Early in the morning of the third day, Xu Yanlin and Mu Yifan took gifts and went to the patriarch's house.

The patriarch had just had breakfast and was sitting in the yard smoking dry tobacco. When he saw them coming, he immediately showed a smile and stood up to greet him, "Mr. Xu, what's the matter with you today?"

During this period, most of the village's strong laborers who were engaged in household work in the mines. Although the work was hard, Xu Yanlin's supervisor had a good attitude. As long as you did it seriously, you would not beat or scold. You were allowed to take a rest occasionally. The villagers made money and felt that they were treated with courtesy. They were very grateful to the patriarch who brought them this job. Recently, I saw him, There are a lot of smiling faces. The patriarch feels respected by the village eight. He is very happy. He also has a good impression on Xu Yanlin, a big customer.

"Dad, Lord Xu came here to talk to you about running Shuanger school." Mu Yifan handed over the things he had brought with him, including strips of meat, two catties of sugar, ten catties of peanut oil, and cakes.

When the patriarch heard this, he immediately broke down, tightened his eyebrows, and looked at Mu Yifan with disapproval eyes, "what kind of double school? I've never heard of such a school. "

The patriarch shook his head and winked at Mu Yifan, indicating that he would not continue with the topic.

This is why Mu Yifan came here. How can he be allowed to act like a fool? He said to him, "I know you haven't heard of it. That's why we've come to have a good talk with you. You'll know after talking about it."

Ignoring the patriarch tie Qing's expression, Mu Yifan put the things on the wooden table in the yard, and pushed the patriarch into the house. "Dad, don't refuse in a hurry. Listen to us."

"Yes, uncle Ting, it's not too late for you to listen to our ideas and then consider whether to support us in this matter."

The patriarch saw the two of them and knew that they would not give up until they finished. He invited them into the study of stone and asked Yiming's daughter-in-law to make a pot of tea.

"Dad, here comes the tea." Yiming's daughter-in-law comes with a saucer and knocks on the door of the study.

The patriarch opened the door, took over the saucer in her hand, and ordered, "take what Yi Fan brings to the kitchen. Don't take it away from the wild cat outside."

Yiming's daughter-in-law nods her head and peeks into it secretly. She takes the opportunity to ask, "Dad, what are they looking for you for?"

The patriarch's calm face and coldly swept her eyes, which made her tremble all over. She shrunk her neck and said respectfully, "Dad, I'm going to pack up my things now. I won't disturb you to talk about things."

Finish saying, quickly SA Ya Zi ran out, just like a small animal with a burning tail. The patriarch closed his eyes and shook his head. He felt that the daughter-in-law was too talkative, and he had to let his wife discipline him.

Mu Yifan was talking to Xu Yanlin. When he heard the voice outside, he asked the patriarch, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"It's OK." The patriarch came back with a saucer, flushed the cup with hot tea, and then poured a cup of tea for everyone, "say it, what do you really want to do."

As soon as the patriarch sat down, Mu Yifan handed him a house design plan and explained to him the purpose of the design.

"This is the canteen. Students come here to eat at noon. This is the place for class. It is divided into several different classrooms. Literacy and arithmetic are here, handicraft is here, painting is here, etiquette and dance are here... "

Mu Yifan explained the purpose of each area of the school to the patriarch in detail. After listening to Mu Yifan's explanation, the patriarch widened his eyes in surprise and quickly took the design drawing. The more he looked at it, he felt more and more incredible. Even the best college in jinlingcheng was not as well planned as this school. It not only taught piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also taught etiquette, etiquette and crafts. These are the knowledge that Shuanger and girls need to learn.

The patriarch was so excited that he wanted to ask them how they planned to implement it. However, he felt that he was too eager to let them go. He tried to suppress the excitement in his heart and pretended to be calm and said, "it's good to listen, but it's not easy to implement it, especially how to say that people in monthly wealth can accept it."

"Dad, we run Shuanger women's school. Shuanger and the girl are taught separately. What's more, they learn music, chess, calligraphy and painting, etiquette and rules. It's not against the contents of" women's precepts "and" men's commandments ", which is not against the etiquette

Mu Yifan said that ethics and other things are actually forbidding women to show their faces. But the children in the village have to help their families work in the field every day. How can they not show their heads and show their faces?

"Dad, don't you want a girl to be knowledgeable, talented and beautiful, and marry a good family in the future?"

Niu'er is mu Yiming's daughter. She is ten years old and is a very diligent girl. The patriarch's face was a little loose. Of course, he hoped that his granddaughter would know the book and marry a good family in the future.

"What are you doing? "Yiming's daughter-in-law, who is lying in front of the study door and eavesdropping, is so scared that she flies out of the sky. She covers her mouth with one hand and pats her chest with the other. Her chest rises and falls because of her rapid breathing.

The patriarch's wife looked at her daughter-in-law's guilty appearance, and then looked at the closed door of the study. She frowned displeasantly. The daughter-in-law was too unruly. Her father-in-law was talking about things. She even dared to lie down at the door and eavesdrop."You come out." The patriarch's wife thinks it is necessary to educate this unruly daughter-in-law.

Yiming's daughter-in-law recovered for a long time. Seeing the angry face of the clan leader's wife, she felt guilty. She quickly put on a flattering smile, and took the elder's wife's hand and squeezed her arm for her.

"Niang, don't you want to know what the third uncle and Lord Xu came to discuss with dad?" His wife sits down again and serves her.

"What else can it be? It's about your brother-in-law running a school. " The patriarch's wife snorted angrily, "I knew he was restless and would only disgrace our family all day long. These days, you also heard what people in the village said about our family? Well, I'm really pissed off. "

The patriarch's wife reached out and patted the table. Yiming's daughter-in-law quickly handed the tea to her, "Niang, drink some tea first." The patriarch's wife took the tea and drank it. Yiming's daughter-in-law continued: "Niang, actually, I don't think it's bad to set up a double children's school in the village..."

"What do you say?" The patriarch's husband said in a loud voice. The teacup in his hand fell from his hand and cracked with a crack. The tea that had not been drunk inside was splashed everywhere.

"Shuang'er and the girl should learn three obedience and four virtues at home, help their husband and teach their children, and go out to learn some four books and five classics. Do you want to go to the first place in the exam just like the performance in the opera?"

The most important thing for a woman to learn from her husband is to learn from her husband.

"That's what the restless Shuanger and the girl do. You've got a muddle in your head, and you think it's good?"

Yiming's daughter-in-law saw her angry, so she quickly reached out and patted her back, and said, "mother, don't be angry. I don't mean to let the village's twin sons and girls learn the four books and five classics and take the examination of the number one scholar, but let them learn to read and count and learn some etiquette and rules. When they get married, they can be better housekeepers and not be bothered by their mother-in-law's family."

Hearing this, the patriarch's wife was more angry. Seeing that her face was better, Yiming's daughter-in-law continued to say: "I heard that in addition to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, my brother-in-law is going to teach etiquette and rules, female craftsmanship, embroidery, cooking, and handicraft You can learn these skills at will. "

"What's more, we do ethnology. All the people who go to school are members of our family, and they don't interfere with people in other villages. What can they do to us if they gossip at most?"

Yiming's daughter-in-law beat her back for the patriarch's wife. Thinking that she was already a child's son, she went on to say, "Niang, look at the stone in our family. It's thirteen years old, and we can get married in two years. Don't you want to find him a daughter-in-law who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable?"

"My grandson is going to be an official in the future. Of course, I have to choose a daughter-in-law who has a good family background and is knowledgeable and polite." On hearing the eldest grandson, the patriarch's wife was a little excited.

"So, my brother-in-law running this school is good for everyone." Yiming's daughter-in-law takes a cup of tea again and pours a cup of water for the clan leader's wife. Then she turns to get the broom and cleans up the tea cup fragments on the ground.

The patriarch's wife thinks about it carefully. It seems that it is quite reasonable. No, the door of the study was opened, and the patriarch sent Xu Yanlin and Mu Yifan out of the room. The excited look on his face was hard to hide. "I'll tell the clan elders tomorrow."

"Thank you Xu Yanlin sincerely bows to him.

"Where and where, Mr. Xu is far sighted, and Mu is ashamed." Said the elder guest. With a polite smile on his face, Xu Yanlin said goodbye to the patriarch and left with Mu Yifan.

Looking at the man left, the patriarch's wife came over, "what's going on?"

"Zian's daughter-in-law wants to buy ten acres of land in the village to support the construction of a school for two children." The patriarch said, "after all, it's the people from the capital who are looking forward to us."

The patriarch's wife looked at him and remembered what he had just said to his eldest daughter-in-law, nodded slightly, and did not speak. I was anxious to know the result of the event. I couldn't stay in the house. From time to time, I ran to the door to see if they were back.

"What did you say they discussed? Why don't you come back? " Qingsheng craned his neck to look out and asked Nianhua absentmindedly.

"Don't worry about it. After the discussion, they will come back." Love road.

"Ah, back, back..." When he saw someone on his birthday, he got up and ran out in a hurry. He scared the young man who was picking vegetables. He said in a hurry, "be careful, don't run..."

Before Mu Yifan entered the door, he saw the birthday party running over. He was also scared. He quickly reached out and hugged him, and said anxiously, "what are you running about? What should I do if Wan falls down? "

Qingsheng was anxious to know how to run the school. He didn't pay any attention to his words. Instead, he asked eagerly, "how about it? Did dad agree? "