When it reappeared, it had entered the core area. Not far in front was the gate of the Jingguo shrine.

There are more police here, one post at five steps and one sentry at ten steps.

Li Feipa was as like as two peas on the roof.

He wants to make this face fire again and leave an indelible shadow on the island people.

Although there are many policemen patrolling, for Li Fei, these people can't stop him. Shadow drift can easily enter the Jingguo shrine.

At a glance, Li Fei showed his shadow drift again and entered the Jingguo shrine.

There is not a policeman in the shrine. All the policemen are guarding outside. It is estimated that they don't want to disturb the dead inside.

Without the police, it was much more convenient. Li Fei appeared directly and swaggered up inside.

The Jingguo shrine is very large and divided into several parts. Li Fei came for the first time and almost got lost in it.

In the shrine, the layout has been completed in advance, the flags are flying, the floors have been cleaned and carpeted, which is particularly grand.

Li Fei didn't have time to visit and went straight to the worship venue, where a worship hall was specially built with the memorial tablets of war criminals on it.

Destroying the worship hall will give the islanders a heavy blow and a spiritual blow.

He hurried to the worship hall. The door was closed. Li Fei jumped on the roof and was ready to open a hole from the roof and slip in.

At this time, a dark shadow suddenly came from a distance, and a cold light flashed by.

Li Fei's first reaction was ninja and samurai sword.

The other party is very fast. It's not like middle tolerance, but upper tolerance.

Li Feihu's body was shocked. There was a corrupt guard in the Yasukuni Shrine.

Shangren is the pinnacle of ninja. A Shangren meets the head of the island state and speaks politely. It's a national treasure.

Li Fei had a fight with Zhongren before. Zhongren's level is far worse than him, but it's much more ferocious.

It is said that Shangren can hide in the air without wind and waves. Even if he knows people six times, he can't detect the existence of Shangren. He can kill people without vigilance.

Such Ninjutsu can't be dealt with by ordinary martial artists. There is only one way to die.

Li Fei has a strong sense of war in his chest. When he meets tolerance today, he wants to see what the strength of tolerance is.

If you can kill a Shangren, you will become famous in the island country!

The shadow in the distance soon approached Li Fei and stopped ten meters away.

An old man wore a samurai uniform, bowed his back, slightly bowed his head, and looked very short.

If you can practice tolerance, you must have suffered a lot. The other party will see a lot of vicissitudes.

Holding a bright samurai sword in his hand, his eyes were sharp and his killing intention was awe inspiring. The air in the whole Jingguo shrine dropped suddenly and there were cold winds.

"The upper forbearance shot, sure enough, the momentum is not small!"

Li Fei carried his hands on his back and said softly.

The other party listened to Li Fei's Longguo language and said coldly.

"Dragon people, what are you doing at the Jingguo shrine?"

"Hum, a place dedicated to war criminals should not exist!" Li Fei said tit for tat.

"Baga, how can you defile the shrine of the kingdom of Jing like this? The boy of the kingdom of dragon desecrates the gods in the shrine. You will die tonight."

"I should see you dead. The heroes of tens of millions of compatriots slaughtered by the war in the Dragon kingdom will drive your watchdog to the 18th floor of hell, never surpass life, and then raze this place to the ground."

"Presumptuous, speak wildly! You dragon people deserve to die. It's your luck to die in the hands of island people. People of an inferior nation don't deserve to live in the world."

"Sleeping trough NIMA!!!"

Li Fei immediately shouted abuse. This turtle sun actually insulted the whole nation. It seems that the poison of these war criminals has not disappeared in the island country.

If you make a mistake and curse people as rubbish, you should kill all this rubbish!

Li Fei was furious. His Qi suddenly soared. His clothes were blown up, and there was a big wind in the shrine.

"You are lucky to die under my Incheon wood's knife."

The island nation snorted coldly, filled the samurai sword with true Qi, and cut Li Fei in the air.

The samurai Sabre glitters in the moonlight. A sabre Qi is stimulated. It has a sabre Qi bonus. The power of this Sabre is very powerful.

Incheon wood's expression was ferocious, as if he had to chop Li Fei into meat mud to relieve his anger.

Li Fei raised his eyes and took a look at Renchuan wood. His whole body was filled with real Qi into his arm, and his fist blew up.

The meaning of the fist turns into a golden ball, which gathers true Qi and goes straight to the knife Qi of Incheon wood.

Get down!

As soon as they touched, they made a loud noise.

Incheon wood in the air suddenly felt a shock in the tiger's mouth and almost didn't hold the samurai sword in his hand.

Undigested energy rushed towards him, and his body rolled several times in mid air and landed again.

The meticulous hair originally combed has also become messy.

Obviously, Li Fei had the upper hand in the confrontation just now.

Incheon was shocked. It's not easy for such a young boy to meet him and gain the upper hand.

After 30 years of practice, he reached the state of tolerance. Unexpectedly, he lost his first move to Li Fei.

Incheon was so angry that he stared at Li Fei and gnashed his teeth.

"Dragon country boy, you are very powerful. It seems that I was careless."

"Why do dying people talk nonsense? Let's move."

Li Fei held his head high and pretended to force.

"Thousands of people cut @"

Incheon wood shouted, and the samurai sword in his hand was continuously waved, which turned into countless sword Qi and rushed to Li Fei.

Hearing the name "thousands of people cut", Li Fei almost died of laughter.

TEMAO's Island movies often like to shoot thousands of people. A Shangren actually uses such a dirty name. I really want to vomit.

Seeing countless Dao Qi coming straight to him, the wind roared in the Jingguo shrine, and the floor tiles were blown up by the fierce Dao Qi.

Li Fei's eyes coagulated. The old devil still has some skills.

But if only a thousand people are killed, what can he do.

Incheon wood's horizontal sword laughs wildly. Cutting thousands of people is his unique skill. There are really no fewer than a thousand people who have died under this move these years.

No one can escape from the overwhelming sword breath alive.

Unless he is kind and lets go of his opponent, he can't be kind to Li Fei.

At this time, outside the Jingguo shrine, they made a huge noise when they fought just now, which attracted the attention of hundreds of policemen outside.

"What's the matter? What happened?" a person in charge asked his men loudly.

"Leader noma, we don't know what's going on." his face was shocked.

Just now the sound was too loud, just like something exploded. All the people raised their voices.

"Baga, the worship ceremony will begin in a few hours. There can't be any mistakes at this time, otherwise no one can afford to blame the emperor. What are you doing, you waste? Don't go in and check it."

The man who called leader noma roared.

"But leader Noga, we can't carry guns in the shrine. We..."

In order to show respect for the dead, it has always been stipulated in the Jingguo shrine that no weapons can be brought into it.

Including the emperor's guard, disarm when you go in.

"A group of stupid pigs, unload the gun immediately, hurry up!" the leader of noma ordered.

All the policemen hurriedly took down their guns and threw them on the ground. Then they hurriedly rushed into the shrine with batons.