After the welcome ceremony, take the bus to the presidential palace and hold a meeting.

Outside the airport, there are all black Mercedes Benz cars. Solomon's economy is very backward. The government spent a lot of effort to get these Mercedes Benz cars from the whole country.

In front of the car, there are the national flags of Solomon and the dragon country.

Even Li Fei has the illusion that he has become the leader of the Dragon Kingdom and is visiting abroad on behalf of the Dragon kingdom.

Li Fei was naturally arranged to sit with President Beite. Only he had such high-level treatment.

Murong Yan and others got into the car behind them, set out with the motorcade and headed for the presidential palace.

The motorcade had just left the airport. On both sides of the street outside, there were people standing in the lane to welcome.

They waved flowers in their hands and carried welcome slogans everywhere. Everyone was jubilant and welcomed one after another, and they were escorted by Solomon police.

Li Fei opens his mouth and is not calm. Younger sister, do you want to be so grand!

He was fine. He had seen the enthusiasm of the people of Solomon before, and Murong Yan and they were not calm at all.

Murong Yan looked at the welcoming crowd outside, covered her small heart, looked confused and forced, and said in her heart.

"God, what's the matter with Solomon? It's frightening to make such a big formation."

It felt like a dream. She would never have thought that she would get such high courtesy when she went abroad one day.

Murong Yan couldn't help opening the window and waving to the crowd outside. She didn't know that her move would cause a big sensation in Solomon.

Just beside the street stood a Solomon reporter. The male reporter was instantly attracted by Murong Yan's exquisite and beautiful face, raised the camera and pressed the shutter continuously.

Kaka, Kaka

He took several photos in a row, and then quickly sent them back to the state news agency.

A few hours later, Solomon's national media published photos of Murong Yan waving in a large space, which made Murong Yan popular all over the country, which was unexpected even for herself.

Half an hour later, the motorcade arrived at the presidential palace. Outside the presidential palace, there were already celebrities from all walks of life waiting for Solomon.

The presidential palace was attacked by rebels before, and the external buildings were seriously damaged. However, after emergency repair, most of the buildings have been repaired, and now there are almost no traces of war.

President Beite took Li Fei out of the presidential car, and then took Murong Yan with them to the steps of the presidential palace under the welcome of the people.

Then he delivered an impassioned speech to Solomon's country.

"My dear people, today is a very important day for Solomon. Our dear Baron Mr. Li Fei, with the top business delegation of the Dragon Kingdom, will conduct business investigation and exchange with Solomon."

"The Dragon Kingdom has a vast territory and rich resources, a long history and civilization, and modern science and technology has attracted worldwide attention. We very much look forward to this delegation bringing unlimited business opportunities to our country. We Solomon will take advantage of this rare opportunity to rejuvenate ourselves."

"Here, I sincerely thank Baron Li Fei for his great contribution to Solomon, and sincerely welcome friends from the Dragon kingdom. You have traveled thousands of miles to Solomon, and we will bear in mind your friendship with Solomon. I look forward to the successful completion of this visit and great achievements."

There is no doubt that President Beit is a very excellent politician and speaker. His words are passionate and inspiring.

State television broadcast president Beit's speech to the whole country in real time and spread it to every corner of Solomon.

Solomon people are very excited. They have long heard that Longguo has enjoyed rapid economic development and rapid changes in high-tech technology in recent years, which has a great influence all over the world.

The arrival of the Longguo business delegation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Solomon. Everyone expects that the delegation will bring great benefits to Solomon's economy and lift their country out of poverty as soon as possible.

After President Beite's speech, Murong Yan also made a speech as a representative of the delegation.

The girl stood in front of the camera and immediately amazed the whole Solomon. The people smacked their tongue. It turned out that the women of the Dragon kingdom were so beautiful, just like the people in the picture.

Murong Yan thought about the wording, and then opened her mouth.

"Thank President Beit and all the people of Solomon for their warm hospitality to our delegation. Solomon is a very beautiful country. I hope the friendship between us will last forever!"

"On behalf of all the members of the delegation, I solemnly promise that we will live up to expectations and give full play to our role. I believe that our Solomon trip will achieve fruitful results."

Murong Yan spoke very carefully and cleverly. She didn't make any promises in front of the people of Solomon. She said everything on the table.

After all, she is also the first time to come to this country, and all aspects do not understand it. If she makes a promise casually, if she fails to fulfill it, not only will Li Fei lose face, but also the image of the dragon country will be damaged.

Therefore, she generally said that she hoped to achieve fruitful results, but no one could say what the specific results were.

However, despite this, Solomon cheered up and down and gave warm applause to Murong Yan's speech.

After the short speech, the meeting was followed. Solomon's finance minister, fisheries minister, tourism minister and other officials related to economic development introduced Solomon's current economic situation to Li Fei in detail.

Li Fei and Murong Yan listened attentively, and Lin Ya took out her notebook to take notes.

In order to help Solomon develop the economy, we must first understand Solomon's current economic structure and economic situation, so as to achieve a targeted goal.

Li Fei is particularly interested in the local fishery resources of Solomon. He was born with water to help Solomon develop fishery resources.

Just then it was the turn of Fisheries Minister Merck to speak, and Li Fei immediately pricked his ears.

Merck first politely said hello to Li Fei and them, and then began to talk endlessly.

Merck is a very competent minister. He knows his country's fishery resources like the back of his hand. He can talk freely without preparing materials at all.

"Baron, as we all know, Solomon is an archipelagic country. We are pearls in the Pacific Ocean, rich in fishery resources and many precious seafood. In recent years, under the decision of President Beite, we have begun to gradually export our own fishery."

"But it is a great pity that our fishing conditions are seriously limited. Fishermen do not have deep-sea fishing vessels. Our fishing vessels are all backward small fishing vessels, which can not meet the needs of large-scale fishing."

"At the same time, our export transportation capacity is also very weak. Many precious seafood can only be stored for two or three days at most. Beyond this time, it will greatly affect the taste. Even when they are not delivered to the destination, these precious seafood have deteriorated and can't be eaten at all."

"Therefore, although we are actively exporting fishery resources, our achievements are not optimistic due to these adverse factors."

"Baron, I hope you can help us solve the problem of deep-sea fishing and transportation. If Solomon has advanced technology for fishing and transportation, fishing will definitely become the biggest economic pillar of Solomon in the future."

Merck finished and looked at Li Fei with a look of expectation in his eyes.