Bloody Dawn Chapter Eight: Small Unit Tactics

Name:Siege State Author:
Bloody Dawn Chapter Eight: Small Unit Tactics

After their talk, Darius indicated he needed some time to think, and spent the rest of the afternoon in uncharacteristic silence. The rest of the party were happy to leave him to it, preoccupied as they were with watching for the ever-present, imminent threats of the Proving Grounds.

Eventually, the sun began to dip below the expansive sea of grass, casting flickering peach-coloured light across it in waves. Though they had not been attacked again since Tom had impaled the snake, they released a collective sigh of relief when Darius indicated they should make camp for the night. They were all fatigued from maintaining so much alertness and carrying so much tension all day.

Tom and Darius were the only two party members not completely exhausted. Rosa was the next best off, having spent time with the Hunters during the siege, but it could not compare to the sheer amount of time Tom had spent in the Deep, or the amount of preparation and experience Darius had with the Proving Grounds.

Accordingly, it fell to the two of them to set up wardpoles around the section of the road theyd decided to stop on. Darius picked up the theory behind their placement quickly, and soon after they had a familiar circle of comforting protection surrounding them. The enchanted poles would mask any sign of their presence, and gently steer away any beasts that strayed too close.

Usually, in the Deep, the wardpoles would be set up against some natural feature, a large tree, or a cliff, or some such. The terrain would then stop any agitated or particularly powerful beasts from stumbling upon them.

Here, in the flat, open Proving Grounds, they had no such luxury, and would have to set a watch while they slept. Still, the extra security was welcome, and should see them through the night.

After theyd set up, Darius took a small stone from a belt pouch. Tom felt him channel a trickle of mana into it, and it began to vibrate softly and slowly. He placed it on the ground in the middle of them all.

He shrugged when Meri questioned him on it. Is a ward thing, not so good as these poles, though. It is usually only enough for one person, and we each carry one, so it is as likely to do nothing for so many. But the more help the better, yes?

Noone disagreed. Theyd all been a little unnerved by their first day in the Grounds. The propensity for deadly attacks to come from any direction, at any moment, was apt to abrade nerves. Even Eli, whod been a Guard for decades, was looking a little frazzled.

They made a decent dinner, heartier than usual, as if to reward themselves for their bravery, taken from their various storage spaces. They ate in companionable silence until, at last, Darius broke it.

I have been thinking, he began, slowly.

Nice change, for once, Rosa muttered. Darius affected not to hear her.

I am thinking it would be useful to learn to be a proper healer, he said. Everyone shifted slightly in their seats, making minute movements. No one said anything, though, perhaps fearful of scaring away this new good sense like some sort of small, skittish animal.

By proper healer, I of course mean a healer that can fight, Darius continued. Now everyone went still, as if the sudden reversal of Darius train of thought was a large predator encroaching upon them, but which might yet move off without conflict.

Tom has made very good points. If I can show that I can be a tempered battle-healer, then I may still be allowed into battle. It must be a fine line that I walk, though. Too much good at healing and I will be stuck in some tent waiting for injured. Too good at fighting and they will say I am not knowing my place. It is difficult.

Tom spoke. I think youve drawn the wrong conclusions. You want to be as good at fighting and as good at healing as you possibly can be. Its not about that. What you want to work on is fitting into the role of a battle-healer.

Tom was confused. He didnt understand this fixation on this false dichotomy between healing and fighting. It was almost as if the horizoner was lumping everyone into two categories: fighter or healer.

What do you mean, exactly then? So I am clear. Darius asked, a guileless look on his face.

How do you train small units at the Monastery? Eli asked.

On the back of it Meri, leaned in. The small woman was still keeping an eye out towards the darkness beyond their small circle. Do you have specific roles? You surely must have scouts and tanks and such, as well as things like healers?

Darius still seemed to have trouble with the concept. Ah.., yes? Sort of? We are having Idealists with many different abilities, but each of us proves ourselves in our own ways, no? If someone is better at doing scouting, they do it, but I am not knowing of tanks? Such as for storing water?

Tanks are a role in small units, Tom explained. They are good at taking damage, and they attract enemy attention, so that others who are better at dealing damage can do their work.

How do they not have tanks in the Monastery? Markus whispered, half to himself.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Darius answered him anyway. Oh, yes, we have these types, who are difficult to make move and can stand tall to strong enemies. Is just another type of fighter. This is what I do not understand. Everyone is for killing. Everyone is for the Bloody Dawn.

Tom felt a flicker of understanding dawn in him. Thats why healers are treated differently, then? Their skills are mostly not combat skills. Its only those rare few that have a mix, and usually theyre weighted far more towards combat than healing.

Darius shrugged at him, as if conceding the obvious.

Right. That makes sense, Tom continued. In other places, healers, even those with no combat skills, go into combat. They protect their party, and their party protects them in turn.

Understanding finally lit in Darius eyes too, quickly followed by confusion. Ah! I see! But this is not right. Fighters are for bringing the Bloody Dawn, spreading Goddess truth through blood. Anyone who cannot protect themselves should not be making of a burden themselves. He frowned.

Tom wiggled his hand, indicating he understood where Darius was coming from. Its not like that. Even though a team with a healer has to protect them, they are still more efficient than without a healer. While the healer is with them, they can go further, push themselves more, than if they did not have healing at hand to rely on.

Darius was silent for a while, then. The others continued asking clarifying questions, but he seemingly ignored them, and they were mostly answered by Rosa.

Ideal One (Complete): Damage.

Skill One (Complete): Damage Reversal (Active).

Mana cost: Moderate.

Cooldown: Moderate.

Range: Medium.

Duration: Trivial/Short.

Any damage that the target ally takes is prevented and an equal and opposite heal is applied.

Skill Two (Complete): Damage Well (Active (Channelled)).

Mana cost: Moderate.

Cooldown: Moderate.

Range: Aura.

Caster can negate a moderate percentage of all damage taken by allies within their aura for the duration of the channel. When the channel ends, the caster knocks back all nearby enemies. Knockback strength is based on damage negated.

Skill Three (Complete): Shield Wall (Active (Channelled)).

Mana cost: Moderate.

Cooldown: Moderate.

Range: Low.

Caster can project a shield in front of themselves. Any damage the shield prevents is converted into healing, and cast behind the shield.

Skill Four (Complete): Slow and Steady (Ritual (Familiar)).

Mana cost: High.

Cooldown: High.

Requirements: Forty life essence, twenty hardness essence, ten heavy essence, ten slow essence, five earth essence, five water essence, and one speed essence. Five aspect essence.

When summoned: Familiar can make moderate damage physical attacks. Familiar has a channelled ability.

When subsumed: Caster gains high increase to toughness. Caster gains moderate increase to their endurance. Caster gains low increase to health regeneration.

Ideal Two (Classic): Healing.

Skill One (Classic): Burst Heal (Active).

Mana cost: Moderate.

Cooldown: Moderate/High.

Range: Medium.

Duration: Moderate.

Caster applies a moderate heal to the target. Moderate duration, moderate heal over time applied as well.