Chapter 527. Whereto

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 527. Whereto

Governor Margaret of the Isle of Whereto opened her eyes slowly from her slumber. She stared blankly at the electric light on the ceiling for a good while.

Soon, her maids walked into the room and assisted her. Upon settling into her seat before the vanity table, Margaret dressed up and started applying her makeup with the help of the maids.

The luxurious Governor's Mansion of the Isle of Whereto was eerily quiet and desolate. The windows were sealed shut, so there was virtually zero ventilation, which brought upon a faint musty smell in the air.

The "death light" had claimed the lives of many of the Governor's Mansion staffers, but Margaret had no intention of hiring staffers to replace them. After all, she was the only surviving member of the entire Cavendish Family; there was no need to hire so many people just to take care of her.

Margaret gazed at herself in the mirror and took in her haggard appearance for a while. Eventually, a soft voice echoed from behind her. The voice had come from her assistant.

"Esteemed Governor, we've just received a telegram from Governor Charles of Hope Island; he said that the light is fading gradually. Do you wish to respond to him?"

Margaret shook her head and replied, "No need to respond. I noticed it as well. He's not the only one with eyes, after all. Anything else?"

"A representative from the Explorers Association is waiting outside for you. He has been waiting for half an hour now."

"The Explorers Association? I thought their surviving staffers had retreated to their headquarters? How come they've returned?"

"They've just returned to the island today. Apparently, the Explorers Association has issued a new regulation on governors, and they've come here to tell you about it."

"A new regulation? The Explorers Association has issued a new regulation and wants to enforce it on us? What rights do they have to do that?" Margaret turned to look at her assistant next to her.

The woman looked down; she dared not meet Margaret's gaze, as the intangible pressure Margaret was exuding bored down on her entire being. "My apologies, Governor, but I'm not aware of the details. That's the extent of my knowledge."

"Bring him in, then. I'm curious as to what regulation they're trying to impose."

Soon, an aged voice echoed behind her. "Governor, the President of the Explorers Association has issued a new regulation for every governor. It is all for the sake of mankind's survival beneath the 'death light.'"

"Oh? And what regulation has your president announced?"

The envoy, whose hair was half black and half white, pulled out some papers from his leather bag. He adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses before reading the texts on the paper out loud.

"Greetings, Esteemed Governors. My name is Jax, and I am the President of the Explorers Association. For the sake of protecting our common interests, I hereby notify you that for the next five years, any form of war or plunder between islands in the Subterranean Sea is strictly prohibited.

"However, that's just the beginning; the best part is what's going to come next. We'll find a way to kill him once you two are married. Once he's dead, Hope Island is going to be ours—Tsk, not ours! That island was supposed to be mine!" 134 roared, and her gaze revealed extreme hatred. After all, Charles was the reason she had to live under someone else's roof even now.

Throughout the entire Subterranean Sea, 134 hated Charles the most if the Fhtagn Covenant weren't included in the count.

Margaret stood up abruptly, and she looked annoyed as she said, "A childish plan like playing house won't work against Charles. Besides, he already has a child. A political marriage is impossible."

134 glared at Margaret's retreating figure and roared, "You come up with a plan, then! What can you accomplish with your navy that has dwindled to just over two thousand men? If it hadn't been for the fact that the majority of my people have perished, I would have seized this wretched island of yours long ago!"

Margaret ignored 134 and entered her office to handle the island's affairs. The Isle of Whereto was currently in dire straits, and she had many things to do as its governor.

Margaret looked down at the document in her hand. It contained a proposal to recruit islanders from other islands to help in Whereto's construction efforts.

Just as she was reading the document, the glass of water on her desk churned and emitted a fishy stench.

"Long time no see, Margaret. We didn't obtain the best result against the Divine Light Order, but we work pretty well together."

Margaret put down the document in her hand and replied, "Don't come looking for me anymore. The Divine Light Order is gone, so our cooperation has ended as well. I don't want to get too involved with you people."

"Oh? Really? Are you not tempted to become the overlord of the Northern Seas?"

Margaret instantly deduced why they had decided to seek her out.

"You want me to deal with Charles?"

"Of course, who else? You know, we can work together and take care of him.

"Hope Island is too far from us, and it's not exactly appealing, so as long as you help us get rid of Charles, his prosperous island will become yours. By then, you will be the Queen of the Northern Seas!"

Margaret cast a cold gaze upon the pair of eyes in the glass of water. "You've probably said that to quite a few people, haven't you? Have you not heard of the new regulation that the Explorers Association has issued? Don't you think it's suicide to make a move at this point?"

"You can take your time, just like last time. We also understand that it can't be rushed. Everyone needs time to recuperate as well. Anyway, you still haven't answered me. Are you willing to work with us or not?"

Margaret stared calmly at the eyes in the glass of water for a long time. Finally, a resolute light flashed in her eyes.

"Count me in," Margaret replied.