Shen Jingli was peeling an egg to eat. When he saw them coming, he asked mammy Jin to move some stools for them to sit on.

Before Mrs. Chen sat down, she couldn't help complaining, "that Feng Chi is really too much. He not only wants to rob the tofu recipe, but also forbids us to make tofu. It's shameless and shameless."

"They don't have a good thing in fengjiacun. If they don't have the consent of the clan elders, Feng lame dare to come here? It's just bullying us. It's a small village with a small population and no shame. " Aunt Li poohed and poured a cup of tea.

Shen Jingli didn't answer. He poured tea for them with a smile and told Li Qi to bring up the prepared food.

It was the pickles and tofu milk that he had made before, as well as the French fries and sweet potatoes just fried by mammy Jin. In order to match the pickles and sufu, he also served a small bowl of porridge.

"Uncle Li, these two are the side dishes I made a few days ago, and the other two are snacks that I just came up with recently. Please try them."

They all knew that Shen Jingli was friendly to others, but he was not polite to him. They picked up chopsticks and ate a few mouthfuls of pickled vegetables, which were sour and crisp. With porridge, they enjoyed themselves very much.

"Xiaoshen, this pickle is easy to make, isn't it?"

Hearing Aunt Li's question, Shen Jingli knew that pickles were right for her taste, and nodded with a smile, "it's not difficult, and there are many kinds of pickles that many people will like."

Aunt Li's smiling eyes narrowed as soon as she heard it. She knew that Shen Jingli certainly didn't say so for no reason, especially the most important sentence. Wouldn't she lead them to think elsewhere?

"This Sufu is also a good thing. It smells good and tastes better." Sister Chen added with a smile, and she knew that Xiao Shen was a clever man who dared to do and think. He was much better than the mud legs they dug in the ground every day.

"If my sister-in-law likes it, she will take some home to eat." It's just a few pieces of fermented bean curd and some pickles. Shen Jingli doesn't care. He thinks about business.

This pickle and fermented bean curd are not difficult to make. The raw materials are easy to obtain. The value lies in the unique taste. It is estimated that some people would like to sell them.

"We've made pickles before, but how come they're not as good as you do?" Aunt Li said with a smile that she was very satisfied with Shen Jingli. The child was a good one. She thought about the villagers in everything, but There is a trace of cruelty in her eyes. There are those who are not progressive and who are not good at it.

Li Qi holding a bowl, angrily came in from the outside, how can't cover up the anger on his face.

What a simple child, Shen Jingli laughed and poured him a cup of tea. "Is someone bullying you?"

After eating too many French fries and his throat was very dry, Li Qi poured a cup of tea and said in a loud voice: "madam, those people are really shameless. When they come to work in our house and earn money, they will smile and please others. In a twinkling of an eye, they will sell everything in our family to others. They are shameless and shameless."

In other words, I don't even know how to scold them.

"Let them go." Shen Jingli doesn't care. He has long understood that if you don't treat people wholeheartedly, others will treat you wholeheartedly. Maybe because you are too sincere, others think you are a virgin bitch.

The most complicated thing in the world is the people's heart. Sometimes, if you don't do anything, others will be hard on you.

"Madam, those people are white eyed wolves. You and the master help them so much, they..." Li Qi is really worthless for Shen Jingli. His wife is such a good person. He doesn't make rules for him and his mother, and allows him to go out to play when he is finished. As long as he doesn't violate his wife's bottom line, he won't be punished. He is a rare good host.