Chapter 453: Found

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 453: Found

The journey stretched way longer than Charles' anticipation. After fifteen days, they still hadn't located the island that housed the key.

The island didn't move in a straight line; it would occasionally take twists and turns and even draw loops under the water's surface. Not much distance was covered but a great deal of time was invested on Charles' end.

Nonetheless, the Narwhale had to continue her advance. They had already expended so much effort and time. Giving up was not an option.

However, a new problem soon surfaced when First Mate Bandages placed a piece of document before Charles. It was a chart indicating that they were running low on supplies.

Before the voyage, Charles had already made the preparations and stored extra food and fresh water for emergencies. However, even he wouldn't have anticipated a moving island.

"We must conserve our supplies for the return journey" Bandages reminded Charles.

"I know, I know. Let me think." Charles held up the chart in one hand and scratched his head with the other as he walked toward the Captain's Quarters.

Of course, they could return now and devise another strategy before coming over again, but then they would have to waste a few more months in between.

Brows furrowed, Charles locked himself in his quarters, letting the cogs in his head run for a solution. After several hours, he actually managed to come up with one.

"Look. We are moving south at thirty nautical miles per hour. If we take half of our return supplies to continue exploring, we can last another 23 days if we ration them carefully," Charles proposed.

"But with half the supplies we won't make it back Unless we kill half the people on board," Bandages replied from across Charles' desk.

"Wait, I'm not done. Look over here," Charles said as he tapped a spot on the nautical chartit was a charted island.

"Half of the return supplies won't get us back to Hope Island, but it would be sufficient for us to reach this previously charted island with the Ropelings. The colorful trees there can serve as fuel, while the forest mushrooms and insects can be gathered as food.

"If Salin, the child Linda adopted, managed to survive on the island until twenty-five, it is evident that there is ample food there. We can head there for a restock of supplies."

As Charles spoke, he began to plot a new return course on the nautical chart.

Bandages had no comments on Charles' proposition. He merely nodded and stood up to leave.

Previously at a standstill while Charles pondered over their next move, the Narwhale finally resumed her journey. The crew started dipping into their return supplies, but there wasn't enough for everyone to eat their fill. They could only satisfy their hunger by about eighty percent.

Bandages gripped the wheel tighter. "I don't know how to explain It's better this way"

Charles agreed with a nod. "Alright. I'll say that you made huge contributions on this mission and reward you with a house in the island's heart."

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it. We've been through so much together," Charles replied with a smile and turned his gaze back onto the nautical chart.

But after a brief moment, he turned back toward Bandages once more. "By the way, since it's just the two of us here, there's something I need to discuss with you. If I really get to return to the surface, I hope that you can take over my place as the Governor of Hope Island."

Bandages' eyes widened in surprise. He understood the weight of Charles' words and their implied meaning.

"You plan on never coming back?"

Charles hesitated for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle. "Not necessarily. If I get tired of the world up there, I'll come down to check on you guys. But if I leave, someone needs to fill that position in my absence. You had served in that position for three years; you'd be the perfect fit."

Bandages remained silent, but years of understanding allowed Charles to know that the former had agreed.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it We've been through so much together"

Hearing Bandages echo his earlier words, Charles couldn't help but laugh softly.

Time ticked by as Charles awaited Dipp's return. But soon, he grew concerned that Dipp had been gone for a tad too long.

Under typical circumstances, Dipp would return within three minutes, but now it had already passed five.

"Damn it. I hope nothing's happened," Charles cursed under his breath as he stepped out of the bridge and peered into the pitch-black waters.

Just as he was about to give the order for the Narwhale to dive, he spotted his boatswain's fish head emerging from the waters.

Dipp's face was painted with excitement as he shouted, "Captain! The island! We've found it! It's right below us, and it's still moving!"