On the 10th of September, when the rain stopped, the Qi army sent troops to attack Yanmen pass again. Mu Chen led 400000 troops to fight against it.

Yan Chengli led the left-wing army to meet princess Jinhua, a female general of the Qi Dynasty, ten miles outside the city.

Princess Jinhua, dressed in red armor and holding a plum blossom spear in her hand, laughed arrogantly and said to Yan, "who is this princess? It turns out to be king Jing of Dayan. What is the so-called reason for the Lord's coming? "

she suddenly widened her eyes, raised her voice and made a loud noise of the Plum Blossom Spear dance in her hand.

This was a silent demonstration. Princess Jinhua, as the only female general of the Qi army, had extraordinary strength. She led the Qi army to fight with the Dayan army many times, which made the Dayan army in trouble.

Yan Chengli did not fight with the Qi army. Naturally, he did not know Princess Jinhua. However, from her dress up and the association with Mu Chen's analysis of the general of Qi, he also recognized who she was.

Princess Jinhua of Daqi hasn't met her in the battle some time ago. She should have led troops to reinforce her troops recently.

I heard that this woman is ruthless and ruthless, and she is a tough opponent.

He laughed and said, "Princess Jinhua, I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh, it's a great honor for his highness King Jing to know this princess." The Golden Flower Princess laughs, and the gold ornaments on her hair collide with each other because of her actions, making a crisp sound.

The two looked at each other, holding their weapons tightly. They did not make much movement, but they put on a full defensive posture. The sparks were everywhere they could see.

Prince Jing, who has never appeared in the battlefield, has a good momentum. Princess Jinhua clenched her gun and thought that she was almost defeated by Yan Chengli. She was angry in her heart. The weak man of Dayan Chao tried to suppress her in momentum. She didn't know what it was.

She stabbed the Plum Blossom Spear forward and said angrily, "the Yan soldiers don't know the current situation. They go deep into our land and retreat quickly to avoid being slaughtered."

Is this a backward one? Yan Chengli waved his gun and glared: "the rampant bandit army sent troops to invade Yanmen pass and massacre the people of Dayan. Now they are still fighting?"

Dong The two guns collided fiercely, and they yelled at the army behind them: "kill!"

The soldiers were in high spirits. They raised their weapons and rushed into the enemy's formation to kill the enemy bravely.

Princess Jinhua snatched the opportunity and forced Yan Chengli back step by step. The two horses crossed each other. After several rounds of fighting, Yan Chengli had a basic understanding of Princess Jinhua's gun technique. He took retreat as an advance, found the gap, and killed her back. After several rounds, Princess Jinhua's shooting became disordered. She noticed the situation of her opponent. Yan Chengli deliberately hit Yan Chengli and was wounded and defeated. The princess was proud and pursued bravely, and the soldiers behind him The shouts were loud and the attack was courageous.

However, she did not know that there was a trap in front of her. She led the army to catch up with her. Yan Chengli asked the soldiers who had been ambushed to encircle the army led by Princess Jinhua, and Princess Jinhua was stabbed in the arm by Yan Chengli.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Princess Jinhua quickly commands the army to retreat. Yan Chengli sees this and bravely catches up with her. However, she finds that Princess Jinhua has already led the army to join the main team, so she has to give up the chase and fight back the Qi army with Dayan's main array.

After fighting for a long time, the Qi army retreated decisively when they saw that they could not break through the Dayan army and attacked Yanmen pass again.

The casualties of the two sides were similar. It can be seen that the fighting situation was fierce. The army withdrew from the city. Mu Chen and Yan Chengli boarded the tower to look out.

"The reinforcements sent by the enemy are princess Jinhua, which is not the same as we expected."

He thought that Daqi would join hands with Dali and ask Dali to send troops to attack Yanmen pass and enter the capital directly.

It is true that there are more valiant generals and soldiers in Daqi, but a female general like Princess Jinhua is sent. What is the emperor's idea?

Mu Chen had no idea. He looked at the scene of corpses all over the city. His temple suddenly jumped and turned back: "send someone to count the number of rockets and stones. If the enemy comes to attack the city, the firearm attack must not be interrupted."

"The other side should come back soon." It seems that the generals of the other side have not come up with all their strength. So far, they seem to be testing them.

"Don't worry, Lord. We have plenty of food and grass. We can still cope for a year. When the reinforcements of general song arrive and send troops again, we will certainly be able to drive back the enemy."

After the Qi army retreated back to the camp, Princess Jinhua reported the battle to the marshal and vowed that she would take Yan Chengli's head in the next battle.

The battle situation on the front line was reported to the emperor of Qi at the fastest speed. The emperor heard that the war was fierce and the two armies were in a stalemate. He remembered that after last year's natural disaster, the grain harvest was poor. If the war situation continued to be so rigid, the supply of grain and grass would be in short supply.

He was troubled day and night, and consulted the military adviser, who told the day: "don't disturb the emperor. There are still 400000 troops in our army. In addition, the 100000 reinforcements brought by Princess Jinhua, a total of 500000, can still meet the needs of three months. Moreover, after several battles, our army has not been in a weak position. Instead, we are on a par with the Yan army. Please go to the front line to supervise the battle and hope the emperor's favor."

The emperor of Qi promised to send the military division to the front line and gave him gold medals and the power to lead the army.At the same time, in the capital of Dayan, the emperor ordered people to clean up the mess. General Zhao led a thousand elite soldiers to hunt down the rebel Zheng Shijun, while Zhongyi Marquis and Zhenyuan Marquis were responsible for pacifying the angry people and burying the dead soldiers and their families.

"Your Majesty, the king of recreation asks to see you." In the imperial study, the emperor was correcting memorials. After the civil strife was settled, the memorials presented by different places were more than times than usual. He corrected them diligently every day, and many of his hands were broken. These memorials were not finished, and the angry emperor almost vomited blood.

Looking at the memorial to the southwest barracks asking for military pay, the emperor was angry and threw the memorial to Li Dehai's head. Li Dehai did not dare to hide. He knelt down and flew over his head and fell behind him.

The emperor snorted, "Zheng Shijun rebelled. Hu He of the southern barracks didn't even fart. Now he has the courage to ask me for military pay. He still has the courage."

"Li Dehai, what do you mean by Hu He?"

"There is a women's tribe in the southwest. If soldiers are sent to suppress the civil strife, they may take advantage of this opportunity to enter."

Li Dehai thought of a more reliable reason, but he knew that he could not cheat the wise and powerful emperor.

Sure enough, the emperor looked at him intently and said, "let the king of recreation come in."

Li Dehai got busy and went to welcome King Kangle in. As soon as he entered, he saw the emperor holding his chin and staring at him like a prey.

"See your father." He knelt down with sweat on his forehead. On the way to support General Zhao, he was disturbed by the people sent by the second prince, which delayed his time. Later, he found that the emperor's dark guard was following him and watching him. He suspected that the emperor might have suspected him.

The emperor looked at him carefully. His eyes were like hawks and falcons. They were as deep as the sea and could not see the bottom.

"Get up."

Yan Cheng'an stood up and calmly reported to the emperor all the circumstances of the army's expedition.

"The second one sent someone to stop you?" The emperor raised his head and looked aggressively at Yan Cheng'an, as if seeing through his expression.

"Yes, those people's clothes have the tiger logo of the second brother's jade pendant. "

the emperor raised his lips and laughed, but he didn't blame Yan Chengan," I know. What else do you have to report? "

Yan Chengan shook his head, and the emperor waved him away.

As soon as he left, Li Dehai came in, "Your Majesty "

" I have nothing to do. " The emperor waved his hand, and his head hurt faintly. He had made some improper supplements in recent years, and his body was suffering from severe losses. I don't know how many years he could last.

"The emperor had better rest for a while, and then he would continue to read the memorial." Li Dehai sincerely suggested.

The emperor's health is no longer the same as before. Recently, it is always uncomfortable here, where the pain is unbearable. However, he still goes to the court every day. The audience minister reports state affairs, revises memorials after the next court, or receives envoys or ministers from various countries.

"I'm all right. Please step back." The emperor waved his hand and rubbed his temple.

Li Dehai stood for a moment and turned to go out.

In a moment, the queen.

"Your Majesty, I have heard that you are not feeling well recently. I have made a tranquilizing Soup for you. Have a drink and have a rest."

The queen asked people to put the bowl and cup on the table, filled a bowl, and walked to the emperor.

Even if the Emperor didn't want to drink the soup, he could not help but face it. He took the bowl and drank it with his breath.

After that, he waved the other people down and took the queen to sit on the Lohan bed above and lay down with her thighs on her side.

"I'm a little tired. Let me rest." In the end, she was the only one who made him feel at ease.

The queen stroked his hair. "Is the emperor worried about his highness?"

The emperor closed his eyes and didn't sleep well for several days. His eyes were swollen and uncomfortable.

Listening to the Queen's words, he remembered that many years ago, because the queen gave his beloved concubine abortion medicine, the two people had a quarrel. The queen had hysterically said to him, "you let me be tolerant, let me be generous, then why don't you let others be tolerant to our mother and son, and magnanimous to our mother and son? As the legitimate eldest son, Yongming if according to what you said, nothing to fight, there is life? In the royal family, if my son doesn't fight for anything, it's a dead end.

"You are right." Sighing in a low voice, the emperor thought that the Queen's words at that time seemed to him to be very rebellious to him. If it was not because the affairs of the empress were too big to make a lot of Ministers who were attracted by her wisdom and intelligence, he would have been a new one.

His voice was low, like a sigh. The queen did not hear him and asked, "what do you say?"

"Nothing." He shook his head and thought that he was not the crown prince. Although he was valued by his father and emperor, he did not covet the position. However, as the crown prince, his elder brother still wanted his life. It was impossible for him to be alone in the royal family.

"Well, go to sleep."In October, Zheng Guifei and Zheng Meiren were abolished and imprisoned in the cold palace. However, the second prince's mansion was sent to the border area and could not return to Beijing forever.