After signing the contract with Yunhai restaurant, Shen Jingli went to see sister-in-law Chen to talk about cooperation the next day. Mrs. Chen went to collect soybeans with the villagers, and then they worked together to make tofu. Shen Jingli originally wanted to divide it into 50% and 50%, but she refused. He couldn't resist her and had to agree.

Chen Jian and Mu Jin were completely responsible for clam fishing and Auricularia picking, and the selling money was also allowed to be collected by themselves. Mu Jin had her own private money for the first time. She was happy for several days and worked faster than cattle.

It was still cool in the early morning of April. Shen Jingli rubbed his hands with some cold water and covered the last jar with a happy sigh of relief.

After cooperating with sister-in-law Chen, his workload has been reduced by more than half. Xu feels that he has taken advantage of him. Sister Chen has done almost all the heavy work and only allowed him to do some simple work. He has no way to simply ignore her and turn to other things.

So he began to make tofu milk and pickle. He made a jar of bean curd milk and three jars of pickles. Just now he sealed the last jar of pickles.

He moved the jar to the bottom of the cupboard and put it away. Shen Jingli straightened up, pressing his waist. He said that he was really sorry for the child in his stomach. Doctor Mingming told him to have a good rest, but he was still so busy every day.

Taking an egg cake from the pot, Shen Jingli goes into the main room while eating. After breakfast, Mu Jin goes out to play with Chen Jian. Mu Chen is getting better recently and starts to copy books.

Shen Jingli sat down in the Luohan bed in the main room. He watched Mu Chen sitting on the lame stool and copying books without moving. His face moved a little. He thought in his mind, should we buy some furniture quickly?

He wanted to drag some wood back and make it by himself, but when he thought about his present body, he gave up the idea. He could suffer, but not his children.

However, it is strange that he was backward in ancient times. He also had sweet potato, potato and corn, which were introduced from foreign countries. He was advanced. Besides papermaking, the four great inventions could not be found except papermaking.

Looking at Mu Chen's copy of the Analects of Confucius in block letters, Shen Jingli felt numb. He had practiced calligraphy before and tried to copy his works. Usually, he had to write articles with hundreds of words for one day.

"If only there were photocopiers." Can't help feeling, Shen Jingli ate the last bite of egg cake, lying on the Luohan bed, full of sleepy, that is his state.

"What Gospel chicken?" Hearing his words, Mu Chen asked back, "is this chicken delicious?"

What Shen Jingli can think about is a kind of delicious food.

Eat? It seems that he suddenly thinks of something. Shen Jingli hugs his stomach and laughs. It's really humorous, master mu.

"It's not for eating, it's a machine..." Shen Jingli suddenly came back and covered his mouth. He was just the son of a small merchant. How could he know so many things? If Mu Chen's suspicions are aroused, it will be over.

Shen Jingli laughed, "I mean if these books can be printed, you don't have to copy so hard."

"Printing?" In the Dayan Dynasty, printing had not been invented. Books were basically copied by hand, which required a lot of work and time and effort. Therefore, books were very expensive, and most people could not afford them. Mu Chen was very concerned about this and became curious when he heard Shen Jingli's ideas.

"What does printing mean?"

At that time, Shen Jingli got excited. When printing was mentioned in history class, he went to look for a lot of materials about movable type printing. He also read the agricultural book left by Wang Zhen. At that time, he was young and frivolous, and even wanted to make a wheel typesetting plate by himself. However, he had no perseverance. After playing for two or three days, he gave up But I remember it firmly.

He first explained Bi Sheng's movable type printing. Seeing that Mu Chen's expression was calm at first and then shocked, he was very happy. He knew that my master was powerful. My mind was the crystallization of 5000 years of Chinese civilization. How could the ancients bear it.

After talking about Bi Sheng, he also talked about Wang Zhen's wood movable type printing, focusing on the wheel typesetting plate and the method of selecting characters according to rhyme.

Shen Jingli said that he was very proud, but mu Chen was suspicious. How could he, the son of a small merchant, know so much? This movable type printing is not a matter of making a few dishes, but a great invention for the benefit of generations to come. He is so young that he has no insight and experience, so he can say it at will?

Shen Jingli, who used to have a lot of fun, yelled when he saw Mu Chen's downcast face. He was too eager to show off what he knew. As a result, he forgot that the original owner was illiterate.

Carefully observing Mu Chen's expression, Shen Jingli is about to cry. Why is he so stupid? It's so simple to be caught by someone else. Mu 14 won't make trouble for him?

Mu Chen really wanted to make trouble with him, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not right. He restrained his mood and nodded his head and said, "it's really a good way. When I'm better, I'll do it."

No matter who Shen Jingli is and what his purpose is, movable type printing is a powerful invention. If it can be successfully experimented, it will benefit thousands of students. Many poor students who have abandoned their studies because of family poverty can also benefit. It is beneficial to the country and the people."Have you ever told anyone about that?"

"No He is not stupid. The more he says, the easier he is to be found out. If he is caught as a monster and burned to death, he will not cry.

"Then don't say it." Mu Chen turned and continued to copy.

Shen Jingli couldn't figure out what Mu Chen meant. Seeing his appearance, he was obviously suspicious. Why didn't he question him? It made him feel uneasy.

Living in the same room with Mu Shishi, Shen Jingli feels depressed and goes out for a walk. He happens to meet sister-in-law Chen coming back from selling tofu.

"Xiao Shen, my sister-in-law is looking for you." Mrs. Chen has been a happy person recently. She has eaten well recently. She has grown a little meat on her face and looks much better. She smiles like a flower.

"What good things have happened to my sister-in-law?" Shen Jingli opened the wooden door and let sister-in-law Chen come in.

Mrs. Chen is carrying the burden of tofu, smiling mysteriously and deliberately playing tricks.

When Shen Jingli saw her like this, she couldn't help laughing. "Did you find money on the way? Or is he going to marry his wife

"What nonsense?" Chen's sister-in-law glared at him angrily. She took out a small cloth bag from the bottom of the bean curd burden. "What good things did you get from sister-in-law?"

Shen Jingli was really curious, so he went over and took a look. He found that there were two boxes of rouge inside, and there was a big embarrassing word on his face.

Sister in law Chen did not find his embarrassment, and said excitedly, "this rouge is specially designed for Shuanger, which is relatively simple and can be used by pregnant people."

Shen Jingli felt even more embarrassed. Although he had become a couple, in his heart, he was still a big man, and a man used rouge. It was really embarrassing.

He thinks it's okay for men to be beautiful. After all, everyone has a love for beauty. In modern times, he will also buy facial cleansers and skin care products, but rouge, he has never thought about it.

"Sister in law, I don't need this." The ancient make-up technique was not so superb as the modern one. He often saw some girls and twins whose faces were similar to monkey's buttocks in the town, which was almost blind.

Sister in law Chen was not satisfied with it. With her money, how could she not buy some rouge powder and dress up herself? You know, man is the most playful, like beautiful girl and Shuanger. If you don't dress up well, don't you give the fox spirit outside a hole?

"Xiao Shen, this sister-in-law has to give you some advice. You are a pair of children, but you are not very outspoken. If you don't dress up and go on working like this, you will become a yellow faced woman. At that time, you will make money for the family. Those fox spirits outside will not take advantage of the space to collude with you to be the head of the family."

Shen Jingli was stunned when he heard sister-in-law Chen's words. He really didn't expect that sister-in-law Chen had such avant-garde ideas. This ancient woman should not be underestimated. He has learned a lot about how to win her husband's heart.

Sister in law Chen did not care whether Shen Jingli had listened or not. She put the two boxes of rouge into Shen Jingli's hand. "If you use it occasionally, it won't affect your body."

It's not the problem, it's that he doesn't want to paint like others. Shen Jingli opened his mouth and finally held back his words. He knew that sister-in-law Chen. As long as it was something she thought was right, he would keep nagging until you listened to her, or he would never give up.

Anyway, it's not necessary to use a rouge, and it's not in the way. It can also avoid the nagging of sister-in-law Chen. There's nothing wrong with it.

Seeing that Shen Jingli had collected rouge, sister-in-law Chen stopped nagging him. She was elated and took out a sparerib from the basket. She knew that sister-in-law Chen had bought him some meat and fish to eat. However, she brought him food every day. Shen Jingli was really angry and happy.

Then, sister-in-law Chen told Shen Jingli about her purchase of tofu. She said that a plate of Mapo Tofu in Yunhai restaurant could be sold for one or two silver coins, and a plate of tofu and crucian carp soup could be sold for three or two silver coins. She sold tofu in the market for 10 Wen a yuan, and many people bought it.

"Xiao Shen, my sister-in-law is not going to sell tofu these two days. I always feel that someone is secretly staring at me." When I think of selling tofu in the morning, I always feel that someone is staring at her in the dark from time to time. Sister Chen gets goose bumps all over.

Many restaurants in the town are secretly jealous of Yunhai restaurant, and many business people take a fancy to her tofu. She thinks that if she does this, she will certainly cause trouble. She simply says hello to Shen Jingli, and then she will only send goods to Yunhai restaurant, so as to make a little less money, so there is no need to be afraid.

Huaibi is guilty. Shen Jingli knew that things were not going well when he first went to town to sell tofu. He didn't think about it. Later, he was a bit alert. He went to Yunhai restaurant to buy his tofu recipe. It can be seen that he is just a shopkeeper. He can't be the owner. He can't mention it directly. He's afraid I was taken advantage of.

"Sister in law, I know." This tofu recipe still needs to be sold as soon as possible, otherwise, it will cause great trouble.