The emperor's heart has always been hard to guess. Just after making peace with Daqi, it happened to be the Spring Festival. It was supposed to be a good time to cultivate students and nourish their energy. However, the emperor ordered the royal family to hunt at the end of spring.

Spring is the season for all things to reproduce. Many animals that have experienced winter will be in the spring in estrus, courtship, and reproduction. In this season, hunters who live by hunting will rest for a period of time, so that animals can have enough time to reproduce and maintain the endless reproduction of nature.

It is incredible that the emperor said that he would go hunting at this time.

"What is the emperor thinking?" Shen Jingli is packing his bags. He will go for three or five days like a royal hunting expedition. As an official's family member, he is also invited.

There are three children in the family. He didn't intend to go with him, but Princess Jing sent a message to him to let him go. Princess Jing didn't explain why, but Shen Jingli felt the seriousness implied in the words, so he didn't let Mu Chen refuse.

Xun'er has been able to run and jump. He is a big boy. He can take it with him so that he can see the world. However, the two younger ones can't take it with him because he has no energy to take care of him.

Mu Chen was practicing calligraphy. When he heard what he said, he just laughed and continued to practice his calligraphy seriously. Shen Jingli frowned when he saw him like this. He looked suspicious, as if he knew everything.

Shen Jingli put the things he wanted to bring into the bag and put some toys that xun'er liked to play with.

"It's said that royal hunting is crude and goes every year. Why didn't you mention it before?"

He was not familiar with the family members of other officials in the capital city, and no one had asked him about it, so he didn't know it at all.

"I pushed it to the emperor." At the end of autumn, the royal hunting was held every year. It was a good time to perform in front of the emperor. He was on the list every year. A few years ago, he actually took part in it, but he didn't let Shen Jingli know about it or take him with him. When Shen Jingli arrived in the capital, he was not familiar with the officials and husbands in the capital. When hunting, he wanted to He accompanied Jingzheng to hunt with several princes and princes, but he had no time to take care of him. Moreover, Shen Jingli didn't like the occasion, so he didn't let him go.

He said something so important that he didn't know at all. After putting his packed bags away, Shen Jingli came to Mu Chen's side and looked at the results of his calligraphy practice. He worried: "I'll go hunting with you. What about twins? You can't take it with you. "

"Send it to my grandparents' home and let them take care of them." In fact, there was mammy Jin and several nannies waiting on him. His aunt didn't have to worry about it, but because there was no one in charge of the family, he didn't trust to give his two children to the people's care.

"Don't my aunt have to go with me?" It's rare to have a good opportunity to communicate with other officials' wives. Can't aunts seize it? It's not easy to get acquainted with the official wife in the capital, and it's not easy to get an invitation for a general party.

"It's OK. Even if my aunt goes with me, there's my grandmother." They are not looking for someone to take care of their children. They just want to have their familiar relatives look after them and take charge of the overall situation.

"All right, you and I will send the baby tomorrow." Mrs. Yang likes twins very much. If twins make trouble with her, the old man will be more happy.

At the end of the spring, the royal hunting was held by Shi Changhua, the Minister of the Ministry of official affairs, and other civil and military officials all took part in the hunting. All of them took their families with them. In addition, the large army of forbidden troops accompanied them. On the day of departure, the troop was so vast that it was almost impossible to see the end of it.

Annam hunting ground is located in the southern suburb of the capital city. One day, men ride horses and the family members ride in carriages. Shen Jingli takes xun'er to the chariot for the first time. Xun'er is very active and does not want to sit in the carriage all the time. He clamors to ride with Mu Chen. Seeing this, King Jing orders Mu Chen to take xun'er to ride with him.

With a large number of family members, they moved slowly and not too bumpy. Moreover, Mu Chen thought that xun'er should be trained, so he took him out of the carriage and let him ride with him.

Xun'er is very curious. He looks around happily. When he sees the things he is interested in, he grabs Mu Chen's clothes and asks him questions. The children's thinking is so fantastic that all the princes, princes and sons of heaven who are traveling with Mu Chen can't help crying and laughing. Many of them have become fathers, but they have never brought their children I didn't have the chance to see all kinds of children, so when I saw xun'er curious about everything and asked questions after questions, I felt that he was troublesome. I was glad that he didn't have to deal with such a troublesome bear child. On the other hand, he felt that the child was very energetic and cute than the stinky boy who was not very close to him in his family.

Xun'er had a good time, and Shen Jingli also had a good sleep. He bought a lot of land in the southern suburbs and came to inspect it occasionally. He passed the road countless times. Knowing that there was nothing to see along the way, he was not in the mood to watch. So he got into the carriage and fell asleep until he was awakened by his love.

"Is Madame hungry? You've been sleeping for a day and haven't eaten anything. The master has asked about it a dozen times. "

His wife is good at sleeping, and they are also happy, but even the young master pressed on him to play without waking up. It's too familiar to sleep. Is it too tiring to talk about this period of time?Jinyu helped him to sit up carefully. "My wife has been too tired recently. I can't stand the iron beating body. This sleep will be so sweet."

"My wife is sleeping soundly, but I don't know how much pleasure the little fox spirit outside seduces the master."

Mu Chen, who had been restored to the position of general, was a sweet cake in the eyes of the noble girls in the capital city. Especially those noble girls with lower father's position and the common women who were looking forward to making a breakthrough, they wanted to catch up with Mu Chen and marry him as his wife or concubine. After entering the door, he robbed Mu Chen's favor and forced Shen Jingli out of the court. He could be helped into the main room and become the mistress by the influence of his mother's family.

Shen Jingli is not surprised. Mu Chen has only one wife in recent years. Even if he asks the emperor for the title of a prefect, he still can't change the fact that he was born in a humble family. In the eyes of those young ladies who came from famous families and thought that he was a good person, he was not worth mentioning at all. With a little help, he would disappear obediently and never do anything before, It's just worrying about building bridges for others.

Mu Chen has made outstanding achievements in the war. Even if he was separated from the Marquis's house of Zhenyuan, he would certainly be able to make Marquises and pay homage to the prime minister in the future, and his future is limitless.

In fact, the former dynasty was closely related to the backyard. If the daughter-in-law could marry a powerful husband, it would be of great help to her official career. If the son-in-law was highly valued by the emperor, her daughter would have a higher status than the unpopular concubines. If she was smart enough, she could find out a lot of news that they didn't know about in the imperial court and give them good news To help.

In the capital, which one is not a wife and four concubines? The relationship in the backyard is complicated, which is more troublesome than the situation in the imperial court.

"Has anyone caught the Lord's attention?" Asked Shen Jingli.

He did not believe that Mu Chen would be seduced by others at will, but those who knew who were coveting him could better prepare for countermeasures.

Love pouted and said, "that's not true. The master doesn't even look at their eyes. They are spending their time dressing up in vain."

Do you think that you can attract the master's attention if you are dressed up? Those people's thinking is really superficial. If the master is such a person, how can he marry his wife Ah, I can't think so. I'll be killed by my wife.

Shen Jingli smiles, "what's the problem?"

He took the hot porridge from Jinyu, blew it cold, and ate it slowly.

"I just can't stand their flattery," she said. "I can't stand their flattery. What's the matter, young lady, making the means worse than the brothel women. Knowing that the lady's company still wants to seduce the master, it's clear that it's the persimmon picking soft pinching. It's our wife's bullying that doesn't take the lady's attention."

Shen Jingli smiles, is he easy to bully? After eating a bowl of porridge, Shen Jingli chuckled and bullied as much as he liked. He had nothing to do with him anyway. Mu 14 would not let those troubles come to him.

"Don't talk nonsense. The master is now concentrating on his wife and some young masters. He doesn't even look at those people's eyes. What are you worried about?" Jinyu bumped him with her elbow, "worrying blindly."

"What are you worrying about? You haven't seen it. Those ladies failed to recommend their daughters. They thought that the master loved Shuanger. On this trip, they brought a number of Shuanger, and each of them came to the master's eyes. I've heard before that they didn't bring Shuanger in hunting before. "

Years indignant, Jinyu reached out and flicked his forehead, "don't say, do you want to pick something?"

After years of indignation, Shen Jingli probably knew how fierce the competition was.

Other people of the same age as Mu Chen have at least one wife and two concubines. Some of them are playful. They have many concubines and many housemaids. However, although there are many wives, there are not necessarily many Mu Chen's children. After all, women in the backyard can't see other people giving birth to their husbands' children.

Seeing Mu Chen's deep affection and the letters he can bring, those noble women naturally regard him as a good object and try their best to rely on him.

Shen Jingli opened the curtain and looked out. His Shuanger was talking to Mu Chen. He also took candy to tease xun'er. He had a grandiose smile on his face, which made people unhappy.

"Did xun'er eat it?" I didn't expect to sleep that long, and I didn't know how crazy xun'er was playing. Mu Chen asked him to eat on time.

"Yes, and a lot." Love road. After simple grooming, Shen Jingli got out of the carriage. It was almost evening. The red clouds reflected the sky and the scenery was beautiful.