Chapter 309. Truth

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:

Chapter 309. Truth

As Charles scanned through the written text on the paper, a buzzing filled his head. He wasn't sure if it stemmed from his temple wounds or from the astonishment of the mind-blowing revelations.

The Foundation had succeeded. They had actually succeeded in harnessing the power of the Divinities. Thê ïñčëptïøn øf thïš çøntënt çån bë tråçëd tø n0v€1b¡n★

Yet, Charles immediately felt a sense of amiss. If the Foundation had truly captured the Divinities' power, why had they vanished?

With the thought in mind, Charles continued on to the next page. However, he didn't find another experiment log but rather a monologue from Aaron.

"Yes, you read that correctly. Dr. K9 did indeed capture a fragment of Entity 003's power. He's a pioneer scientist, a visionary of humanity.

Shortly after Dr. K9 achieved success in his groundbreaking experiment, various research institutions began analyzing this "Divine Blood." I don't know much about the details, but I've heard from my fellow colleagues that despite the groundbreaking creations from these studies, there had also been numerous deaths and frequent loss of control in the process.

After that, I don't know what the GK Council members were thinking. But not long after that incident, they actually approved Dr. K9's proposal to carry out a high-risk experiment with the Divine Blood.

The entire study was moving too fast. I wasn't the only one with such an opinion. Even my colleagues feel the same. We couldn't understand the rationale behind it. Eventually, my premonition was right. The experiment failed and brought about unthinkable consequences."

Experiment Title: K392

Location: Main Island of the Foundation

Involved Personnel: Entire GK Council, Commander of the Foundation's Task Force

Test Materials: Divine Blood, Project 134, Project 099, Project 791, Project 6478

Risk Assessment: Highest risk category. All personnel within the Foundation are required to maintain Level 1 Alert status. Activation of all contingency plans and Dr. O5 to be on standby near Project 010; in case of a Level 3 or higher global anomaly, initiate Project 010 immediately.

Experimental Protocol: Instruct Project 134, Project 099, Project 791, and Project 6478 to put on a collaborative performance, "Song of Creation," to catalyze Divine Blood.

Click! Clack!

319 whirred to life once again to spit out another sheet of paper.

I like Mr. Charles. I don't want him to be sad. Would he feel better if I nuzzled him?

Staring into Lily's watery, big eyes, Charles let out a light chuckle. Gentle, he stroked her furry back.

"I'm alright. A little setback like this can't break me. Since there are no clues here, we'll just keep searching until I can't move anymore."

"Yeap! Mr. Charles, I'll accompany you till the end!" Lily exclaimed as she rubbed her face contently against his hand.

The tense atmosphere in the room gradually dissipated. Charles lay down on this hospital bed and listened to the faint sound of waves outside, trying to find solace in this moment of peace.

The setback he went through at Newbound City had hardened his resilience tremendously. There was no way he would succumb to despair so easily now. Moreover, this expedition hadn't been entirely fruitless.

He pinched Lily's long tail playfully and instructed, "Go fetch Audric. Remind him to bring over those papers I had him picked up from the floor. They're important."

"Got it!" Lily scampered toward the door, but before she could get out, it was suddenly kicked open. A group of crew members burst in, nearly stepping on her.

They were carrying First Mate Bandages and placed him down on the nearby surgery table. Gloomy expressions painted their faces.

"What happened?" Charles asked as he leaned forward.

Bandages seemed to be in terrible condition. He was convulsing, and he erupted into frequent violent coughing fits.

"We don't know. The First Mate had been looking at the sea charts when he suddenly collapsed in this manner. Seems like he's fallen ill," Feuerbach explained to Charles.

Linda took out a syringe and drew liquid from a bottle. Just as she was going to inject it into Bandages, the latter seized the needle.

He shook his head in protest.

"Cough cough!! It's no use... Cough, cough, cough! Because of the... sacrifice... earlier...Cough, cough, cough! I've been... cursed."