The stench was like the smell of dead animals rotting, but it didn't seem to come from dead animals.

Li Xiaoman couldn't go any further. When she turned and was about to leave, she saw Ouyang Chen coming with a stick.

Smelling the pungent smell of putrefaction, Ouyang Chen also covered his mouth and nose, and frowned tightly.

"Mr. o, why are you here?" Li Xiaoman went to Ouyang Chen, looked at him and said, "it's too smelly here. Let's go back first."

"Don't you want to see what's so smelly?" Ouyang Chen looks at Li Xiaoman to finish saying, then slowly toward that diameter has at least two or three meters of irregular round pit.

The more forward, the more unpleasant the smell of death, almost fainting.

Li Xiaoman did not trust him very much, so he followed him.

She frowned, squeezed her nose and tried to hold her breath.

Ouyang Chen went to the pit first. After he looked at the pit, his face changed immediately.

Then he covered his mouth and nose with his hand and nearly vomited.

"Mr. o, what's the matter?"

Li Xiaoman saw this and hurried forward.

"Don't come here." Ouyang Chen sees her to come forward, make a voice to stop immediately, but Li Xiaoman two steps walked to him.

Out of curiosity, she turned her head and looked into the pit, but after just one glance, she changed her face and screamed.


Ouyang Chen stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, covered her eyes, and said very unsympathetically, "you deserve it. Who let you see it? I have reminded you not to come here."

Li Xiaoman's face was very white, and her eyes showed a look of panic. She pulled down his hand and then slowly turned her head to look at the pit.

There are more than ten bodies in the pit, all of which are human bodies, and they are highly rotten. Snakes, insects, rats and ants are crawling on the bodies.

Some bodies have no head, some have no limbs, some have no viscera, some have only half face

All in all, none of these bodies was complete, and the death was tragic and terrifying.

It's an unexpected encounter.

And beneath those rotting bodies are white bones.

All the bones were fragmented, not a single one was complete.

Broken bones mixed together, who is whose bones, has been completely indistinguishable.

It's like a mass grave.

Ouyang Chen looked at those bones and rotten corpses, and finally knew where those people who came to xie'er mountain disappeared. It turned out that they were all in this big pit.

His grandfather may also be in this pit, but there are so many white bones. He doesn't know which are his grandfather's bones.

Suddenly, he knelt down, facing the pit, even kowtowed three heads, amber eyes revealed firm, "grandfather, you wait for me, I will come back to take you out."

After kneeling in front of the pit for a long time, he stood up slowly with the pain of his wound.

Then he looked at Li Xiaoman and said only one word, "go."

Then he used the stick in his hand as a support and walked forward.

Li Xiaoman did not dare to look at the pit which can be called purgatory on earth, and turned away.

She decided in her heart that when she got out of the mountain smoothly, she would report to the police and ask the judicial organ to send someone to transport the bones out of the mountain, and then bury them and erect a monument.

The valley was not deep, and the mountain wall was not high. Li Xiaoman did not need Ouyang Chen, so he climbed up. However, Ouyang Chen was struggling because his whole body was injured. However, this did not affect his success in climbing up.

After going up, I have to climb a mountain.

The mountain is a little high, and the slope is a little steep, so it's not so easy to climb up.

Li Xiaoman's legs softened when he saw the high mountains.

Ouyang Chen slants to look at her one eye, "remember to grasp for a while, you fall down, I throw you directly into just big pit."

Li Xiaoman looked at the eye, not like Ouyang Chen who was lying. He looked at the mountain again and gave her a boost.

She can. As long as she crosses the mountain, she is one step closer to going out.

The thought of this filled her with confidence and motivation.

After resting for a while, they continued to climb the mountains.

Ouyang Chen because of the injury in the body, some physical strength does not support, the speed naturally fell down, and Li Xiaoman because of no experience of mountain climbing, climbing more difficult.

Several times she almost slipped down. Fortunately, Ouyang Chen quickly grabbed her, and then he kept holding on to her and climbed up step by step.

It took them more than an hour to cross the mountain.

The next road is easier to walk, like before the same bush, no thorns at the foot.

But when they entered the Bush, they noticed something was wrong. It was like an earthquake all around, and the whole forest was shaking.Li Xiaoman and Ouyang Chen are familiar with this feeling, which is the sound of the giant beast they met before.

Ouyang Chen looked around his eyes with vigilance and said in a low voice: "it must be those wild animals coming again. Run quickly."

There were more and more wild animals walking around, and it seemed that dozens of them were coming towards them.

Li Xiaoman did not have a trace of hesitation, listen to Ouyang Chen's immediately ran up.

But just over the mountain almost exhausted her physical strength, she ran for a while, she had no strength.

She stopped, panting, "no, I I can't run. "

Ouyang Chen sees Li Xiaoman to run not to move, two words don't say to walk to her body, back to her bend down waist, "come up, I carry you."

Li Xiaoman sees Ouyang Chen all over the body is injured, and just in order to take her over that mountain ridge, he also has exhausted the physical strength, now she is in any case also can't let him carry her.

She shook her head. "No, Mr. o, I'm..."

Ouyang Chen was too lazy to listen to her nonsense. He took her hands and put them on his shoulder and forced her to carry her up.

Li Xiaoman was surprised, "Ouyang Chen, let me down. You have injuries on your body. You carry me on your back like this, you..."

Ouyang Chen did not return her words, carrying her forward.

When he had just crossed the mountain, the wounds on his body had already split and the blood oozed out. This time, he ran with Li Xiaoman on his back, and the wound was torn more open. The pain in his heart made him sweat on his forehead and face.

However, no matter how painful his body was, he resisted it.

"Mr. o, put me down."

Li Xiaoman has been let Ouyang Chen let her down, but he has not put.

No matter how fast the beast ran, he could not run as fast as he could.

When he was very tired and stopped to rest, the huge beasts gathered from all directions, and looked taller and more numerous than they had met yesterday.

Li Xiaoman looked at the wild animals gathered from all directions, and his face became more and more pale as plain paper. It seemed that they could not go out this time.

She squeezed her hands tightly, and the sweat in their palms showed her fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!