Chapter 919: Ignorance is hard to tell the truth

Two quantum weapons suddenly burst into a huge beam of light, and they smashed into the space tunnel that had been opened. In this case, it seems as if the two lights are slowly together in a subtle angle.

They eventually disappeared together in the tunnel that was opened, and this made it impossible for people present to understand the specific situation through real-time viewing, but only through some reaction on the instrument to detect the final result. This is almost impossible for most people, but good is good, they have a qualified translation.

“The imaginary space test report is all right now, and the quantum energy beam has only a 0.7% impact on the space tunnel, which is completely within the acceptable range.”

"The quantum beam has reached the target point, and the coordinate error is 0.032 percent, within the predetermined range. The quantum beam begins to formally hedge!"

“The target star field begins to fluctuate abnormally, and the entangled state photon reaction is abnormal. The strong magnitude response is shrinking. The target star domain response is lower than normal, and we are about to lose surveillance of the area!”

If you say some of the previous terms, these powers can still understand the words of seven seven eight eight, then the last sentence is to make them immediately confused. In their vision, the use of so-called experiments and high-precision weapons, if successful, should be the case that everything is normal, smooth, and without any problems. But this is not the case at the moment, especially the final report on the target star field, which made them subconsciously think that they have invested in this huge project failed. So their faces are inevitably becoming anxious.

Dr. Reed, who is busy with his work, naturally does not pay attention to the face of those who are in power. However, Tony, who is one of the most powerful and one of the top scientists, has seen this change in his appearance, so he immediately explained Road.

"Reassure, this is the normal performance of the plan. Don't forget what our weapons are. An artificial black hole is completely capable of engulfing the existence of photons and matter. Only when it succeeds, it will let us discover what they reported. This reaction. So let go of our plans, our plan is successful."

With such an explanation, the faces of these power-holders are naturally better. But there are always some people who have some doubts like this.

"Is it successful? But is this movement? Mr. Stark, isn't that a plan that will allow our weapons to play the most important role? Why is it so dull, I mean, this is really more than that so-called plan? Superior?"

"What do you think you will see?"

To hear this problem, Tony snorted and grinned.

"A loud noise, earth-shattering? Or millions of suns with the light, a large star sky disappears from your eyes? Sir, you are facing science, not a whimsical science fiction movie. We create black holes, too It's not the kind of oversized nuclear bomb that you think. Don't think of illusions as reality, and don't show ignorance. If you don't have the expertise, it's the best thing you should do to stand up your ears. ,Do you understand me?"

Tony's ridicule made the person who spoke this face a green and white. Obviously some of the people who are being run are not coming to Taiwan. At this time, some people who have been watching the lively side can't stand it anymore.

"President Stark, we know that we lack some knowledge in this area. But it is always appropriate to ask what we don't understand. This is a big event related to the future of mankind. We are slightly more eager to do so. Excuse me, isn't it?"

There is always a contradiction between people, not to mention the big men who each represent a huge interest. And just as they searched for a head-to-head and started the inertia of the infighting. Dr. Reed, who has been monitoring the situation, suddenly said.

"Gentlemen, the current situation is all right. According to our formula for calculating space and energy decay, we can now draw a conclusion. We have succeeded a black hole, and the radius of this black hole has exceeded 200 meters. It is an absolutely stable structure, that is, it will not decay due to evaporation of radiation, but will become even bigger as it devours itself. This is already the best situation we have envisaged. At this point, I can announce to you that the space defense plan has been successfully implemented, and the final result, we can only deliver to fate to judge!"

In this sentence, Reid said that he has a clear conscience, because he has indeed done everything he can. However, judging from the data he published, there are quite a few people who are not satisfied with this group of big people.

The radius of 200 meters, listening is not small, but in fact it is just that big. If you really want to compare it, this volume may not be comparable to a larger commercial plaza. And the enemy they have to deal with is a guy who can use the planet as food. Although I have never seen the body of such a guy, it does not prevent the group of people from thinking about him. According to their imagination, a black hole of this size is obviously not quite enough.

"Is this a bit too small? Although it is much better than the result of that plan, but if you think about it carefully, it does not seem to pose much threat to our enemy."

Someone said this at this time, and when he heard this, Dr. Reed immediately shook his head and explained it.

"Two hundred meters is already the limit that our technology can reach, as I said before, this is equivalent to putting all the power together, a desperate attempt. This, from space defense The current situation of the station can prove one or two."

Having said that, Dr. Reed gestured around the situation. At this time, these big men suddenly discovered that the front desk of most of the staff at the scene flashed a red emergency light. And the space station that has been monitored by satellites now looks extremely embarrassing. Not only does it look like the radiant appearance of the previous one, but it also has a feeling of distress. Many of the platforms that resemble petals have appeared as if they were blasted.

This makes many people feel distressed, because these things are piled up with countless money. If you want to rehabilitate them to what they were, then you need to invest hundreds of billions of dollars. For any country, this is a heavy enough number, even if it is shared with everyone's head, it is enough to make them hurt for a while.

However, this is not within the consideration of Dr. Reed. Because he is very clear, this thing has become the ultimate strength of mankind, they are absolutely impossible to make this a one-time display. Even if the funds needed for repair are doubled, they will not give up such a thing. So he is not worried about the future of this space station. Just do your best to explain the situation blindly to these technologies.

“Considering the principle of radiation evaporation in black holes, it is difficult to determine the stability of the plan. But now the black hole we came out is absolutely stable. If such a black hole appears in the solar system, then it can be in short In the next few minutes, all the seven planets in the solar system are swallowed up. Even the sun can't support too much time. Because according to calculations, whenever he swallows a planet, the volume must be doubled at least. By the time it devours the sun, its mass and gravity are likely to reach the point of breaking the stars."

"That's why we can't do this in the solar system because it's a suicide move. And putting it in the target star field hundreds of light years away, we don't need to have such concerns at all. This is The ability to destroy a small star system, if it is allowed to spread, can spread its threat beyond the light years. And such power can not solve the enemy's words, then humans do not need to think about anything else. Something. Give this to God to decide, this is our last choice."

Dr. Reid started from the reality and said the most real thoughts in his heart. For his idea, a group of people are facing each other.

It is true that they are very satisfied with the ultimate power of the ultimate human weapon described by Dr. Reed. The bottom of my heart also recognizes that such a powerful weapon must be able to make a difference. However, when Dr. Reid spoke out, they had some shadows in their hearts.

They all think that this plan can be successful, and hope that everything will develop in the best direction they expect. But to say that, they know in their hearts that there are always exceptions to everything. This super weapon sounds very powerful and is simply the ultimate destructive power. But no one can be sure, this will definitely work.

This is also something that may fail. They understand that it is just a confession. Dr. Reed just said this, it is inevitable that they will complain in their hearts. This guy is really too speechless.

However, complaining complained that no one would have any interest in Dr. Reid. Because they know that no matter what the outcome, this person will be the most valuable asset of mankind. He is a symbol of humanity and deserves a considerable degree of respect. Moreover, as a scientist, it is normal to not speak.

So soon, they put down this little bit of heart in their hearts and turned their attention to another important thing.

“How can we know if we are successful? Or failed?” (To be continued.)
