"Oy! What have you been teaching people of your guild! Some adventurers registered here just hit me!"

The pig baron, Shuudanshunshu Koguppu ranted while spewing spits everywhere. Disgusting.

His face is internally bleeding all over, he's got some teeth missing too.

...How hard did that guy punch this thing anyway. I suppose he held back seeing this thing's still alive.

Behind the loud baron, his two guards and poison taster are looking at the situation with bitter faces.

"According to the people involved who've filled me in on the situation, you apparently tried to recruit Almatina and hit her when she declined. Is that not the truth?"

"B-balderdash! I told you they started it! I did nothing!"

"...That is a lie. You have made a false statement."

Fils deemed that the pig baron was lying.

'Truth Judge'. A Master Skill obtained by those who have mastered Appraisal Skill, able to determine truths from lies in spoken and written words.

...He's the person I'd like to avoid making an enemy of the most in a way. There's no more terrifying Skill to those who are hiding skeletons in the closet.

Well it's not without its demerits though.

"Who the hell are you! On what basis do you accuse me of such!"

"Lies do not work on me. Not me, one of the only few 'Master Appraiser' in this world."

An Appraiser who has raised their 'Appraisal' Skill to level 10 become a Master Appraiser.

There's probably nobody in this world who doesn't understand just how monumental the task of Job Change for Production Type Jobs with their lack of Basic Level... Well, Kajikawa probably doesn't know being an otherworlder he is.

That fact alone makes them considered national treasure. Not even nobles are able to easily dismiss their words.

"M-Master Appraiser...! T-then how do we ensure that you're speaking the truth!"