"No, isn't it?" Zhang also asked in a flurry, "can I quit in time now?"

Si Yihan glared at him, "yes, but it's hard to ensure that the next one lying there is not you."

Zhang also smell speech, his group into a group in the corner, for fear that he looked up to see that pale face appeared in front of him! If that's the case, maybe he'll be out of his mind right away to see the king of hell.

"Guests! Did you see that! This is what we have achieved! " The man standing in the center of the room pointed to the corpse standing there and exclaimed excitedly, "as long as you join us, we can provide you with better service, so that you can avoid the pain of birth, aging and death!"

"I want to join!" A shout broke through the sky, and then more people began to shout with him.

"Guests, please be quiet and listen to me first."

Just as the man was about to say something, the standing corpse behind him suddenly put his hand around his neck, which made him purple and speechless!

Nina and Tang Xian, who were also standing in the middle of the scene, immediately said, "what are you doing?"?! Why don't you pull that thing away? "

Hearing what they said, the two coffin bearers just pulled away the corpse like a mad dog. Tang Xian frowned and said, "don't you hurry to take people down and deal with them!"

The two men nodded, dragged the body which had just awakened to leave the field, in exchange for a sigh under the stage.

The man who had just been strangled wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "our newly awakened guest may be a little emotional, but it's not a problem. In the follow-up process, we will correct this shortcoming. Guests don't have to be afraid."

Whoo! He almost became the second corpse on the field!

"Guests in need please come to me to register. We will contact you one by one and make targeted plans for your requirements."

As soon as the man's words were finished, everyone went to the center orderly and registered one by one. Three people couldn't get out. When they came, the door was locked by Tang Xian and Nina, so they had to go down to register the false information.

Under the guidance of the man, they left the room from another exit on the field.

Three people took advantage of the crowd, hiding in a room on the road. There is a closet in the room, not big or small, which can just hide three people.

"Although the corpse was resurrected just now, the situation seems to be no different from that of my sister, but my sister still kept her mind when she woke up. This corpse is a machine without thought." Zhao Hualan said, "their project is definitely not perfect, and the thing injected is only one of the test objects."

"They make accidents to make living corpses for research..." Si Yihan pondered, "the traffic accidents in s city are all related to the drugs studied by Shen Chuan before. They use those drugs to create accidents, and then transport the corpses here by various means for unified test."

Originally thought that solving Shen Chuan is solving all the problems, but did not expect that Shen Chuan is just a beginning, what he did are just the beginning of more things, just the fuse of all things, to lead everyone into a bigger vortex.

"You go out first. I'll try to find out where the bodies are."

Si Yihan nodded and pushed open the door of the closet. As soon as he opened a seam, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open. He quickly closed the door of the closet again.

"This batch of" goods "failed again. Mr. J must be furious." It's Nina's voice.

"This is the fourth batch. If we continue to fail like this, we can easily find out what we have done." Tang Xian's voice followed closely, "the people in s city said that during this period of time, someone has been investigating the accident. They have found the hospital and given us the body."

"If you really can't do it, kill all those who are investigating, so as not to cause any trouble for Mr. J." Nina said, "it's all Shen Chuan's fault. He can't even keep his own life. He was killed by the man he saved!"

"Although he has made a lot of contributions to Mr. J, he is still a waste in the end. But for this drug research, he would not have known where he was buried and become a pool of mud. "

"Now that he's dead, the experiment can't go on. Mr. J is very angry now. He wants us to find someone who can continue the research anyway."

Tang Xian sneered and said, "isn't there that new guy? It is said that he and Shen Chuan are in the same school. In terms of technology, they should be no worse than Shen Chuan. "

Nina also followed with a smile, "I hope that guy can be worthy of Mr. J so valued him, otherwise, the knife in my hand can not blink."

The new guy Zhao Hualan can be sure that the "new guy" in the two populations refers to Luo Bai. Unexpectedly, Luo Bai hates Shen Chuan so much, and now he actually takes over what Shen Chuan hasn't done! She didn't know what Luo Bai had in mind. She had to force herself to do something she hated.Is there anyone who wants to be resurrected?

Is it skill

The death of Shu brings a fatal blow to Luo Bai. Does Luo Bai have the same idea as Shen Chuan after suffering this blow?

"I haven't seen anything about the strength of that guy up to now, but I have a good temper. Last time I saw a little mouse sneak in, and just wanted to check it, I was stopped by that guy."

Speaking of this, Tang Xian was very angry. He wanted to cut Luo Bai to pieces. Think of that guy's invincible expression, Tang Xian wants to pour sulfuric acid on that face, so that no expression can be seen on that face.

"That mouse has been running here for a long time. It's very cunning. My people haven't caught it all the time." Nina said, "they can't catch a mouse in a cat's nest. Those people are so comfortable."

"Why don't you give it a quick training? We have to dispose of all the rubbish before Mr. J finds out. If he knows that something unclean has entered here because of our negligence, we will be carried out horizontally. "

"Of course I will."

Zhao Hualan didn't know that she had been discovered for a long time. She always thought that her every move was cautious and nobody noticed. But that man actually knew her existence from the beginning. If it wasn't for Luo Bai who saved her, she didn't know what she would be like now.

"I'll deal with the guest who comes here today. He doesn't look like an ordinary person. I'll check him out."

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