit to everything, she has developed the past in an irreversible direction. This allowed her and Noah's Ark to slowly assimilate to a very high degree and then change in an unknown direction.

It's incredible to say, but it's not necessarily impossible. Because in essence, whether it is Alexia or Noah's Ark, there is an identical basic attribute. That is, they are all products of the T virus transformation.

Aleksia can be said to be a genius in T virus research. When she was very young, she developed a virus variant that was absolutely powerful and potential based on the T virus. That is the T-Veronica virus.

The virus was originally synthesized on the basis of the T virus and added to the queen's back and a special plant DNA. Because of its stability, as a human experiment of this virus, Alexia had to self-freeze in the Antarctic base, in this way of reducing metabolism to make the virus and her body perfectly blend.

This is a genius idea. Under the conditions of the time, it was enough to make a perfect creature. But this was only under the conditions of the time. After all, there were no superheroes in the world. So she can say that she is the perfect product. But now, in this chaotic world of heroic spirits, she is simply not qualified to hang the word perfection on her own mouth.

And with the inherent paranoia of Alexia's genius, how could she tolerate herself as an imperfect failure? She must make herself perfect and let Veronica in her body evolve to a perfect level. It was this urgent request that she took her brother to join the Hydra.

This is the cause. The result is that with the support of Hydra, or Smith. Zhou, she really developed Veronica to a near limit.

By the hands of Smith. Zhou, she added some biological genes that are no longer in history and reality to Veronica. This allowed her Veronica virus to evolve to an extraordinary level, making her almost ready to compete with any superhero. And this is not the focus of her evolution. She still has great potential to dig.

It is a pity that the nature of being human limits the possibility that this potential is being explored. Her starting point is too low, and with this alone, it is difficult for her to make any further progress.

This is what happened on the ring of Alexia, and the other ring, Noah's Ark. Then gave her the possibility of progress again.

Noah's Ark is a special creature that has been bred by biochemical techniques on the basis of some ancient mythological creatures. Its huge size is enough to illustrate the power it has. And the almost endless bio-energy reactor can prove how amazing such an organism is.

This is a true gift of difference, even with the eyes of Smith. Zhou, I have to admit that relying on the life energy of Noah's Ark alone, it is not inferior to some mythical deity. It can be said that if it is not because it is only a manufactured object, there is no wisdom of its own, then it is by virtue of its talent, it has the qualification to become a god.

One is subject to the starting point, and there is huge potential that cannot be used. A talent is different, but there is no possibility of any development at all. If such two existences are merged together, what happens? This is probably something that many people can't imagine. Because this is simply an idea that cannot be established.

But now, on the basis of the integration of the T virus, it has become possible under the premise of Aleksia's desperation and the design of Noah's Ark itself.

Or, it is no longer possible. It is a fact that has become a reality. At this moment, Alexia has been thoroughly integrated with Noah's Ark. And when all this integration is done, a special change has already appeared on their bodies.

This change is called evolution!