Chapter 2222: Emperor Sui Dynasty dragon veins, competition

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Sign-in starts from catching fast Chapter 2222 Emperor Sui Dynasty Dragon Vein, scramble

The mother river roars and filial piety, and the boundless waves crash like waves.

And it also turned into a giant dragon, attacking the huge figure.

Phantom standing.

Although it is a phantom, when the dragon rising in the mother river hit the phantom, it was like a floating cloud, and was shaken away by the powerful force around the phantom.

The figure formed by the ancient dust sand is too powerful.

The giant hand grabbed in the middle of the mother river, and a few rays of light radiating bright stars were caught in the hand.

When a few bright stars were captured.

The power fluctuations in the original filial Mother River began to dissipate, and it became a calm Mother River.

"This is the power of Gu Chensha. If Gu Chensha's real body comes to this world, how fierce will it become?"

Standing in the distance, Su Hao was extremely shocked.

Gu Chensha is really powerful.

Following Su Hao's side, they saw the figure in the sky, their faces were horrified, and at the same time they were secretly grateful.

Fortunately, Gu Chensha didn't kill them.

If you kill them, they probably won't have any chance of life.

In the blink of an eye, it could be wiped out.

The people around the mother river, they saw this situation, their eyes were horrified, and they wanted to know who the figure was.

But the figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"He took things from his mother Hanoi!"

After Gu Chensha left, some people realized it later.

at this time

A figure looked closely at Gu Chensha's figure. The woman was wearing a shirt with the embroidered piranha logo. It was Su Qingmu who came from the ancient scripture hall.

"The thing was taken by that adult, and this matter needs to be notified to the adult as soon as possible."

Su Qingmu thought to himself.

In the blink of an eye, the body turned into an afterimage and disappeared,

The rest are some star essences with weak energy, and they are not very useful. Even if she retrieves them, it is useless.

"Go, let's meet that star!"

Su Hao prepares to return to Fudo Pluto City to see what's so special about that star.


Next to him, Emperor Tianyu said, "No, City Lord, the dragon veins of the Emperor Sui Dynasty were opened."

"It should be my apprentice!"'

Le Di opened his mouth.

Now he and Emperor Tianyu are both people who do not move the city of Hades.

Naturally, there is no hostility.

"City Lord, let's settle this matter first."

Emperor Tianyu said.

"Yes!" Su Hao nodded.

Dragon veins and dragon fortune are very useful to Emperor Tianyu, and naturally it is impossible for outsiders to obtain them.

After Su Hao nodded, the figure of Emperor Tianyu disappeared quickly.

"City Lord, I'll go take a look too!"

Le Di opened his mouth.

Di Mingyan was his disciple, so he naturally didn't want Di Mingyan to be hurt,

"Come on, let's go see it together!"

Xing Cui has already got it and can watch it at any time. He also wants to see the dragon veins of the Emperor Sui Dynasty.

The group headed towards the Emperor Sui Dynasty.

Deep inside the palace of Emperor Sui Dynasty

Di Mingyan and another burly figure were standing at the entrance of a secret cave.

This burly figure is the Wutian Hammer who entered the city before.

Di Mingyan was afraid of an accident by herself, so she contacted Wu Tianchui.

Wu Tianchui was of course interested in the dragon veins of the Emperor Sui Dynasty, so the two of them came here with the help of the dragon seal to open the secret realm of the dragon veins.


The two rushed into the secret realm.

When they entered the secret realm, their eyes were shocked by the sight in front of them.

in this secret.

There is a huge tree.

Above the trees, a dragon-shaped air is constantly roaming.


A low roar spread throughout the entire secret realm, and Di Mingyan and Wu Tianchui were shocked.