Chapter 399: Central Hub

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 399: Central Hub

In the Relic Research Institute of Hope Island, Charles was surrounded by a cohort as he was led through the highly secure facility.

The group included Minister of Administration Leonardo, Police Chief James, and several head researchers in the institute.

James had handpicked these leaders from the ranks of the police and the navy. The main criteria hadn't been their capabilities but rather their loyalty.

Under their guidance, Charles was brought into a massive room where tables were strategically spaced apart. On each table, a different item was displayed and encased within thick glass barriers. Charles immediately recognized these as the incredible products Leonardo had mentioned earlier.

Leonardo highlighted a particular material, saying, "This substance was extracted from soil by Ascendant No. 9. Yield is low, but it has many uses. It is lighter than iron and steel yet surpasses both in hardness and exhibits superior resistance to corrosion. The Type-3 Steel I mentioned earlier is a metal alloy made from this substance."

Leonardo then presented a gleaming silver metal block to Charles and added, "Moreover, after grinding this metal to fine powder, it serves as an exceptional fuel source. It's quite remarkable!"

As Charles examined the metal block in his hand, he rifled through his memory as he tried to match it with elements from the periodic table he had long forgotten.New novel chapters are published on

Extracted from soil, lighter than iron, higher resistance to corrosion, usable as fuel in power formThat sounds like titanium. I remember that titanium powder is flammable. But my chemistry knowledge is limited; I could be wrong.

The unique metal properties of the block in Charles' hand made it difficult for him to ascertain whether this metal was exclusive to the seascape or existed in the surface world as well.

"Let's not limit this substance to weaponry. Experiment with it and explore its potential across various sectors and see how it could be applied."

Being from modern times, Charles clearly recognized the significance of discovering a new metal element.

Charles looked up and surveyed the assortment of items on display. They ranged from solid and liquid forms to even living specimens. For example, there was a dog with two brains stitched together.

As Leonardo explained each item one after another, Charles' excitement grew. These innovations signaled the dawn of new technologies and inventions poised for swift integration into industrial processes, promising a substantial uplift in Hope Island's economic strength as well as military capabilities.

"If the Ascendant can place something in, then surely removing it shouldn't be of much difficulty. Consider the implications for complicated pregnancies; the fetus could be safely extracted without endangering the mother. If this can be done, we might be able to eradicate maternal mortality on Hope Island due to childbirth complications.

"Similarly, when it comes to various internal blockages and foreign bodies that typically necessitate surgical intervention, the Ascendant could simply extract them directly."

The eyes of the middle-aged man standing next to Charles lit up in enlightenment as he eagerly nodded. "Governor, you have such great insight. I truly am not as smart as you to have overlooked such potential applications."

A trace of annoyance flashed across Charles' eyes before he shifted his attention to the other innovations.

The man was clearly caught off guard by Charles' reaction and stood frozen in the spot. Leonardo nudged him and advised, "Go straight to the point. Don't do mere flattery. Our Governor prefers substance over empty praise."

Leveraging his contemporary insights, Charles studied the detailed profiles of the various Ascendants. He felt like he had finally gained his "golden finger" after crossing over to this world. However, he was still apprehensive over the potential consequences of utilizing these individuals.

"Would these Ascendants obediently comply with our orders?" Charles asked as he eyed the displayed items.

"That's not possible. In the first place, they're all convicts on death row, sentenced for their major crimes. However, our prison guards will keep them in check. It is a concession on our part that they are still alive to this day," James clarified from the side.

"Devise a system to manage them effectively without causing too much backlash. They're tools for our use, but even tools require careful handling and maintenance," Charles instructed.

Leonardo nodded in agreement. "Indeed. But Governor, regardless of our stance toward these convicts, there's no doubt that the Relic Research Institute is critical to our island's future."

Charles concurred with the sentiment with a nod. "I know. This facility will be the central hub for technological advancement on Hope Island. I will get Bandages and Feuerbach to send more of our Navy soldiers over to safeguard the area."

Just as they were discussing the details, an unexpected news interrupted them.

"Governor! A few animated ships from Elizarles Shores had just docked!"