President Essen turned his eyes a few times and quickly picked up the phone.

"I'm president Essen of Papua. What do you call me?"

"Just call me bishop Herbert, Ethan. My army is under pressure. I advise you to surrender now and protect your soldiers from the risk of slaughter."

"Why did you invade us?" President Essen complained to the phone.

"As an aggressor, I don't need to give you a reason. Do you agree to surrender or not," Herbert said impatiently.

Ethan's tone softened.

"Bishop Herbert, I am willing to exchange gold and women for peace in Papua. If you can withdraw, I can meet your requirements for both things."

As a weak country, Essen can only protect himself in this way.

Gold and women were not worth mentioning in his eyes, as long as they could make Herbert's army give up attacking Papua.

"Well, I like both, especially women."

Herbert said happily. Before Ethan could breathe a sigh of relief, Herbert said again.

"But Ethan, these can only buy your life, but Papua must surrender at my feet, and you have to resign as president."

"What a lie!"

Ethan hung up the phone with a snap. How could he give up the presidency? It would make his life worse than death.

Throwing away the phone, Essen became crazy and growled at the ministers.

"Assemble all the troops for me to block the enemy's attack."

"But President Essen, this is like hitting a stone with an egg. It will make us suffer more disasters. We'd better surrender," someone said.

"I don't care. No one can let me resign as president. If anyone mentions surrender again, I'll kill him," Essen shouted.

Now no one dared to speak. Everyone hurried out, and all the troops of Papua began to go out.

However, the poor 1000 soldiers, with backward weapons, low morale and combat effectiveness, can be imagined. They are purely for cannon fodder.

Herbert couldn't help laughing when he saw the Papua soldiers defending on the coast.

"How can a mob stop the Great Dark Knight and die."

At Herbert's command, his men and Vanuatu soldiers began to attack, and there was a loud gunfire on the coast.

As soon as the battle started, there were heavy casualties in Papua. The soldiers were beaten so hard that many people were killed.

This is definitely not a fair war, but like a massacre, but the war is not fair!

Papua, which has been in peace for hundreds of years, has learned the power of the aggressor for the first time.

Herbert was very proud to see the bodies of Papua soldiers everywhere on the coast. This was his first victory after entering the Pacific Ocean.

The first two attacks on Solomon thought it would be easy, but they failed.

This time, he finally ushered in a victory and can give an explanation to the organization.

By this time, the fleet had landed, Herbert ordered his opponent.

"Occupy this country for me and kill all those who resist."

Ten thousand people, with guns under their hands, flooded into the territory of Papua.

The surviving Papuan soldiers have already fled.

After Herbert's people entered the territory of Papua, they met almost no resistance and drove straight in, surrounded the presidential palace.

When Papua president Essen waited for the news, he was so frightened that he fought all over and didn't know what to do.

He quickly dialed Herbert and begged.

"Bishop Herbert, it was my fault before. I am willing to surrender to you. Please let me live."

Herbert's cold laughter came over the phone.

"It's too late to surrender now. My men will attack the presidential palace soon. Wait."

The phone stopped suddenly, and Essen felt the breath of death.

He wanted to escape, but his men told him that the presidential palace had been surrounded and they couldn't run out.

Ethan fell to the ground and looked lost.

By this time, there was a sound of attack outside, and Herbert's men easily invaded the presidential palace.

In Herbert's eyes, Papua, a backward country of bullets, did not pay attention at all.

Surrounded by his men, he walked into the hall and saw the lost Essen.

"Hello, President Essen!" was sarcastic.

"Bishop Herbert, please let me go. I can give you gold and women. I'll meet you whatever you want." Eisen also had a glimmer of hope.

"You're just a loser now. Everything in Papua will be mine. You're nothing."

With that, Herbert took out his gun and shot Essen without hesitation.

The Papuans at the scene were so frightened that they all knelt down and didn't dare to look up at Herbert.

"Father, what's the matter with you, sobbing..."

A young woman rushed in and fell on Ethan's body, tears streaming down her face.

It seemed that she was Ethan's daughter, a very beautiful woman, which brightened Herbert's eyes.

Then another woman ran in. This woman should be Ethan's wife. Although she was in her forties, she still had a charming charm and looked very charming.

"Daughter, get up quickly. Don't cry. Let's follow your father."

The woman took her daughter's hand, then picked up a sword on the ground and was about to commit suicide.

"Stop them."

Herbert said quickly, how can such a beautiful mother and daughter let them commit suicide? It's a pity.

The two men immediately came forward to stop the suicide and controlled them.

Herbert went up to the mother and daughter, looked at their faces and bodies, and made no secret of his greed.

"What a beautiful pair of women. I appreciate you very much. If you serve me well, I will let you live."

"Go to hell, you devil," Ethan's wife scolded herb.

"She's really a woman with backbone, but you're too unwise. Now you're my prisoner. I can play with you as I like."

Herbert spoke with a playful voice, then squatted down, reached out and grabbed the woman's collar and tore it.


The woman's clothes were torn to pieces, revealing a large area of skin outside.

"Mother, you devil, let go of my mother."

Cried the young girl, surprised that Herbert should have done such a shameless thing.

"Now the whole Papua has been conquered by me. You are just my slaves. Ha ha ha."

Herbert laughed loudly. It was great to be a winner.

Outside the presidential palace, Papua has become a mess. Herbert's people burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil. Massacres can be seen everywhere.

Herbert had promised to allow his men to do anything in Papua after occupying the country.

This is the ugliest side of the invaders. The means of the Dark Knight organization have always been so cruel!

Every annexation of a country will turn it into a hell on earth.

That's what Papua is now!

Women screamed and cried everywhere in the presidential palace, and the maids were trampled on by Herbert's men.

Even Herbert has now achieved his wish and occupied the women.

Brothers, please comment!!!