We arrived at the inn lolimast recommended.

It's huge, way bigger than the lodging house of Daijel. It can probably hold hundreds of guests.

As I pushed the bell to call for the receptionist, I saw some adventurers mixed among the guests.

As expected of a guild-sponsored inn, there seem to be a lot of adventurers staying here. Don't see many shady looking guests too, seems like a nice place.

And now checking in. Eh, 2000 en a night? ...W-well it's twice as high as Daijel's, but it's still on the cheaper side. No complain here... Gotta get serious with the guild job if I don't want to get into the red.

Hm? It's 3000 en for a double room? Rejected... Why would the receptionist even suggest that.

So, we went to the kitchen to make our dinner.

Apparently a lot of guests do make use of the kitchen, so the inn had multiple kitchens available.

I'm gonna make Rush Boar and Jet Boar meat dumplings today. Comparing between each meat and making some mixed dumplings sounds fun.

Let's get to it.

First, I sliced both meat and minced them in a grinder.

Rush Boar meat was fine but I had a bit of trouble mincing the Jet Boar one. It's really quite tough.

I mixed a portion of the meat, while dividing the rest before mixing each with finely chopped onion, salt, pepper and eggs.

Then I rolled up the three types of meat into bite-sized dumplings, finished.

Next, I boil pseudo seaweed and water, took the seaweed out after a bit and put in chopped cabbage and shallot.

Once the vegetable had softened a bit, I put in the meat dumplings, and scooped out the formed scum before pouring in miso (same name in this world, a Japanese person must have made it here), mirin-like spice and sake.

Miso hotpot with boar dumplings, done.

Pot-based cooking is nice, so easy to make~. Very nutritious too with all the veggies.

I moved the pot to the table with a pot stand where Alma was standing by.

"It's done. This one's Rush Boar dumplings, this one's Jet Boar, and this one's mixed."