Chapter 148: Cold-blooded vengeful revenge goddess

"Perfect plan, you are the biggest beneficiary. It is really disgusting behavior!" Jill slammed his own view of Zhou Yi, the kind of eyes that looked like filthy things made Zhou Yi inexplicable, and very unhappy.

He asked with a frown.

"Miss Valentine, I am very surprised. Why do you look at me like this? If it is just a problem before, I can swear that it is just a misunderstanding!"

"It has nothing to do with it, Mr. Regal!" Jill waved his hand and interrupted him. "You want to know why, I can tell you directly. I hate you because of everything you do."

Zhou Yi sat up straight and put on an ear-washed look.

"You know exactly what Ambrera has done, you obviously can reveal them earlier. Why you have to stand up until now. You just saw a profitable bastard, waiting for the vultures of the prey to die, wanting to Abraham’s wreckage is a piece of it. What you do is for your own benefit. You never thought about it because you are sitting and watching no matter how many people die.”

This is the most authentic language of Gill's heart, and she is the most authentic feeling after she knows that Zhou Yi has mastered the secrets of Ambrera and his identity. Her heart hated Zhou Yi, which was originally buried in her heart, but after a special encounter, she no longer concealed this feeling, but directly exposed it to Zhou Yi.

A strange mind drove her to do this, and she was curious to know how Zhou Yi would face her inner resentment.

For the naked feelings that Jill showed, Zhou Yi’s reaction was very dull.

"Are you finished? If you are finished, you can clean up and get ready to start your mission. Time is tight, and Umbrella can't hold the monsters they have raised."

After that, he stood up. Seems to want to leave. But this behavior is completely unacceptable to Jill. She imagined a lot of situations, that is, she did not think that Zhou Yihui would be so calm and calm, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

This situation made her feel angry, perhaps for the indifference of Zhou Yi, perhaps for the comrades who died. No matter what, it is enough for her to accuse him in front of Zhou Yi.

"Don't you have a little guilty feelings, don't you feel ashamed of what you are doing?" She widened her eyes and looked as if she was a sword.

"Shame? Why? Just because I stood up and said that I know all this?" Zhou Yi finally changed his face, not the anger of Jill's imagination. It is like watching a farce-like banter.

"Do you really think that only I know this? I can tell you that it is far more than me. Just because I am in front of you, telling you everything I know. You can tell me this nonsense. If I Don't say this, what qualification do you have to question me?"

"If you say sin, many people are guilty. At this time, Miss Valentine, you should thank me, not hate me. Because among these insiders, I am the only one who is willing to save you. As for those who are already dead I am very sorry, but if I say guilt, then I can only be more sorry."

After all this, Jill’s expression became strange. She stared at Zhou Yi, seemingly wanting to see a slight psychological change from his face. But this is just in vain. So in the end, she can only turn around.

"You are a cold-blooded devil!" This is her last condemnation.

"But my devil can save the rest of the city!" Zhou Yi did not care about this language attack, he just pushed the door open. Signal that Jill keeps up with himself.

Gil silently followed Zhou Yi, although she still hated him. But at this time she must also be behind him, because, as Zhou Yi said, following him can save more innocent citizens.

Ambrella is part of the branch, and the once bustling floors have become much deserted. Anbrera evacuated a significant number of important personnel in order not to cause some people's doubts. They even give all employees a two-week paid holiday.

This made the unwitting employees thank the company for their generosity. They simply thought that this was because of the chaotic situation in the city of Lacan and the protection measures the company took against them. Ignorance is sometimes a blessing, but sometimes it means closer to death. This is the case for these employees, who are all abandoned by Umbrella. It is something that was abandoned with this city.

However, the building is still far from the level of people going to the building. In the central laboratory of the building, a group of people are monitoring a pile of sophisticated instruments. What is shown on the instrument is the structure of a human body. If you look at the outline of the chest, this is a woman.

Women, one of the two major categories of humans. But here she lost her meaning, because no one here would regard her as a woman. People here only see them as experimental products, and the mice are a grade. They have tested a lot of such existence and have already ignored her true identity.

"No problem, you can start the experiment!" The voice rang from this group of people. Someone soon responded to things like "ready to go, experiment open". The instrument starts working, and as these instruments work. At the other end of the building, a place like the operating room made a sound.

The lights are turned on and a variety of medical devices are in operation. A special medicine was injected by a robotic arm into a woman lying on a bed. As the strange potion started to work, the woman on the bed slowly woke up.

She first looked at the situation around with some confusion, and immediately yelled and shouted. The intense pain invaded her brain, letting her remember everything in her pain.

However, this painful shout also attracted the attention of some people. Two gun-bearing Ambrella special forces opened the door to the emergency room. When they saw the women who had awakened, they looked a little surprised. But soon they came forward and wanted to subdue her.

Armed soldiers and unarmed women, which one will dominate. It seems at a glance, but in fact it is the opposite.

When the soldier’s hand had just held the woman’s shoulder, she was buckled by her back. The curved joints made the soldier have to leave his body, at this time. The woman has been ejected from the hospital bed, and a knee hit the top of the soldier's waist.

The sound of broken bones is unusually clear in this ward, which means that even if the soldier does not die, he will not want to walk with his feet for the rest of his life. And this voice obviously scared his companion.

He quickly took the gun and fired in the direction of the woman. However, the woman slid very cleverly and shrank behind the soldiers who were lying on the ground.

The soldiers who shot were not willing to hurt their companions and quickly removed their guns. But the woman seized the opportunity and directly pulled out the pistol tied to the soldier's thigh.

A shot, the bullet directly through the soldier's head. Let the guy with the gun fall into a pool of blood.

With the threatening guy, the woman reached out and grabbed the neck of the soldier with a broken lumbar spine. With a violent force, the soldier also stepped into the back of his companion.

And the woman who did all this was licking her teeth, and the movement was too big, and the needle inserted in her body tore the veins on her body. I didn’t feel it when I was just facing the enemy. Now the pain is coming up immediately.

She quickly pulled out the needles, but was surprised to find that her wounds healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. This strange scene gave her a hint of gloom when she was neutral. At the same time, the heart also produced a very bad foreboding.

She quickly searched for herself, and soon she found a strange eye on her arm.

Evenly distributed like a plum-like pinhole, her face was instantly pale. As a member of Umbrella, especially know the kind of insider. She naturally knows what this pinhole means. She has become an experimental product, a monster that is likely to change at any time.

This kind of thing made her unacceptable, but she had to accept it. Because a more serious problem is in front of her, her life is safe.

Intensive footsteps came from outside the door, and the thick voice made the long-awaited woman recognize that this is a fully armed team running. Obviously, the gunshots have just attracted enough attention.

It can be easily solved that two soldiers do not mean that she can get a team of well-trained soldiers. Without any surprise, she was completely unconfident and able to survive in a queue of shots.

So she said nothing, picking up the sheets under her body. Directly hit the floor-to-ceiling window on one side. The glass window couldn't stop the woman's collision, and the glass flew in an instant. The woman had wrapped up the sheets and rushed out of the building, falling straight down from the fifth floor.

A boxed truck was just below the woman, her body squatting on the top of the truck, and immediately the car's compartment was sagged. Trucks have become like this, and women will naturally not be better.

Her arms were twisted into a strange posture, and a skeleton was even inserted from the arm. This is because she took the arm with her hand when she landed. Her internal organs were obviously affected to some extent, because a lot of blood was coming out of her nostrils and mouth.

For the average person, there is absolutely no life. But it doesn't work for this woman, because she has already pushed her body down from the truck, and she walked fast and disappeared into the street.

I have to say, fortunately, the city of Laken has been inaccessible at this time, and most of the people have been hiding at home. Especially in this street in front of Umbrella, there is no one. Otherwise, the woman's current appearance will definitely scare many people.

And just after the woman disappeared into the street, a soldier came out from the top of the building not far away. He still holds a small sniper rifle in his hand, and you will find it if you look closely. The cross of his sight has been locked on the woman.

But he did not shoot, but watched the woman get into a shop. It was not until this time that he said to the communicator in his ear.

“Sir, the target has entered the experimental area. Repeat, the target has entered the experimental area.”

Edward's voice passed from his headset.

"Good, you can return to the team."

"Yes, sir!" the sniper replied, and the man had already slammed the sniper rifle into the shadow behind him. It’s as if he doesn’t exist at all.

When he left the place, the woman suddenly turned her head. Through the window of the store, I looked at the place where he had just monitored her. Although she did not find anything, she still knew that someone was just staring at her.

This made her feel uneasy, so she quickly pushed the back door of the store. Quietly left from the alley.