Chapter 523: Secretly attacking a deadly attack

"Hell, it’s a hell. This group of **** dare to stuff so many bombs in their ass, aren’t they afraid of being bombarded by an accident into the sky?”

The raging fire goes straight into the sky, and even the most sturdy military facilities cannot stand under this violent force. The house collapsed, the road was overturned, and there was not even a variety of pieces of debris that accompanied the flames and rose from the sky.

Of course, these things can't hurt Quick Silver and Nick Fury. Fast Silver is a pretty smart guy. When the explosion just sounded, he sneaked into Nick False to an absolutely safe place. Even after the explosion and the fire spread, he still had the time to complain about the culprits that caused it all.

But Nick Fury didn't have his leisure time. He just escaped from death and did not even say a grateful thank for his savior. Just hold down the headset in his ear and call the Avengers who have been eavesdropping on his communication.

"Captain, Tony. Have you heard the situation just now? Tell me now, are you looking for the **** guy!"

"You are dreaming in the daytime, Secretary is an adult. That guy is a stream of data, you can let me catch him without any preparation in advance. He has now ran into the Internet, unless you can take all of it. The network port is closed, otherwise no one can catch him!"

"Damn!" said angrily, Nick Fry will not admit that it is because of the consequences of wanting to keep secrets. So he can only report a place name and then yell at them in a near-command way.

"Now you go there to control the airships. Once it is lifted off, then things are really out of control. The calculations developed by Dr. Zola will directly control the autonomous weapons above. Within a minute, he can kill thousands of ordinary people. So, you must stop it as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Nick Fury’s words made the Avengers who heard him speak and hate it. He clearly found a lot of clues, and even mastered the enemy's crucial base. But because of conceit, there are even some reasons for his ulterior motives. He has to play this kind of drama that is so lonely and straight to the enemy camp.

If this drama is played well, it will be fine. If you can convince the enemy to surrender, or rely on these cards to make a terrible reversal, all the enemies will be wiped out. The Avengers did not mind giving Nick Fury some applause and publishing two praises of the old sword.

But the crux of the matter is that the drama has broken down. Although the front is in accordance with the script of Nick Fury. But at the end. Everything turned into a duck in the suddenly resurrected pot, and while playing on Nick Fury's face, he smirked and flew past him.

Nick Fury’s face was naturally beaten. And this is not the focus of the Avengers, they are concerned about the consequences. Now that the consequences are already in front of them, the grim facts force them and have to take the most urgent action.

"Fast silver, don't worry about him. Start immediately. We must stop them before the motherships take off. You are the fastest, so this time you will still be headed!"

The captain’s command was ringing at the ear of Fast Silver, and when he heard this, he quickly waved at Nick Fury. It turned into a lightning bolt that disappeared into the swaying night of the fire in an instant.

Then. Nick Fury heard a sizzle in his ear. This is the voice of his communication after being unilaterally cut off. Obviously, he is no longer trusted by the Avengers. An agent who can't control the big situation is only a bad thing for the captain. Even if he is the director of SHIELD, there will be no other preferential treatment.

His identity has no effect, and this is very clear. After learning this, Nick Fury could only bite his teeth and sighed back into his car. It happened that this step was not entirely his own, but even he himself had to admit that he had to bear a very important part of the responsibility.

This made him annoyed and stunned the steering wheel to vent his depression. However, it was just like this. After passing this, he quickly took control of his emotions and regained his own reason.

After all, he is the director of the SHIELD, the most sophisticated agent in the world. It is impossible to knock him down with a failure. So when he wanted to open, he immediately recovered his status. Start thinking about how to deal with the next problem.

The first is to understand the problem of the plan. There is no doubt that Dr. Zola will definitely start the program as soon as he escapes. Because he has already been exposed, if not as soon as possible. If you drag it for a while, his danger will be a little more. At the end of the day, the plan can only be completely drained. Even he and his men will usher in a devastating blow. So he will definitely start his insights plan as soon as possible.

And this means that your actions must be as soon as possible. Although the Avengers have already begun to act, but to be honest, Nick Fury is not particularly capable of trusting these guys. In addition to the captain and Natasha, he has few trusted people in the Avengers. Especially after having such a frivolous guy as Tony Stark, he is even less optimistic about them.

If it weren't because the power of this group was really stronger than ordinary people, he didn't even think of them as a card. So even if the Avengers have taken over the insights, he is still not prepared to put in a second line of defense.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury picked up the liaison on the car and was ready to contact the Hill commander on the sky carrier. He is not there at the moment, and he can only let go of his heart if he delivers it to his confidant.

But when he picked up the communication device and dialed the special number above, he found that there was only a burst of noise coming from the communicator. Not to mention the connection to the air carrier, it is impossible to accept the signal of the radio.

As soon as this situation appeared, he immediately let Nick Fury sink. If it is an ordinary person. Probably only as a bad signal here. Can't receive information. But Nick Fury is very clear. This special car is a specially modified vehicle. In the communication, let alone the wilderness, that is, deep into the depths of the desert jungle, and unimpededly receive the satellite signal exclusive to the SHIELD. Therefore, the question of what is not good for the signal is supposed to be a thing that cannot happen at all. If it happens, then there must be a worse situation.

Nick Fury, who had already realized what, immediately reached into the dark space in front of the sub-seat and took a pistol from it. Then, as soon as the throttle stepped on, he drove the vehicle toward the road.

The situation here is a bit unusual. So for him, it is natural to go first. But his car just started, and two dazzling lights flashed from the jungle not far away. The two rockets were like flying fireballs, and with a harsh snoring, they flew straight to Nick Frye’s car.

Someone is in the dark, and wants to kill the killer. As soon as this cognition appeared, Nick Frye immediately turned up the waves. However, he still managed to maintain his own calmness. On the occasion of the millennium, he violently turned his steering wheel and let his car crash into the surrounding jungle.

The steel body, the special bullet-proof armor, like a bulldozer, cut off a few big trees on the side of the road, then roared and ran in the jungle. And behind it. The two rockets had already slammed into the trunk, and then burst into a deafening roar.

The violent fire and shock waves erupted in an instant. Not only did the number of the surrounding area burst into a myriad of fragments, but it was wrapped in a pile of broken wood and smashed into the car of Nick Fury.

Even if Nick Fury’s tonnage is not small, but under such a violent impact, it is inevitable that the air will be bumped and flew up. However, Nick Fury had a great experience. At this time, he firmly held the steering wheel in his hand, and did not let the car under him become a runaway beast because of this sudden explosion. The car is still in his control, walking between the trees. Although many obstacles inevitably appeared in the middle, under the armor and brute force of the car, it did not cause too much obstacle to the action of Nick Fury.

He ran fast, although he had run away for a long distance, but his heart still did not relax. Because he is very clear, the person who dares to intercept him as the director of the SHIELD will not be an ordinary small role. And such a person is even less likely to give up his interception because of the defeat of an attack. They will definitely act, and they will be more crazy and more fierce than before.

On this issue, Nick Frye is right. Because he soon heard the sound. From behind him came the roar of the car, the same roar as the monster, only the military armored car can be sent out. And this kind of car can be carried out in the forest without any taboos.

When the chasing armored vehicles appeared in their sights one after another, Nick Fury’s mood was even worse. There are so many people in the enemy, and there is no shortage of weapons. It is a real problem to escape from them.

And do you want to kill it? Nick Fury, who heard the sound of the helicopter, immediately dismissed the idea. He can't have any chances when he is on both sides of the vacant land.

For the moment, Nick Fury is like a mirror. Can be sent out to intercept themselves, anyway, it will be the elite of the enemy. Fortunately, one or two said that with his own skills, he still has some confidence to complete the anti-kill. But like this big scene, he doesn't have a little bit of control.

He is just a special agent, and at most he is only a special agent who has lived for a long time. He has no super powers, not a superhero. One can play ten and give him plenty of preparations he might be able to do. But as it is now, it was attacked by people, and it was still being attacked by a group of armed elites. He has no choice but to confirm.

Of course, surrender is unrealistic. From the two rockets that have just been seen, they have no idea of ​​alive. Rebellion is death, and it is also caught when it is caught. So the only way to live is to run out of their hands, but how can we run out of this dead end?

Nick Fury, who tried hard to recall the surrounding terrain, thought and thought again, and finally made up his mind. A dozen steering wheels knocked the car back onto the forest road. (To be continued.)