Chapter Twelve: Grass Sharks

Name:Siege State Author:
Chapter Twelve: Grass Sharks

It wasnt long before the rest of the group began to hear the barks themselves. They drifted in on the wind, weaker than those created by the wind sprites though more natural sounding than them, and obviously coming from a separate source.

The remaining three wind sprites danced maliciously in the air, playing their own recordings of the barks. They looked gleeful. They knew all they had to do was wait.

Several days before, Darius had explained that grass sharks were some of only a few predators in the Grounds that did not usually kill by ambush. They were powerful enough, fast enough, and tough enough that they didnt need to bother. They had ridiculous endurance too, to go with their other attributes. They could simply run their prey down.

The group stayed in place. There was nowhere to run. No more defensible place they could possibly reach. There were only two options: stay and fight, or run and die.

Tom took care of the remaining three sprites, dispersing them with Agony and Hush. It was too late though. By the time he had killed them all, the distant barks stopped momentarily, and then rose into a chorus of eerie, echoing howls.

They have our scent, Darius said. His face was slack, his eyes slightly wild. It was incredibly discomfiting to see the perpetually arrogant healer so out of sorts. He listened for a few moments longer. The pack it is large. We have only minutes.

Tom was not going to go down without a fight. He had hunted a drake, solo, in the Deep. He had infiltrated behind orc siege lines. He had fought orc chieftains, and won. He refused to give up. He refused to even be intimidated.

Which direction, Meri? he asked. Her hawks eyes, combined with her Ideal of Senses, were far better than his owls. The squirrely scout looked like she wanted to bolt, but she pointed off the north-east.

Tanya! he snapped. The merchant jumped. Enchantments, now! Whatever you have! In the grass before the road. She hopped to do as told.

Wait! Sorry. These too, he said, and dumped a handful of enchanted objects out of his spatial storage. He didnt have many enchanted traps, but hed rather use them than die.

Darius! No fucking around! he yelled. The healer snapped out of his reverie, some colour coming back into his face. Were going to need a healer, understand?

Darius looked like he wanted to snap at him, just for a moment, then visibly swallowed his ego. Yes, I understand. We should not be mounted though, Tom. The grass sharks, they specialise in pulling down the horses in the Grounds. We must fight them on foot.

You heard the man! Dismount! Everyone slid from their saddles. Tanya subbed her mule, and Eli and Rosa subbed their horses. Markus lion and Meris wolf moved to the frontline with Sesame, joining Eli, Markus, and Tom.

Tanya finished setting the enchantments off the road, and hurried back to the group. The barking was much closer now, close enough to gauge its speed. The sharks were closing fast.

Rosa, we need fire. Extending out to either side, if you would. Doesnt need to be massive, just big enough to make them run through the enchantments. Now, please.

He disliked being stern with her, but she took the tone without complaint. Two walls of fire blossomed and spread to either side of where Tanya had been working. Rosa gave them a push, and the walls began to creep slowly away from them.

Meri and Rosa drew their bows and strung arrows. Rosa concentrated over one, and after a moment, it began to register to Toms mana sense. And grew. And kept growing. Tom began to worry shed overload the capacity enchantments when she finally stopped feeding it.

Tanya, pulled an enchanted object from a spatial storage, a simple enough length of steel with a flat stock on one end. It was something Cub had been working on before theyd left Wayrest. The man had wasted no time getting stuck into his work with his new Ideal.

Darius stood with the backline, though in front of them. He had his sword drawn, his usual determined expression fixed back upon his face. Everyone else looked grim.

The barks grew louder.

Watch for their razor wind, Darius said, not softly, but just loud enough that they could all hear. When they leap, they will release it. The shield will stop the first one, maybe two. The rest will land. We will take damage.

Another round of howls rose into the air, high-pitched and oddly melodic. The grass itself seemed to shiver.

Put your familiars behind you. They should charge and free you if you get knocked down.

Lion, wolf, and bear shuffled positions, standing behind Markus, Eli, and Tom, respectively. Between barks, Tom could hear excited panting.

Tom rose from his crouch, casting Wild Boar Strike upwards at an angle. It struck the leaping shark in its upper body and head, and it flipped over mid-air and smashed onto its back.

Tom stepped forward and stabbed it through the throat with his spear. Pink lightning coursed down the length of it, flowing into the creatures wound. It writhed in pain, its massive paws flailing, and Tom only managed to avoid its claws by dint of Sweet Suffering boosting his agility and reflexes. The creature managed to free its tail from where it had become trapped underneath it when it fell, whipping it around, but Sesame caught it in his powerful jaws and held it steady, even as it beat upon the bears enchanted armour. The shark gurgled as it died.

Tom looked up to see another shark launching itself at Eli, claws extended. The veteran guard held his ground, stabbing outwards and releasing a blade skill at its neck. The grass shark, in turn, released its razor wind. The flurry of green mana-blades lashed the guard, and then the grass shark hit him, bearing him to the ground.

Tom cast Hush, Agony and Misery on the next shark as it flew through the air at him. He braced his spear against the ground, and angled it at the creatures belly. With superlative reflexes, it batted the shaft aside as it rocketed towards Tom, then an instant later, it was atop him.

Claws scrabbled across his enchanted plate, but it held. Tom sent a fervent prayer of thanks to Scriber and Cub for their work. Here and there, the claws found exposed gaps between his armour and slashed him, but his regeneration from Sweet Suffering quickly closed the wounds. Without the ability to quickly disembowel him, the shark was at an impasse.

Tom stored his spear and retrieved his axe. He drew his knees up as far as he could. A moment later, Sesame barrelled into the shark, and the two beasts rose together, powerful limbs jostling for supremacy as the bear tried to force the shark backwards, and off Tom.

Tom rose into a crouch between the two. He ducked a swipe from one of the sharks middle legs, and then chopped his axe into the joint of one of its rearmost sets. As the shark buckled, the leg giving out under its weight and Sesames force, Tom rolled out from between them. As he went, he struck it again, behind its knee joint.

As Tom rolled free, he flinched. A shark was already flying through the air to pin him once more. He began to stand, to turn to bring his axe to bear, but he knew it would be too late.

A shield flared to life between them. The sharks razor wind blustered against it harmlessly, and the shark itself struck it and fell away a moment later. A cool healing light poured across Tom, and the lingering wounds hed taken finished sealing.

Behind him, Sesame roared directly into the snarling grass sharks face, and it collapsed, killed instantly from the point blank blast of shards to its head.

Tom looked for Darius, and found him crouched over Eli, one hand pressed to his chest, the other flung out towards Tom. His face was locked in a grimace.

Eli was unconscious, and looked like he was in a dire state. Deep lacerations covered most of his body. The shark that had mauled him had been pushed back by Meris wolf, and Markus and his lion. Together, they looked close to finishing it.

Four other grass sharks were amongst them. Rosa and Meri were peppering them with arrows, with Rosa pausing to ensure two of the creatures continued burning under her flames. Tanya dropped to one knee, raising the odd enchanted weapon, and sighted down its length.

There was a snapping sound, and one of two sharks that had made it past their frontline slumped to the ground. Tom couldnt see how it had died exactly. The weapon in Tanyas hand hissed, steam rising all along its length, and she stowed it and retrieved a bow.

Three remained. Darius released a shout of exertion, and all three were knocked back. Their low bodies, powerful legs, and broad paws ensured they were not flung away, but it gave everyone a seconds reprieve.

Markus and the familiars finished their shark, and Tom, Sesame, and them sandwiched the last two sharks between them. The two cornered beasts fought ferociously, aware the odds had tipped against them and that they were trapped.

They whittled them down, kept them contained, until eventually Tom knocked one fully into the other with another Wild Boar Strike. A column of white hot fire exploded from beneath the tangled pair. Their shrieks of agony quickly died, replaced by the quiet sound of cooking flesh.

Tom quickly took stock of the situation. His body felt full of lightning, still running high off of the ingested poisons, and combined with the adrenaline of the fight. Everyone was breathing heavily. Eli was still unconscious on the ground, bleeding from multiple wounds as Darius pumped Healing into him. Tanya rushed over and began working on him with her Triage as well.

Markus looked like hed taken a nasty stab wound to the meat of his thigh at some stage, and was covered in otherwise minor cuts. For that matter, now that he looked more closely at Darius, it appeared the healer had a deep wound in his side too. Rosa, Meri and Tanya were uninjured, if shaken.

Tom released a breath he didnt know hed been holding. It had been close, but theyd won. If even one more of the group had been knocked unconscious or, Goddess forbid, killed, then all of them would have died.

Close. Too close. And now they needed to get moving as quickly a-

Tom, Meri said, and the panic in her tone snapped his attention to her. He immediately looked to Eli next, thinking he had died, but Darius and Tanya appeared to have stabilised him. Tanya was working on Darius and Markus, now.

His attention cycled to his birds, and he immediately saw the issue.

Orcs. Stalking towards them through the grass.