Even the people took a breath. They had never heard of so much money. Zhao Shan was really a lion.

Someone stood up and yelled.

"Zhao Shan, don't be shameless. It's your blessing that the guild leader values you, but it's too much for you to make such a rude request."

"This is not a rude request. As we all know, the development of sub halls needs money. There are 47 sub halls a year, 100 billion Island dollars, not much." Zhao Shan remained unchanged.

Everyone was speechless. It is conceivable that the difficulty of 47 sub halls can only be smashed with money.

Especially in some first tier cities, the funds used to open sub halls are bottomless.

Construction site, personnel, daily expenses and management fees are all expensive expenses.

Even if it is as big as Yamamoto family, its power does not spread all over the island country, because it costs too much money.

Li Fei clenched his teeth and converted 100 billion Island coins into dragon coins, that is, about 6 billion, which is not much, but he took out 6 billion at once. Who doesn't hurt.

"OK, our guild leader promises you that 100 billion Island coins will be allocated to you within today."

Li Fei waved his big hand and felt heartache again, but as long as the Juyi Gang developed, it didn't matter how much it cost.

"Thank you, my subordinates." Zhao Shanxi said.

"Come on, what's the second requirement?"

Li Fei calmed his mind and was afraid that the boy would say something scary.

"The second request, I need people. I hope Master Kong Kong can be my guarantee. Guild leader knows that there are various forces around the island country. I need military support to subdue them all. Otherwise, even if I have more money, I will be in trouble."

Zhao Shan's development ideas are similar to those of Li Fei. They all annex small forces and then form their own forces.

This is the shortest way. It's much easier than starting from scratch.

However, there is a premise for this approach. You should be strong in your own strength. Otherwise, before you annex the small forces, the small forces will eat you first.

Li Fei thought that the boy was very smart. He knew that with the support of Master Kong Kong and elite team, he was almost invincible and got twice the result with half the effort.

But Li Fei can't let the elite team stay on the island for a year. The elite team is his sword, which needs to be scabbard at any time.

Pondering for a moment, Li Feidao.

"Kong Kong Kong still has a lot of tasks to do and can't get away from it. However, brother Tieniu likes Island beauties. I asked brother Tieniu to fight for you. Do you have any objection, brother Tieniu?"

Iron bull is dozing off in his chair. He has no interest in the meeting. He only likes fighting and killing.

Li Fei didn't expect that the iron bull fell asleep. This guy is really impolite. He can sleep even in meetings.

However, he is not angry. Iron bull's loyalty to him can be learned from the sun and the moon.

Kong Kong Kong shouted twice, and the iron bull didn't wake up. It's estimated that he ran out again last night.

Since arriving at the island country, iron Bull has been very fond of the island country's sister. When he is free, he has to go out for a lap in the evening before coming back.

"Iron ox benefactor, brother Fei wants to send you Island beauty." Kongkong said.

"What? Island beauty? Where is it?!"

The iron bull woke up instantly, wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth and said excitedly.

The people were so cynical that they were really an immoral guy. When they heard about the beauty of the island, they were more intimate than money.

Seeing everyone rolling their eyes at him, Tieniu scratched his head with some embarrassment and smiled at Li Fei.

"Brother Fei, I'm sorry. I was too sleepy just now, so I fell asleep."

Li Fei shook his head speechless. He didn't know what to say about him, and then returned to the subject.

"Just now I asked you to help hall leader Zhao to set up sub halls all over the island. What do you want to say? No."

"Does that mean I can stay on the island for a long time? Great, I'd like to." iron bull replied.

If he can stay on the island, he can continue to play with island beauties. It's too late to be happy.

"Well, that's settled, but iron bull, don't lose heart. Although the island beauty is gentle, there can't be any difference in the task, otherwise I'll ask you." Li Fei reminded.

"Don't worry, brother Fei, I'm an iron bull." tie Niu patted his chest and promised.

Li Fei was relieved to have an iron bull to stay on the island.

He told Zhao Shandao.

"Zhao Shan, you can call the people of Juyi Gang freely. You don't need to tell anyone."

"Thank you, sect leader!"

Zhao Shan was very excited. Li Fei gave him too much authority. Even the people of Juyi gang can call at will. He envied many people.

At this time, the Deputy guild leader Yitian Yingzhu stood up and said.

"Guild leader, I am willing to lead a warrior to support hall leader Zhao."

These days, Yitian Yingzhu has figured out that Li Fei only wants him to be the deputy leader in order to win him over, so he must make achievements and let Li Fei look at him differently.

Unexpectedly, Yitian Yingzhu volunteered. Li Fei was a little surprised.

"Yitian Yingzhu, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Since I'm the vice leader of Juyi sect, I'm indispensable to the development of the guild. I also want to contribute," Yitian Yingzhu replied.

"Well, well said, everyone in the development division has a responsibility. Yitian Yingzhu has set an example. Good job," Li Fei praised.

Zhao Shan quickly thanked HIDA for his help.

"Thank you for your support!"

According to Tian Ying's assistant, there are 1000 Island warriors, plus the fierce general of iron bull, those small forces are not frightened.

The meeting lasted for a long time before it was over. After helping the middle and small affairs are straightened out, Li Fei can get out of the affair and leave it to Ye Feng.

After the meeting, Ye Feng came to Li Fei alone.

"Guild leader, you asked me to inquire about the purpose of the emperor's leaving the palace that day. My subordinates couldn't find out any clues for a long time. Even the emperor's guards didn't know what the emperor was doing. The itinerary was absolutely confidential, so..."

"I see. It's not your fault."

Li Feidao, the emperor's travel is the top secret. It's normal not to find it.

"But the emperor will leave the palace again tomorrow. I have mastered this trip." Ye Feng said again.

"Oh, what's this trip? How do you know?"

Ye Feng quickly took out a newspaper and handed it to Li Fei. When he took it, Li Fei immediately showed his fierce light.

The newspaper is a notice issued by the palace Chamberlain. At 10 a.m. tomorrow, the emperor will go to the Yasukuni shrine to worship the heroes. At that time, all senior officials of the island countries will accompany them.

Every year, the island countries pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, which is called offering sacrifices to heroes.

In fact, many war criminals are buried in the Yasukuni Shrine. These war criminals have committed heinous crimes, and many of them committed all kinds of crimes in the Dragon kingdom.

But the island's top leaders regard them as heroes and come to worship them every year. Even taking this as a political task has greatly hurt the feelings of the people of those countries invaded.

Despite resistance from many countries, the islanders still go their own way and do not shrink back.

In the past, Li Fei was filled with indignation when he saw islanders worship Yasukuni Shrine in the Dragon kingdom. Now that he is in the island country and meets such a thing, he will no longer stand idly by.