"Too much fog, too much sand, lack of heat, unqualified!"

"The shape of Dan is too ugly. If you don't say you are a four grade alchemist, I thought it was a pill made by a baby in open crotch pants! Not qualified

"Who made this pill? Why is it still covered with curly hair? Didn't you wash your hands when you went to the cottage during alchemy?? Not qualified

Kang'e and Bai Tianrui were very strict in the evaluation, and each pill was strictly examined.

Seeing that they were so professional, Yan Chujian asked, "Kang Li Shi, vice director Bai, what steps do you take to evaluate pills?"

Kang e disliked: "is leader Yan not the master of alchemy? How can you not understand it?"

"I'm worried that my evaluation method is too high-end, and will get different results from you, so I'm not ashamed to ask." Yan Chu said with a smile.

Kang'e was speechless with anger.

You're not ashamed to ask?

You are really shameless!

Bai Tianrui said lightly: "judging pills, pay attention to four courses."

"Talk, learn, and sing?"

“…… No

"It's not eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. I will."

"Master Yan, please be serious!" Bai Tianrui said angrily, "it's watching, hearing and asking about it!"

"Isn't this the doctor's procedure?" Yan Chu doubted.

"It's the same with judging pills! First look at the shape and color of the pill, then smell the smell of the pill, and then ask some questions about alchemy. Finally, this cut... "

In fact, it means to feel the pulse.

However, there is no pulse in the pill, so it is impossible to feel the pulse. So according to Bai Tianrui's meaning, it is necessary to pick out a little pill with your fingernail and put it in your mouth to taste it.

After listening to Bai Tianrui's explanation, Yan Chu couldn't help asking, "I agree with the first three points, but this last point, is it a bit hasty to taste pills?"

"Master Yan, why did you say that?" Asked Bai Tianrui.

"If that pill is poisonous..."

"Ha ha!" Kang'e disdained to say, "as eight grade alchemists, we take pills all the year round, and our bodies have long been different from ordinary people. Even if there is any problem with the pills, it will not have any impact on us!"

"Yes Is it? "

Yan Chu's voice just fell, suddenly saw Mu Qingqian carrying her just refined pills, came to kang'e and Bai Tianrui.

Seeing this, Yan Chu said, "can you demonstrate to me how to evaluate pills in the spirit of professionalism?"

They smile with confidence.

Let him know how much amateur he is!

"This girl is beautiful, and she must be smart. Let's show her pills." Yan Chu pointed to Mu Qingqian and said.

"No problem!"

The two immediately nodded. With their experience, it was true that the beautiful female alchemist would not be too bad in alchemy.

Mu Qingqian took the medicine box containing pills to the two people.

Kang'e reached out and opened the medicine box and said, "the first and second steps of judging pills can be done together. I'll show you how to do it."


Kang'e opened the medicine box.

In a flash, a black fog leaked from the medicine box. Kang'e and Bai Tianrui can't dodge and are attacked by the black fog

"Hot eyes!"

Kangde and Tianrui can't help but grin.

They have been refining pills for many years, but they have never seen a pill with such great lethality!

However, Yan Chu had been prepared to wear an all-in-one gas mask.

This gas mask was made by Yan Chu in Xumi world at the beginning. The purpose is to prevent being hurt by Mu Qingqian's pills.

Kang and e covered their eyes, but forgot to cover their noses. A mouthful of black smoke sucked into their noses, choking them almost to suffocate.

"It stinks! This pill can be used as a stink bomb Bai Tianrui roared.

They wanted to retreat, but Yan Chu stood up to their back: "two directors, it's a serious thing to evaluate pills, you can't back off!"

The two people said:

In the full view of the public, if the two of them retreat, it will really appear that they are not professional enough.

But this pill is too terrible!

They bit their teeth, and finally decided to stick to it!

Step three, ask!

Kang'e covered his eyes and nose and asked Mu Qingqian, "what kind of Dan are you refining?"

Mu Qingqian replied lightly: "back to the elder, what the younger generation refined is Shiquan Dabu pill."


If it is not suitable for breathing at this time, kang'e and Bai Tianrui will take a breath of cool air.

Is this the perfect tonic?

Don't you want to kill people!!"You pill..."

Kang e was about to announce the result of the evaluation, but Yan Chu suddenly interrupted: "Kangli, don't worry. The four steps are not over yet."

The last step of judging pills is to taste them in person.

Just now, they said that there was no pill that could poison them.

But now

They regret it.

They really don't have the courage to taste this pill!

"Kang Li Shi, as alchemists, must be meticulous and rigorous. If we do not complete the four steps, how can we easily judge the pills refined by others?" Yan Chu said with a smile.

Kane swallowed his saliva.

He reluctantly opened his eyes and took another look at the smoky pill.

If you take this pill, I'm afraid he will fall here