"Well, you go out and have a rest. I see there are fruits in the refrigerator. By then we will finish our work here. Let me wash some fruits for you." Song Tingting said to Ruan Bingyue while busy. "Okay, hehe...it's great to have you." Ruan Bingyue went out like this, and sat on the sofa to continue chatting with them: "I think people not only need love, but also family affection. In fact, friendship is also very important. Yes, this kind of life is perfect and happy, right?

right. "

"Now we all have love, family affection, friendship...we are the happiest." Lin Sike smiled happily along with Ruan Bingyue.

"Yes, yes, we are the happiest. Now Sike has found his love and happiness. It's great." Song Tingting has always hoped that Lin Sike could also find her own love.

Song Tingting had always been worried that Lin Sike would still like Wen Zehao. After all, Wen Zehao is such an excellent person, and it is normal to continue to like Wen Zehao.

After the two of them washed the dishes and cleaned up, they washed some fruits, and then the three of them continued to eat fruits.

While eating, Lin Sike suddenly said: "Tingting, I found out how we can eat so well, we can eat like this pregnant woman, we only have one, she has two."

"Hahaha... It's not good to eat with pregnant women. It's a blessing to be able to eat." Song Tingting laughed.

"It's good, it's good, but it's fat." After Lin Sike got together with Ji Qiuliang, Ji Qiuliang loved her very much, and she felt very happy, so... she gained a lot of weight!

I feel better, I eat well, I sleep well...and the nourishment of love, so I got fat, I got fat!

"Hahaha... You have gained a little weight recently, which means that you have lived a good life." Ruan Bingyue glanced at Lin Sike and said.

"However, I have also gained a lot of weight... I don't know what kind of fat man I will become after giving birth. Alas, it's scary to think about it." Ruan Bingyue said with a sigh.

"You're actually fine. You're basically not fat. You only have one belly. If you wear looser clothes, you won't be able to see your four-month-old belly." Song Tingting wasn't praising Ruan Bingyue, she was telling the truth , it really is like this.

You can't see it unless you look carefully.

"I have a small frame." Ruan Bingyue thinks this is her own advantage, her frame is small, so she looks petite: "Actually, I have a lot of flesh now, fleshy."

"It's good-looking like you, a fleshy woman, and doesn't look very fat... If it's like this, it's great for a man to hug and like it." Lin Sike looked enviously. "Hahaha, well, I have the advantage again, but I really feel that I have gained a lot of weight. When I think about my bloated figure after giving birth, I feel terrible when I think about it. Wen Zehao wonders if he will dislike me. Sigh..." Ruan Bingyue sighed,

Thinking of her postpartum figure, she felt a little sad.

Although Ruan Bingyue has also read such words in front of Wen Zehao many times, Wen Zehao has always emphasized that it is impossible for her to dislike her, it is absolutely impossible to dislike her, but even if Wen Zehao does not dislike her, she feels that she I will also hate myself.


Women, having a baby really pays a lot.

In fact, women work the hardest and contribute the most in a family. In a family, women actually need to be rich.

"Master Chief will definitely not dislike you, and don't worry, you will lose weight soon." Song Tingting comforted: "You really haven't gained much weight now. You haven't seen other pregnant women, one to four I gained twenty or thirty catties in a month."

"You're exaggerating, twenty or thirty catties, you only weighed twenty or thirty catties during the whole pregnancy, okay?" Ruan Bingyue despised.

"Some people will really weigh a lot. Most of them will weigh more than ten or twenty catties in four or five months, a lot, really." Lin Sike also said the same.

"Well, then I didn't. I didn't eat very well at the beginning, and I was admitted to the hospital twice, so I weighed about three catties, but I think it's all on me." Ruan Bingyue It is obvious that I feel fat.

"I really can't see that you are fat. Could it be a psychological effect? ​​You feel that you are pregnant, so you gain a lot of weight." Lin Sike looked at Ruan Bingyue carefully and said.

"That's right. If you think about it, you'll only weigh three catties... How much fat can you get?" Song Tingting agreed.

"Uh... Wen Zehao also keeps saying that I'm not fat, that I'm still thin. Am I really not fat?" Ruan Bingyue always thought that Wen Zehao was lying to her and comforting her.

"I really can't see where you are getting fat, but your belly is a little bigger... just like our little belly." Lin Sike looked at his own belly, and shook his head helplessly: "Oh... I really don't like you. There is no way to compare, no wonder you are the chief's wife."

"You will soon be the major's wife." Ruan Bingyue smiled.

"Hahaha..." Song Tingting couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard Ruan Bingyue say that Lin Sike was immediately shy.

"Laughing fart." Lin Sike felt a little embarrassed.

They kept talking, talking about everything!

Friends with good relationship sit together and talk about everything, especially some gossip, and the time like this passes quickly.

Wen Zehao called Ruan Bingyue until after five o'clock, and at this time Song Tingting and Lin Sike had already left, so she couldn't stay here forever.

"Hello... have you come back?" Ruan Bingyue thought that Wen Zehao only called her when she came back, but it turned out not to be.

"I'm going back later at night, you go to bed first, and I'll ask Song Tingting and Lin Sike to bring you dinner." Wen Zehao called Ruan Bingyue to tell Ruan Bingyue that he would not come back for dinner at night and would come back later.

If Ruan Bingyue lived alone at home, once she heard Wen Zehao say that she would come back late at night and let her go to bed early, her mood would instantly turn bad, and she would feel very lonely and lost.

However, now that she was here, she felt a lot less like this, and also a lot less lonely.

"Well, okay, don't worry about me. I took a lot of food from the cooking class at noon and didn't eat. I can heat it up and eat it, and I don't need to go to the cafeteria to get food." Ruan Bingyue told Wen Zehao not to worry about herself.

"Well, don't be too tired, you know?" Wen Zehao was afraid that Ruan Bingyue would tire him. In Wen Zehao's heart, Ruan Bingyue was originally a person who loved hardship.